Shrewsbury High School
Student Handbook
Updated for July 2024
Shrewsbury Public Schools Mission & Core Values
Table of Contents
- Access to School Building
- Bell Schedule
- Bus Ridership
- Care of School Property
- Communications
- Contacting the School
- Emergency Procedures
- Late Bus
- Lockers
- Lost and Found
- Organization
- Parent Participation
- Parking
- Staff Contacts
- School Cancellations
- Student Concerns
- Student Property
- Teacher Training Site
- Textbooks/Media & IPads
- Visitors
- Work Permits
Access to School Building
The school building will be open for students on scheduled school days starting at 7:15am. The first bell will ring at 7:50am to alert students to begin to move toward their first block of the day. The second bell will ring at 7:55am signifying the start of the first block in the relative day schedule. Each bell after will signify an end to a block (and the start of the 5 minutes allowed for students to move between blocks) or the start of the next block. Students are expected to be in class before the bell rings starting any given block. The final bell of the day is at 2:20pm which signifies the end of the academic school day and the start of any co-curricular activities including clubs and athletics. Students being picked up from school or taking the bus home should move toward those locations immediately after the final bell of the day at 2:20pm. Students may remain in the commons if they are waiting for a ride home, attending a scheduled after-school event, or waiting for a co-curricular event to begin. All students must leave the school building by 4:30pm unless they are accessing the field house and locker room area as a member of one of our co-curricular athletics teams. At no time should any student be accessing the academic wings of the school after 4:30pm. Loitering in halls, stairways, or classrooms is not permitted after school hours without adult supervision. Students may be assessed disciplinary consequences if they are in unauthorized areas after school hours.
Bell Schedule
SHS Rotating Drop 1 Bell Schedule 7:55am School Start (100 Minute Lunch)
Bus Ridership
All students who wish to use bus transportation to and from school are REQUIRED to be registered each year, regardless of whether fees apply. This includes families who have reached the family cap. Please use the Bus Privilege Registration link in the District website for more information on our transportation information to schools.
Care of School Property
Students normally respect the school property and maintain it with pride. Students should not mark school furniture, walls, ceiling, floor or equipment with pen, pencil, paint or any other instrument. Do not tamper with the fire alarms, fire extinguishers or any electrical systems. Anyone who willfully destroys school property through vandalism, arson, or larceny, or creates a hazard to the safety of our students will be subject to disciplinary action, legal proceedings, and restitution.
Parents are automatically enrolled for any communication that comes from the principal. The principal typically sends out weekly updates regarding school happenings.
Contacting the School
Shrewsbury High School would like to help you address any school-related problem or concern. Generally, the best place to start when looking for a solution to a problem is the source.
Following these guidelines will help ensure the quickest resolution to your problem.
- When your concern is about your child and their educational program, contact the teacher first.
- If you are not satisfied with the outcome of the meeting, call the appropriate Department Director.
- If the problem is not solved after this meeting, call your child’s grade administrator/assistant principal.
- If no resolution is reached at the grade administrator level, then the problem should be brought to the principal.
Emergency Procedures
Fire drills, Tornado drills, and lockdown drills are conducted periodically throughout the school year. During these drills, students must follow teacher instructions.
Late Bus
Shrewsbury High School offers a late bus to allow students to access co-curricular activities including our clubs, athletics, and extra help with teachers. The late bus runs on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays every week and pick-up will be in the front of SHS between 3:30-4:00pm. While there is no charge for this service, families will need to sign up for the late bus via the high school Google form. You can sign up for your student(s) to take the bus home regularly or only as needed. In order to sign up, you will need to know the bus route (red, green, or blue) and the bus stop number where the student will get off the bus. Please consult our color-coded map to determine the closest bus stop to your home before you access the Google form. For more information about the SPS Late Bus, please use this go to the District Transportation Website.
Students are encouraged to use lockers or storage areas provided by departments for property. Valuable personal items should remain home. The school provides personal lockers and locks for students. Lost locks must be purchased in the main office. All non-school issued locks will be removed from locker.
Lost and Found
Lost and Found is located in the Main Office. All student property not picked up by the end of each month will be donated to charitable organizations.
Shrewsbury High School includes students in grades 9-12. All students are scheduled with courses carrying credit toward graduation. Each student is assigned to an Advisory Homeroom (alphabetically by grade). Advisory teachers provide general school advice and support. Each student is assigned a school counselor who will provide academic and personal support and direction.
Parent Participation
Parents are encouraged to actively support their children's education. Please feel free to call or visit the school. Teachers, counselors, directors, and administrators will be happy to discuss school programs and your child's progress. Your child's student records are available to you at any time and will be provided to you upon request. We urge parents to join one of the parent groups including the Parent Forum, Athletic Boosters, and Music Association.
Parking is limited at Shrewsbury High School and is a privilege that may be revoked or suspended if a student driver does not adhere to the following guidelines:
- Students must register their car and/or motorcycle with the main office.
- Vehicles must be parked in the student-designated areas only.
- No student cars are to be parked in the fire lane or faculty parking areas. Student cars in these areas may be towed away at the owner's expense.
- The speed limit on school grounds is fifteen (15) miles per hour.
- Drivers are responsible if any students are found in their cars during school hours.
- Students are not permitted to leave school in their cars without permission.
- Students are not permitted to be in their cars during the school day without administrative approval.
On occasion, the police department and school administration will have trained, drug-sniffing dogs checking cars in the student parking lot for contraband. The student owner/driver of a car containing illegal drugs, alcohol or other illegal contraband will be held responsible and is subject to disciplinary action.
School Cancellations
When school will be canceled or delayed because of weather conditions, families will be notified, usually no later than 6 a.m. through our automated calling system. Cancellations and delays will also be posted on the school website, social media, and broadcast on local television and radio stations. When there is a delay, school buses run on the delayed schedule. Special Education transportation will also be delayed unless the student is individually notified of another adjustment. Dismissal times will remain the same as they are on a regular day.
Student Concerns
Students are encouraged to become involved in their school. If students have a concern the student should discuss it with an appropriate staff or Student Council member. If not comfortable at this level, grade administrators are available to assist and/or redirect them. It is a student’s responsibility to raise concerns, in a respectful manner, with appropriate faculty or administration. Students are also encouraged to participate actively and respectfully in the school’s Annual Town Meeting.
See Something Say Something
Over the years, SHS continues to participate in educational models to help recognize and prepare students to speak up when they observe behaviors that could lead to a potential issue in our community.
Sometimes multiple puzzle pieces don't make sense until they are put together. For example, you may notice someone's aggressive behavior, and your friend may have heard that same person make a threatening remark. Other classmates saw disturbing comments or photos that person posted on Social Media.
Each individual situation above doesn't necessarily guarantee danger. But once you put the puzzle pieces together, you can get a better understanding of a potentially serious problem.
So what can you do to help prevent dangerous acts from occurring?
- Be aware. Listen, look, pay attention to the people, and places around you.
- Go with your gut. If you feel uncomfortable about something you have seen or heard, talk to an adult to help you sort out the facts of the situation.
- Share Up. There is a difference between reporting and tattling or gossiping. By providing information either directly or confidentially, you may be able to prevent harm to others.
- Know what to share.
- who, or what you saw
- when you saw it
- where it occurred
- why it's suspicious
- Keep reaching out. If the person you speak with doesn't take it seriously or isn't sure what to do, involve someone else with greater authority.
Students are encouraged to talk to a trusted adult in the school, like a teacher, school counselor, grade administrator, a member of our counseling staff. Students can use e-mail to request an appointment, or come and talk in person to a trusted adult at any time. Students and families may also make a School Safety Tip using the District's Anonymous School Safety Tip Form
For more information about some of the resources available to report suspicious activity, please use the Sandy Hook Promise link or
Student Property
Certain student property (including personal audio equipment, cell phones, playing cards used for gambling, squirt guns, etc.) does not belong in school. Property confiscated from a student because it is disruptive to the school program or against school rules will be placed in the front office and returned to parents or students upon administrative approval. The School Department will not be responsible for student property not picked up at the designated time. This policy does not apply to properties taken according to the Search and Seizure policy. Property that threatens the safety of any member of the school community or is in violation of the law will be handed over to the police or retained for a longer period of time dependent upon the property and circumstances surrounding its confiscation.
The School Department is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged personal property that is brought to and stored at school. Valuable personal items should be kept at home.
Teacher Training Site
Shrewsbury High School is designated as a teacher-training site for many area colleges and universities.
Students can expect that at some time during their time at Shrewsbury High School, one of their experienced teachers will be working closely with the practicum or pre-practicum teacher who will be learning the skills needed to become an effective educator.
Textbooks/Media & iPads
All students are expected to cover their textbooks and treat them carefully. Students are responsible for any misused or damaged textbook, media book, or iPad. The repair or replacement cost of these items is determined by the department and must be settled at the end of the school year. Students who do not pay for lost or damaged textbooks, media books or iPads will not be allowed to participate in the graduation ceremony.
Adult members of the community are welcome to visit Shrewsbury High School. All visitors must register in the Main Office and receive a visitor’s pass. Shrewsbury students are not permitted to invite other high school or college-age guests for visits.
Work Permits
Please see the Work Permit webpage for information about how to obtain a Work Permit.
- Academic Awards Guidelines
- Credit Recovery
- Final Exams
- Grades/Progress Reports
- Graduation Requirements
- Homework Guidelines
- Honor Roll
- Makeup Work
- Promotion Policy
- Repeating Courses
- Special Programs
Academic Awards Guidelines
Our programs for recognizing academic achievement include:
- Recognition in disciplines by departments.
- Selection of students in their junior or senior year to the National Honor Society, National Art Honor Society, National French Honor Society, National Mathematics Honor Society, National Latin Honor Society, National Spanish Honor Society, Tri-M Music Honor Society, Chinese National Honor Society, English National Honor Society, National Science Honor Society, National Social Science Honor Society, and the National Forensic League Honor Society.
- Annual Student Awards Recognition Night
Credit Recovery
Credit recovery may be offered to provide students with the opportunity to make up failed courses or receive extra help in a subject. Student may need to participate in Summer School credit recovery if they are in violation of the attendance policy.
Students must attain a minimum grade of C- in any course in order to receive credit.
All make-up courses will be considered equivalent to one semester of work (worth 2.5 credits).
Make-up must be done immediately following the academic year in which the course was taken. No sequential courses may be taken prior to passing the prerequisite. Students failing one semester of English should make it up the next academic year, either during summer school (if administrator approved) or during the academic year immediately following the failure. Whenever two semesters of English credit are outstanding, the student may not go on to the next year of English. The student must make up both semesters of English at that point.
A student must have approval of the counselor and administrator to attend summer school and/or night school. The student must maintain good attendance, reasonable effort, and acceptable behavior in the failed class. Administrators will review cases on appeal with the department director.
Extra Help
Teachers are available for extra help if a student does not understand an assignment, if the work is difficult, or if a student has been absent and missed class discussions and assignments. A conference may be arranged with the teacher at a mutually agreed time.
Final Exams
Students must take final exams during the scheduled exam period only. In extenuating circumstances, with the written approval of the grade administrator, other arrangements for final exams may be made.
Senior Exam Waiver
Seniors who maintained a B+(87 or over) average in all SHS classes taken for credit, shall be exempt from taking the final exam with the teacher’s approval. Eligibility depends upon having no attendance violation (10-day letter) in any class, or an attendance waiver granted in a class in which the student rached 10 absences or more.
Grades/Progress Reports
Student progress may be reviewed on Power School at any time; all teachers are required to have grades fully updated at the midpoint of each quarterly marking period. These dates will be posted on the school website and the principal’s weekly communication. A final paper report card will be mailed home at the end of each school year.
Student grades are updated approximately every four weeks. The school grade reporting for transcript purposes occurs approximately every eight weeks.
Students and parents can access the quarterly grades that are recorded on their student record on the following dates:
First Quarter ends Thursday, October 31, 2024 - Grades posted by Friday, November 8, 2024
Second Quarter & First Semester ends Friday, January 17, 2025 - Grades posted by Monday, January 27, 2025
Third Quarter ends Friday, March 28, 2025 - Grades posted by Monday, April 7th, 2025
**Senior Grades Close Friday, May 23, 2025 - Senior grades due Tuesday, May 27, 2025
Fourth Quarter and Semester 2 ends Wednesday, June 13, 2025 - Grades posted by Monday, June 23, 2025
** The above dates are subject to change based upon school cancellations. Parents of a child having academic difficulty should contact the school to conference with teacher/s and/or school counselors.
Graduation Requirements
To graduate from Shrewsbury High School, a student must earn a minimum of 105 credits and pass the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS). First year students, Sophomores, and Juniors must carry a minimum of 31.25 credits per year (Unless authorized to carry less by a grade administrator). Seniors must carry a minimum of 30 credits per year. Specific distribution requirements must be fulfilled for graduation. All students must earn at least the following credits:
20 credits in English
15 credits in Social Sciences
15 credits in Mathematics
15 credits in Science
10 credits in Physical Education
3.75 credits in Health
2.5 credits in Fine or Performing Arts
23.75 credits in Electives
Within the stated credits, students must earn a specific number of credits in the following course.
Only credits earned in grades 9-12 may be applied to graduation requirements. In order to participate in graduation, ALL requirements must be met. In addition, a senior must remain in good standing throughout senior year and pass four full credit courses (2.5 credits per semester) for the second semester. Courses that are graded on a Pass/Fail basis are not included toward the four unless stipulated on an IEP or by prior administrative agreement. Seniors who do not successfully complete the requirements for a diploma are not allowed to participate in the graduation ceremony.
Homework Guidelines
During the 2022-23 year the School Committee instituted a district wide Homework policy designed to support and empower children, educators, and families as they work together to further student learning. The School Committee adopted Policy 523 - Homework for grades 1-12 in the spring of 2023. Below are excerpts of the Policy 523 and speak specifically to homework at the high school level. Please access the links below for the full district homework policy and for the list of No-Homework Weekends.
2024-25 No Homework Weekend Schedule
Homework is defined as tasks that are assigned by teachers to be completed by students outside of class time, including work done using pencil and paper and/or digital tools. These tasks include, but are not limited to: skills practice; reading; viewing of video content; studying or preparation for quizzes or tests; creating written, audio, or visual content; and completion of reports or projects.
Purposes of Homework
Research affirms the importance of independent reading, skills practice, and the development of learning routines for young children, and the value of regular homework assignments for older students. The purposes of homework in the Shrewsbury Schools are to practice newly taught skills, review previously mastered skills, develop independent study habits, and motivate students to pursue personal goals.
Homework is most effective when it provides students opportunities to prepare, study, or extend their learning. Homework will reflect Massachusetts and Shrewsbury Public Schools curriculum standards and related instructional practices, and where appropriate will promote an understanding of the importance of life-long learning by helping students develop independent and self-directed learning skills, executive functioning skills, and work habits.
Every learner is different, and variability among students should be expected. Homework should encourage personal reflection. Educators are empowered with the flexibility to match assignments to meet a child’s individual needs.
Homework Policy Components
1.Frequency of Homework Assignments
All students in Grades 1-12 are expected to spend time on homework on weeknights (Monday through Thursday). Due dates assigned by teachers may vary according to the nature of the assignment; for example, assignments could be due the next day, by the end of the week, or could be part of a longer-term project.
All students in Grades 5-12 may also have homework assigned over the weekend at the discretion of the teacher. Weekend assignments are considered as one night of homework per the time guidelines below. Students in Grades 1-4 will not have weekend assignments. Long-term projects must be assigned so that there are at least two weekends, not including “no homework” dates, before a project is due.
Educators are expected to consider the overall homework load for students when assigning due dates and to collaborate with colleagues to avoid situations where students have multiple projects due or are required to study for multiple tests due in close proximity (such as near the end of grading periods or right before school vacations). Educators will provide advance notice of assignments and due dates to the extent possible in order to assist students and families with planning for homework completion. School administrators will issue specific guidance to teachers regarding the coordination of homework load with consideration for different subjects, departments, etc. at their grade span.
Administrators and educators at each grade span will provide guidance regarding how students can communicate requests for extensions of homework due dates. Reasonable accommodations will be provided through extensions for due dates with regard to absences related to student illness, family obligations, religious observances, etc. Flexibility to respond to other student-specific situations will be provided as appropriate, with the goal of promoting student academic progress in light of personal circumstances. Schools and educators will communicate what supports are available for students who need assistance with completing homework, as well as consequences for students who do not meet homework expectations.
2.Time Guidelines By Grade Level
The guidelines below provide for the approximate maximum amount of focused time that homework assignments should take each night. It is understood that different students will require different amounts of time based on a variety of factors. Parents and caregivers are encouraged to speak with their child’s teacher(s) if homework is routinely taking much more or much less time than called for in the guidelines.
Required reading assignments are included within the time allotments at each grade level. Because reading is crucial to academic success, voluntary reading beyond homework time guidelines is encouraged.
Time Guidelines for Homework by Grade Level:
- Grades 9-10: 20 minutes per course Monday-Friday
- Grades 11-12: 25 minutes per course Monday-Friday
At the High School level, Advanced Placement (AP) Courses follow a national curriculum that includes a final exam. In order to provide opportunities for students taking AP courses to learn, practice, and reinforce concepts and to stay on pace, homework that requires greater amounts of time than found in the guidelines above may be assigned in AP courses.
3.Accommodating Religious Observances by Students
Per School Committee Policy #291, students who miss school or cannot complete homework due to any religious observance will be provided with the opportunity to make up work without penalty. Families are encouraged to communicate with educators regarding any situation where religious observances may impact their student’s attendance or homework completion.
4.“No Homework” Dates
To meet the guiding principle regarding “no homework” periods throughout the school year, the superintendent will annually present a recommended calendar of “no homework” dates for the following school year for the approval of the School Committee. The superintendent will base this recommendation on evolving educational practices and needs of the school community. Once the “no homework” calendar is approved, the district administration and school principals will communicate the specific dates and expectations for “no homework” periods to students, families, and educators, both in advance of each school year and periodically throughout the year.
For “no homework” periods, homework shall not be assigned on the school day prior to the “no homework” date(s), and no assignments will be due and no tests or other assessments that require studying will occur on the school day following the “no homework” date(s).
5.Shared Responsibilities
The mission of the Shrewsbury Public Schools urges that the schools work “in partnership with the community.” Such a partnership includes not only students, teachers and families, but also coaches, advisors, and counselors. The spirit of collaboration and collective responsibility to support students is particularly important in the area of homework.
The availability of devices and software enables educators to differentiate homework efficiently. Increased access to learning tools means that all stakeholders share responsibility for maintaining good communication using both traditional and digital means.
Maintaining a strong partnership requires good communication as well as flexibility, because students in different grade spans may need different levels of support in managing their workload and/or schedules.
Responsibilities of Students
Students are expected to check their planner, device, and/or learning management system (e.g., Schoology, Seesaw, etc.) for assignments, and to reach out to educators if they are unsure about how to access or submit assignments, complete work online, or if they need help managing their assigned workload. Students at the middle and high school levels are expected to use their device, a paper planner and/or the calendar function in the learning management system to manage due dates for major assignments, exams and projects.
On receiving homework, students are expected to work independently to complete it. This means students will, in a manner appropriate for their grade level:
● Ask for help if the assignment is not clear to them.
● Copy all assignments into their planner and/or device, carefully recording due dates and important information.
● Set a time each day to do homework.
● Check work and, if necessary, explain it to an adult.
● Maintain high quality work on homework assignments.
● Take home all necessary resources, such as electronic devices, packets, textbooks, notes and study guides to accurately complete homework.
● Bring the completed homework back to school or submit it electronically as directed when it is due.
● Be responsible for getting assignments when absent from school.
● If experiencing a challenge that is interfering with managing their workload and completing their homework in a quality manner, communicate with the teacher to seek assistance or to request an extension of a homework deadline.
● Be responsible for taking care of, and returning, any borrowed resource materials.
● Demonstrate academic integrity when completing assignments. Students are expected to use technology tools, including artificial intelligence, only in ways that are authorized by the teacher to complete assignments.
Responsibilities of Parents/Caregivers
Homework should not be done by parents and caregivers. However, support at home is critical to student success. For that reason, parents and caregivers have responsibilities, including to:
● Promote a positive attitude toward homework as part of the learning process.
● Understand and reinforce expectations for the quality of student work.
● Provide structure, space, and tools needed to help the child organize for the completion of homework.
● Be available to provide supervision, but do not do the assignment for the child.
● Have an understanding of the amount of assistance appropriate for homework assignments.
● Communicate often with the student about their homework and as necessary with teachers, giving feedback to the teacher when there is a homework concern.
● Communicate with the teacher(s) if there is an individual situation or need regarding the child’s homework, in order to partner with the teacher(s) regarding a plan for quality homework completion. This includes providing information about the need for accommodations for religious observations or family obligations; seeking flexibility in order to manage their child’s workload so that the student can complete their assignments in a quality way; or other specific circumstances that could affect homework. As a student becomes older and more mature, the parent/caregiver is encouraged to have their child communicate with their teacher about their situation.
● Learn strategies/techniques for helping the student with homework, through sources such as school and teacher communications, parenting workshops, community forums, and PTO presentations.
● Help your child to balance homework with other responsibilities and activities.
● In the interest of maintaining good communication, check the student’s planner and/or digital learning management system dashboard regularly.
Responsibilities of Educators
Educators will familiarize parents with the digital tools they use to assign and evaluate homework with the goal of ensuring that all families know how to view student assignments. Educators will use the digital learning management system as required by the district at their grade span to post due dates for major assignments, exams, and projects. Teachers may assign homework during class time or outside of class time using the district’s learning management system, within the guidelines set by their school administration regarding when homework completion can be expected based on the time of day that an assignment is posted. As they consider options for homework, educators will:
● Communicate expectations to students for how the assignment should be completed and the learning goal(s) being addressed (e.g., practicing a new skill, preparing for an assessment, etc.)
● Consider the amount of time an assignment will require in order to align with the targets for time spent each night on homework, including special projects.
● Establish objectives and guidelines for special projects, including any expectations for parent/caregiver participation.
● Be clear about the appropriate use of technology tools, including artificial intelligence, so that students and parents/caregivers understand what is expected regarding academic integrity.
● With as much advance notice as possible, communicate all assignments and due dates to students and post them as required, and provide time for students to record them where students use a paper planning tool.
● Model homework strategies and provide exemplars to clarify expectations as appropriate throughout the school year.
● Establish a system for recording and monitoring homework completion and quality, including reading assignments.
● Review homework and provide feedback in a timely manner. Feedback does not require grading or responding in writing to every homework assignment; educators are expected to communicate frequently enough to signal whether the quality of the homework is meeting expectations and whether there are concerns about missing assignments or late submissions, so that the student has an opportunity to improve.
● Ensure that resources and materials required for homework projects are easily obtained by the student, and work with families and school administration as needed to ensure that no student will be unable to complete an assignment due to lack of financial resources.
● Provide ways for parents and caregivers to communicate with teachers about homework, using translation tools where appropriate.
● Notify parents/caregivers when poor homework quality or missing assignments are cause for concern, using translation tools where appropriate.
● Assign long term projects so that the completion time includes more than one weekend (not including “no homework” dates), and is not limited to a school vacation period.
● Discuss homework practices with colleagues and align them with these policy guidelines; while it is not expected that homework assignments are the same in different
classes, the volume and types of homework assigned to students in the same grade level or course should be consistent across different teachers and teacher teams.
● Work with students to provide flexibility in order to promote quality completion of assignments while responding to student needs. This may include extending deadlines where warranted and using strategies to accommodate individual situations.
● Follow the guidelines in the District Curriculum Accommodation Plan (DCAP) and meet all legal requirements of a student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP) or Section 504 Accommodation Plan that may be related to homework. Student voice is important. For this reason, educators are strongly encouraged to periodically consider student feedback regarding the homework they assign and to include options where students have opportunities for self-direction where appropriate. Having choice develops motivation and purpose. Where appropriate, give students responsibility for setting and monitoring progress toward personal learning goals and provide choice of topics, methods, tools, etc. to demonstrate understanding and empower students.
Responsibilities of Leadership
District and school leaders, including the superintendent and assistant superintendents, principals, assistant principals, directors, and curriculum coordinators/instructional coaches are responsible for supporting the implementation of this policy; monitoring how effectively students, educators, and families are in meeting their roles and responsibilities listed above; and ensuring that district practices are aligned with this policy and implemented with fidelity. Leaders will:
● Communicate the following information annually to students, families, and staff and provide reminders at appropriate times throughout the school year: the guidance and expectations found in this homework policy; the “no homework” calendar; and the information in School Committee Policy 291 regarding accommodations to make up work when students miss school for a religious observance.
● Ensure that homework is consistent with the educational goals of the Shrewsbury Public Schools.
● Facilitate communication between general education, English language education, special education, and subject specialist teachers concerning homework.
● Support educators in the implementation of the homework guidelines in this policy and best educational practices regarding homework.
● Consider the impact of homework on students’ overall educational program in the context of evolving research on best practices.
● Support the need for balance among the many learning activities in the life of a student.
● Facilitate the communication process between the school and home and help maintain the home/school partnership regarding homework.
Calendar of “No Homework Dates” 2024-2025
In the interest of furthering district goals while helping to foster well-being for our students and their families, next year Shrewsbury Public Schools will expand the “No homework weekend” calendar first instituted by Shrewsbury High School districtwide.
This calendar applies to assignments given to all students, including students enrolled in Advanced Placement courses(“AP” classes) and Honors classes.
The Shrewsbury Public Schools (SPS) homework policy states: “It is a shared responsibility between home and school to ensure that students have balance in their lives while pursuing educational excellence.”
In an effort to promote that balance, the homework policy requires that “...the district will implement a ‘no homework’ calendar that specifies times when homework will not be assigned.” The School Committee has voted to approve the dates listed below as “no homework” dates for all SPS students during the 2024-2025 school year.
Some of the “no homework” dates correspond with some major religious holidays where many SPS students will have religious obligations, but it is important to note that all students will not be assigned homework on these dates.
Important: In addition to these dates, whenever a student is not available due to participating in a religious obligation in the evening or that causes them to be absent from school on any date, the student will be provided with the opportunity to make up missed homework and classwork without penalty, per School Committee policy and state law.
The calendar below specifies the dates of school days when a) homework assignments shall not be due to be submitted, and b) on which no quizzes or tests that require prior studying at home shall be given. The intention of these dates (5% of school days) is to provide a break from homework requirements that enables students to use their time in other ways.
To meet the intent of the policy, it is expected that homework assignments due just prior to or immediately following a “no homework” period will follow the homework policy’s guidelines regarding approximate time for completion (i.e., assignments are not “doubled up” so that students must spend much more time on homework due just before or after a “no homework” date).
The homework policy specifies that “long-term projects must be assigned so that there are at least two weekends, not including “no homework” dates, before a project is due.” This means that the timeline to complete a long-term project assignment may not include any of the “no homework” weekends below, including both the first and second weekends of a school vacation period.
The dates below represent 9 school days when no homework is due and no assessments requiring studying will be given, which represents 5% of the 180 total days of school.
The dates below also represent 9 “no homework weekends,” which represents 22% of the 41 total weekends during the school year (including both weekends of school vacation weeks).
“No Homework” Period 2024-2025: Dates When “No Homework” Due/ No Assessments Given for All SPS Students
Rosh Hashanah: Begins the evening of Wednesday, October 2
No homework assigned to be due on Thursday, October 3 No quizzes, tests, or other assessments that require studying given on Thursday, October 3*
*Note: Some students may observe this holiday for two days and may need further individual religious accommodations beyond this one day.
Columbus Day/ Indigenous Peoples’ Day: Monday, October 14 (Note: Yom Kippur begins on the evening of Friday, October 11)
No homework assigned to be due on Tuesday, October 15 - No quizzes, tests, or other assessments that require studying given on Tuesday, October 15
Diwali: Begins the evening of Thursday, October 31-
No homework assigned to be due on Friday, November 1 - No quizzes, tests, or other assessments that require studying given on Friday, November 1
Thanksgiving Break: Wednesday, November 27 - Friday, November 29
No homework assigned to be due on Monday, December 2 - No quizzes, tests, or other assessments that require studying given on Monday, December 2
December Vacation: Monday, December 23 - Wednesday, January 1
No homework assigned to be due on Thursday, January 2 - No quizzes, tests, or other assessments that require studying given on Thursday, January 2
Lunar New Year: Wednesday, January 29
No homework assigned to be due on Thursday, January 30 - No quizzes, tests, or other assessments that require studying given on Thursday, January 30
February Vacation: Monday, February 17 - Friday, February 21
No homework assigned to be due on Monday, February 24 - No quizzes, tests, or other assessments that require studying given on Monday, February 24
Eid al-Fitr: Begins the evening of Saturday, March 29 or Sunday, March 30* *It may be either date, depending on official declaration of the start of Eid al-Fitr
No homework assigned to be due on Monday, March 31 - No quizzes, tests, or other assessments that require studying given on Monday, March 31
*Note: Depending on the start of the holiday, students observing the holiday may need an additional day of further individual religious accommodations beyond this one day
April Vacation: Monday, April 21 - Friday, April 25 (Note: Good Friday and Easter and Orthodox Good Friday and Orthodox Easter fall on April 18 & April 20)
No homework assigned to be due on Monday, April 28 - No quizzes, tests, or other assessments that require studying given on Monday, April 28
Honor Roll
The honor roll will be calculated at the conclusion of each marking period for grades 9 - 12. All courses in which students earn credit and receive a numerical grade will be used in determining honor roll. The honor roll is based on the average a student achieves each marking period.
The following averages will be used to calculate honor roll:
- Highest Honors - An average of 93% or greater
- High Honors - An average of 90% or greater
- Honors - An average of 85% or greater
The exact numerical average a student receives for each class in a marking period will be used to determine honor roll. Students who earn any grade below a C+ (77) or who receive a “WF” (withdrawal/failing) are not eligible for honor roll designation for that marking period. An honor roll is published each quarter on the SHS web page.
Grading System For Honor Roll
Makeup Work
Students who are absent for any reason will be required to make up work missed in each class. It is the student’s responsibility to connect with their teacher to discuss make-up work and agree on a timeline for completion and submission. This work should take approximately the same time as missed from class. For example, if a student missed two days of school, upon their return, students have two days to complete missing work. If a student needs more time, the student must communicate with their teacher to set a mutually agreeable timeline to complete the missing work. Only in extreme cases of prolonged absence will more than one week be allowed for work to be made up, unless the grade administrator grants permission.
An absence does not excuse a student from responsibility for all requirements on the day of the students return. The student is responsible for obtaining all make-up work from teachers immediately upon return to school. If a student will be out of school for an extended period, a parent should contact the student's school counselor to get homework assignments. If a student will be out of school due to illness for more than ten school days, the parent should notify the school nurse and school counselor to discuss the possibility of home tutoring.
Teachers will notify a student, school counselor, and grade administrator when the student is assigned an "Incomplete" in any class at the end of a quarter; all work must be completed and turned in to the classroom teacher within 10 school days or the grade of "Incomplete" will become an "F.”
Promotion Policy
In order to continue with a student's class:
- A first year student must earn at least 21 credits by the start of the new school year to be classified as a sophomore.
- A sophomore must earn at least 45 credits by the start of the new school year to be classified as a junior.
- A junior must earn at least 73 credits by the start of the new school year to be classified as a senior.
Students who pass approved summer school courses may apply these credits to be promoted to the next grade level.
Repeating Courses
Students may repeat courses for the following reasons:
- Failures
- Both grades (the failing grade as well as the new grade) will appear on the transcript and will be counted towards GPA.
- Poor Grades
- Both grades (the lower grade as well as the new grade) will appear on the transcript, and both grades will count towards GPA.
Special Programs
Shrewsbury High School is a comprehensive public high school and curricular offerings are designed to meet the needs of all students. There are times, however, when a student needs special programs or courses. Shrewsbury High School has several options for this purpose.
Tutorial Services
Peer tutoring is one of the most effective ways for students who need extra help in a subject. Students in grades 9-12 can receive such assistance in all subjects. Peer tutors are National Honor Society members or students in grades 10-12 who have been recommended by teachers as capable of providing help in a subject. Tutoring sessions take place during the directed study and continue for as long as required. Students are referred for tutoring by themselves, a teacher, a counselor, an administrator, or parents/ guardians. Please contact the department director or any faculty member for more information about this program.
Dual Enrollment/College Courses
The Dual Enrollment program provides opportunities for Massachusetts high school students to take college-level courses and earn credit simultaneously toward high school completion and their future college degrees. Students wishing to take college courses for high school credit at local colleges and universities require the counselor’s and the principal’s approval prior to registering for a course. Semester courses taken at colleges will be recognized at Shrewsbury High School as 2.5 credits per semester. College courses will not be counted when a student’s rank or GPA is calculated.
PM School
This program provides an opportunity for students to receive individual help and support to assist them in making up work in order to receive credit. Students may enter this program only at the recommendation of the grade administrator.
Student Assistants/Internships/ACE
Student Assistants/Interns/A.C.E.: The A.C.E. (Advanced Career Exploration) program allows students to utilize study time in school to work as assistants to faculty and staff in faculty and administrative work. Students should see their counselor for more information.
Summer School
Summer School may be offered to provide students with the opportunity to make up failed courses or receive extra help in a subject.
Students must attain a minimum grade of C- in any course in order to receive credit.
All make-up courses will be considered equivalent to one semester of work (worth 2.5 credits).
Make-up must be done during the summer school session following the academic year in which the course was taken. No sequential courses may be taken prior to passing the prerequisite. Students failing one semester of English should make it up the next academic year, either during summer school (if teacher approved) or during the academic year immediately following the failure. Whenever two semesters of English credit are outstanding, the student may not go on to the next year of English. The student must make up both semesters of English at that point.
A student must have approval of the counselor and administrator to attend summer school and/or night school. The student must maintain good attendance, reasonable effort, and acceptable behavior in the failed class. Administrators will review cases on appeal with the department director.
Bridge for Resilient Youth in Transitions (BRYT)
For students with specific learning needs as identified by the Student Support Team. Specifically, to address students who may have extended absences due to medical or social emotional issues. Click here for more information about the BRYT program at SHS. Click here for BRYT family support
If you are concerned about the IMMEDIATE SAFETY of a child call 911
- National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 988
- Crisis Text Line: Text “ACT” to 741741
- Youth Mobile Crisis Intervention Worcester Team: 1-866-549-2142
- Emergency Mental Health Services (EMH): 508-334-3562
- For more mental health resources and day-to-day wellness, try SchoolPulse!
- Mass Behavioral Health Help line- find mental health treatment
- Interface- referral service to find mental health providers
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Work Study
The Work Study Program is designed for students who would like to work during junior and/or senior year. It allows students to attend school in the morning and work in an area of interest during the afternoon/evening. The intention of the program is to place students in a work environment of interest to the student as an opportunity to explore a career or field of interest while receiving compensation and earning academic credit.
Student must be approved by their school counselor and their respective Work Study Supervisor
Program is available to juniors and seniors only
Attendance Policy
Regular attendance is an essential part of each student’s educational experience. Daily contact with teachers and other students is a vital part of each student’s intellectual and social growth. Regular attendance and participation in class should lead to a valuable learning experience; the faculty and administration believe that this participation is an essential part of learning. A lack of responsibility and commitment to good attendance will result in a loss of credit.
General Attendance Guidelines and Regulations
Daily Class Attendance
- SHS takes attendance each period of the school day and it is recorded by classroom teachers via PowerSchool. Students and Families can view student attendance by accessing PowerSchool.
- SHS does not differentiate between excused and unexcused absences.
- Students must not exceed 7 absences per semester.
- Under Massachusetts Law (cite MGL) students are required to attend school daily and cannot have more than 7 absences in a six-month period.
- If a student will be absent from school, please have a parent or guardian call, 508-841-8809 and explain the absence to the attendance secretary.
- The school recognizes there are legitimate reasons for being absent from school, i.e., illness, unavoidable medical or dental appointments, funerals, etc. Students should provide a note to the attendance office on their return to school to verify any absence. These notes will be placed into the student's attendance file and will be reviewed in the event a student exceeds the attendance policy limits and requests a waiver of the attendance policy.
- No notes will be accepted beyond three days after the student’s return to school. The note must indicate date(s) of absence(s) and reason and be signed by a parent/guardian.
- A note does not excuse any absence; it only verifies it. The school may check the authenticity of any note received from a parent or guardian.
- Students absent for more than seven days in a class that meets every day in the cycle during a semester will lose credit for that class in that semester.
- Any student including those who are suspended from school may lose credit if the student exceeds seven absences per semester.
- Students are expected to be in class on time.
- Students with excessive tardies to school, more than three in a month, will be referred for disciplinary action.
- A student who is marked tardy to class four times in one semester will receive one absence in that class. Additionally, students who are tardy to class may receive detention from the classroom teacher; students who are habitually tardy will be referred to their grade administrator for further disciplinary action.
- A student who arrives twenty minutes after the start of the school day at 7:55 a.m. is considered absent for that period.
- Students who are tardy to school due to a late bus will not be marked tardy, but they must report to the Attendance Office to be issued a pass.
- Additionally, students who tardy to school must submit a note to the attendance office the day the student returns to school.
- Failure to submit an appropriate and legitimate note for tardies may result in loss of credit. No notes will be accepted beyond three days after the student’s return to school.
- Students who are tardy to school, after 7:55 a.m., must report to the attendance office and receive a pass that is then presented to the teacher.
- The attendance office staff will notify, in writing, that a student has exceeded four days of unexcused absences and will lose credit in the course if the student exceeds nine unexcused absences. The principal, or designee, will make a reasonable effort to meet with the student’s parent/guardian to develop action steps for student attendance.
- The student may still receive a passing grade but may not receive credit toward graduation if the student is absent for more than seven days in a semester course.
- A student’s grade point average (GPA) will be affected by a loss of credit.
- The student’s transcript will clearly reflect the loss of credit because of excessive absences.
- A student has the right to request a waiver of the attendance policy.
- Students who enroll after the start of the semester will have the maximum number of absences adjusted.
- Students with excessive tardies or absences may be excluded from participation in Clubs/ Field Trips/ after school or evening activities (ie. dances, social events, field trips, etc.) and student social events sponsored by the school (ie. Proms, performing arts shows, etc.) if they are in violation of the attendance policy.
Attendance responsibilities include:
- Students are responsible for attending classes and maintaining accurate attendance records.
- Parents/guardians are responsible for providing a current phone number where the parent/guardian can be reached.
- The attendance staff is responsible for notifying, in writing, parent/guardian and students who have excessive absences.
- Administrators are responsible for conferring with students, parents/guardians and staff as well as administering appropriate discipline when a student has an excessive number of absences.
- Students must be in attendance for at least half of the school day to participate in any school activities. This includes, but is not limited to, all athletic practices/events; rehearsals/performances; class/club events; after school/ evening meetings. Three periods constitute a half-day. Students who are tardy after or dismissed before 10:50 am are marked absent for the day and are ineligible to participate in activities for that day.
- A student suspended from school is suspended from participation in or observation of any school event for the length of the suspension.
Attendance Waiver Policy
Attendance Waiver Review Process
If a student has lost credit due to excessive absences, the student may request a waiver of the attendance policy.
Students should follow these steps:
- Complete the Request for Waiver of the Attendance Policy form available in the attendance office. Submit the form, with appropriate signatures, to the attendance office by the date specified.
- Completed forms will be verified by the attendance office staff for accuracy.
- The attendance office staff will forward all completed forms to the appropriate administrator for review and consideration. The administrator will also review the student’s attendance folder containing all appropriate paperwork and information related to the student’s attendance.
- A student may be asked to appear before an Attendance Review Committee--consisting of an administrator, counselor, teacher, nurse, attendance clerk and other appropriate school staff to explain, in person, the nature of the request. The administrator is responsible for receiving input from the Attendance Review Committee and making the decision to grant or deny the student’s request.
- A student may appeal the Attendance Review Committee’s decision to the Principal.
Students are not permitted to leave the school grounds at any time during the school day without a note from home and approval from the attendance office. All dismissal notes from parents or those students who are 18 years of age must be turned in to the attendance office before school and must have a telephone number where the parent can be reached prior to the time of the dismissal. Dismissals are not permitted by phone.
A student who becomes ill during the school day must report to the school nurse who will arrange for the student to be dismissed. Students who are dismissed must check out in the attendance office and leave the building through the main entrance. Students leaving school grounds without permission will be subject to suspension. Students will not be allowed to drive another student during the school day without administrative approval.
- Activity Fee Information & Guidelines
- Athletics
- Class Officers
- Dance Policies
- Eligibility for Activities
- Fundraising
- Non- School Sanctioned Events
Activity Fee Information & Guidelines
Students interested in participating in co-curricular activities (clubs & activites) at Shrewsbury High School will not be required to pay an Activity Fee for the 2024-25 schol year.
A full listing of clubs/ activities offered for the current year at Shrewsbury High School can be accessed through the school website using this link (
Athletic Booster Association
The Shrewsbury High School Athletic Boosters Association is a charitable, non-profit organization whose purpose it is to encourage enthusiastic support and interest in Shrewsbury High School and middle school athletics to contribute to the advancement and needs of athletic programs in those schools; to lend support to the Director of Athletics and to award scholarships which contribute to the post-secondary education of graduating seniors.
The Boosters Association accomplishes their mission through various fund-raising activities including:
- Gold Card Sales
- Annual golf tournament
- Membership fees
How to help:
- Attend a monthly meeting held the 2nd Monday of each month at 7 p.m. in the high school media center or the Class of 2002 conference room.
- Become a sport representative
- Help with fundraisers
- Email Jason Costa ( for more information on becoming a Booster.
Athletes will be required to pay an athletic fee of $325.00 per sport with a maximum fee of $975.00 per family per school year.
Students who have been approved for a free or reduced lunch pay $50 per sport with a family cap of $150.
The fees will be collected through the athletic department at the start of each sports season. Failure to pay by the established date will preclude the athlete from participating in any team practices, tryouts, games, or meetings.
Checks collected during tryouts will be returned to the athlete if that athlete is cut from a sport and decides not to take part in an-other non-cut sport that season. There will be no refunds to any athlete who leaves the team or is injured after a specific date for each season determined by the Athletic Director:
- Fall Season: August 26, 2024
- Winter Season: December 9, 2024
- Spring Season: March 24, 2025
Refunds (full or partial) will not be provided to athletes who are dismissed or suspended from any team for any reason, including misconduct, disciplinary actions, or academic failure. The fee has no bearing on the athlete’s playing time.
Any member of a team representing Shrewsbury High School is subject to all policies of the Massachusetts Secondary School Principals Association, the Midland Wachusett League and Shrewsbury High School.
In general, candidates are reminded that to be eligible candidates must meet the following requirements:
- Quarter grades will be used to determine athletic eligibility for winter and spring sports. Students must receive passing grades in a minimum of four full credit (5.0 credits per year or 2.5 credits per semester) courses to be eligible to compete in the next quarter.
- Quarter grades will be checked at the end of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd marking periods. Second Semester grades will be used to determine eligibility for FALL sports.
- Students must receive passing grades in a minimum of four full credit courses, and Students must have earned a total 20 credits for the year in major coursework ("5.0 credit"-granting courses). Students must be under the age of 19 before Sept 1st.
- Signed parent permission slips are required.
- A physical examination (a record of which must be on file in the health office) is required before practicing or competing in any sport.
Students are responsible for all athletic equipment issued that is lost, stolen or damaged. All injuries must be reported to coaches and necessary forms must be completed.
The principal may suspend or remove a student from athletics for violations of school regulations.
Class Officers
To run for office, students must be academically eligible.
All members of a class may vote.
Dance Policies
Student behavior at dances must be consistent with the standards of decency, maturity, and respect expected of all members of the school community.
All students and guests are expected to observe the following guidelines:
- No inappropriate contact or gestures
- No front to back touching or grinding
- No bending over
- A partner’s hands must remain above the waist
- All students must present their IDs to attend school dances or be able to prove that the student is an SHS student.
- SHS students may be permitted to have guests from outside SHS only for the sophomore semi-formal, junior prom, and senior prom dances.
- An administrator must approve non Shrewsbury HS guests. A completed Guest Request Form is required along with a photo ID.
- Students must be in attendance at school on the day of the dance.
- Students are expected to be in the dance and not in the surrounding hallways.
- If a student leaves the dance and goes out into the parking lot, the student will not be permitted to return.
The administration reserves the right to exclude from any dance current or former students who are not in good standing.
The school administration may administer a handheld breathalyzer if an administrator suspects a student is under the influence of alcohol.
Eligibility for Activities
Participating in co-curricular activities and athletics will add an important dimension to a student's high school experience. Being an active member of the school community provides students with opportunities to meet others, to apply academic skills and knowledge in social settings, work in a group or on a team, and to have a good time. Co-curricular activities and athletics are open to academically eligible students in good standing in grades 9-12. Every student is encouraged to join at least one activity or team.
To be eligible to participate in any club or activity, to hold office, or to practice in any club or activity, a student must receive at least a passing grade in four major subjects the previous grading period. If declared "ineligible" a student shall remain ineligible until grades are reported to parents following the end of the next marking period.
This policy applies to all athletes and students participating in activities that require an intense, focused period of time and energy, including, but not limited to drama productions, FIRST Robotics, Speech and Debate, or elected representatives. The intent is to ensure students have sufficient time to study.
The principal, or designee, may declare a student ineligible for violation of school regulations or not being in good standing due to attendance or disciplinary problems. Student officers of classes or activities and candidates for such positions are expected to exhibit cooperation and teamwork with students, faculty and administrators. Student class officers and school leaders are required to attend leadership training workshops when offered by the school.
A major subject is one that carries full credit value (5.0 per year or 2.5 per semester). A student not meeting the standard because of incompletes is ineligible until the incompletes are recorded in the office to meet the standard.
Eligibility for the first term of each school year is determined on the basis of the previous year's final year averages, not the last term's grades.
A failed course taken and passed in summer school may restore eligibility.
All student leaders, including captains, elected representatives, officers, and students appointed to leadership positions are expected to exhibit exemplary standards of behavior and act as role models for their peers throughout the school year, during vacations, and in the summer. Student leaders who are taken into protective custody; arrested, and/or convicted of offenses other than routine traffic matters; suspended from school as a result of a serious discipline matter, or who, in the judgment of the high school administration, are not setting a standard of behavior consistent with their responsibilities and the expectations of Shrewsbury High School and the community, may lose their leadership position.
The Assistant Principal for Student Activities approves fundraising activities for clubs and classes at Shrewsbury High School.
In general, no two classes or clubs may use the same fundraiser in any given school year.
Every fundraiser must have a start and end date.
If house-to-house canvassing is necessary, School Committee approval is needed.
Students must return collected money to the main office or unsold product by the deadlines established and published by the sponsoring organization, or students will assume responsibility for the funds.
Non-school Sanctioned Events
Activities that are not sanctioned by the school (e.g., “Powder Puff Football”and “Senior Skip Day”) and are not under the supervision of the administration are not to be advertised or posted in school.
These activities are not the responsibility of the school and may not take place on school grounds.
- Counseling Services
- SchoolPulse
- LGBTQ+ Resources
- Food Service Information
- Media Center
- Nurse/Health Information
- Section 504
- SHS Alumni Association
- Special Education
- Student Publicity
- Student Records Regulations
- Student Schedule Information
Counseling Services
Counseling services are available for every student in the school and may include assistance with educational planning, interpretation of test scores, occupational information, career information, study habits, help with home, school and/or social concerns; or any questions the student may feel would like to discuss with the counselor.
4 School Adjustment Councelors, and 2 School psychologists are available for more serious emotional/psychological concerns.
SchoolPulse: Helping Schools Reach Every Student
SchoolPulse will provide our schools with the blend of technology and human interaction so that no student gets left behind. The proactive wellness platform reaches every student through text, educating, and providing one-on-one support.
- SchoolPulse is engaged by SPS to provide automated text messages, access to a weekly podcast, weekly wellness surveys, personalized responses and discussion with SchoolPulse representatives.
- SchoolPulse will not provide any personally identifiable information or protected health information disclosed in confidence by users unless it is reasonably determined by SchoolPulse that the disclosure of such information is necessary to prevent a potential emergency.
- SchoolPulse intends to provide any and all data to SPS.
- SchoolPulse services include a hybrid of automated responses and personal correspondence with students.
As an emotional learning and wellness platform, SchoolPulse is not a suicide hot line or help line, but rather, an educational platform that helps educational settings in an effort to deal with mental health as a resource for students and families.
LGBTQ+ Resources
Helpful Information and Resources for LGBTQ+ Students at Shrewsbury High School
Transitioning to high school for anyone can be exciting and scary at the same time. Students who identify as LGBTQ+ might have questions about the high school. Below you will find helpful resources and information to help LGBTQ+ students feel more comfortable at Shrewsbury High School.
Getting Support
The best way to get help is to ask. Shrewsbury High School has many clubs, one of which is the Gender Sexuality Alliance (GSA). The GSA has many LGBTQ+ members who know the ins and outs of navigating the high school for LGBTQ+ students. Asking questions and hearing about your peers' experiences can be invaluable; please reach out to the GSA via the club's email,, if you have any questions and/or would like to be connected to other LGBTQ+ students. Additionally all students at SHS have access to their guidance counselor, an adjustment counselor, two school psychologists, and three school nurses. If you need any help connecting with any staff please send an email to the GSA address.
Common questions for LGBTQ+ Students
How do I add my preferred name for my email, Powerschool, attendance lists, Zoom etc...? Many LGBTQ+ students use a preferred first name instead of their legal first name. If you need to add your preferred first name, please see your school counselor.
How do I let staff know about my pronouns? All staff want to be sure to use your correct pronouns, but sometimes, staff need to be informed what your pronouns are. To make sure staff are using your correct pronouns, it is important for you to let them know. You can choose to do this in several ways such as a face-to-face conversation or sending them an email. Please see the pronoun email template below that you can send to all staff.
Greetings {teacher's name},
My name is {your preferred first and last name} and I am in your {class name} class during period [#]. I just wanted to reach out to you ahead of time to alert you that the name I use may not be the same as the one that appears on your roster or in PowerSchool. I also wanted to let you know that I use {your pronouns} pronouns. Thank you for being attentive to this change, it is very important to me.
Thank you for your time, I am really looking forward to learning with you this year.
What bathrooms should I use? All students are allowed and encouraged to use the student bathrooms that correspond with their gender identity. However, if a student is not comfortable with using the multiple stall student bathrooms, the student should contact the school nurses. Nurses will ensure that the student is able to freely access individual bathrooms located in the building.
What about changing for PE class? LGBTQ+ students have multiple options when it comes to changing for PE class. The studnets can either use the locker room that corresponds to their gender identity, or change in the nurse's office. The nurse's office does not contain lockers, but has a space for students to leave clothes and bags. If a student is using the nurse's office for this purpose, the studnet should contact their PE teacher to alert them, please see the template below:
Greetings {Teacher's Name},
My name is {Preferred first and last name}, and I am in your PE class during period [#] on days [#] this semester. I just wanted to reach out to you ahead of time to alert you that the name I use may not be the same as the one that appears on your roster or in PowerSchool. I also wanted to let you know that I use {your preferred pronouns} pronouns. Thank you for being attentive to this change, it is very important to me.
I also wanted to notify you that I will not require a locker, as I will be changing in the Nurses’ Office. Because of this, I may be running a few minutes late at the beginning of class. It would also be helpful to me to be able to leave a few minutes early so I can walk to the nurse's office and change before my next class.
Thank you. I'm really looking forward to class with you this semester!
Other Questions? If you have any additional questions or concerns that you did not find the answers to here, please contact to ask questions and for further information.
Food Service Information
To stay current on all Food Service information, please visit our website.
To communicate to the Food Service Director, please email or call Beth Nichols at or (508) 841-8819.
The monthly menus are posted on the Shrewsbury Home Page website at The Food Service is committed to serving what is on the printed menu.
The federal and state government funding covers the cost of one breakfast and one lunch per day for all students.
Students/parents must pay for all additional food items such as:
- Individual milk or water purchase
- Second meals
- Second slices of pizza
- All à la carte items
The items listed above are not free and not part of the government subsidized "free meal" program.
Breakfast Program
A Breakfast Program is offered daily at all schools before the school day begins. A variety of cereals, fruits, pastries, morning breads, yogurts, juice and milk are offered daily. All meals meet the state requirements for good nutrition.
Lunch Program
A Lunch Program is offered daily at all schools. A minimum of two entrees is offered daily. In addition a variety of sandwiches, soups, milks, 100% juice, fruits, vegetables, and breads are offered daily. All meals meet the state requirements for good nutrition.
Free and Reduced Breakfast/Lunch Applications
Free and reduced price meals are available to students if there is financial need. Applications are available online: at the Food Service website. If you need an application at any time during the year or help filling the application out call the Food Service office at 508-841-8819 and one will be mailed to you. Eligibility is governed by guidelines set by the Department of Education. A written notification will be sent to all families stating what program they qualify for.
Why apply when meals are free? The district receives additional funding in a variety of ways based upon our verified census of students who are eligible for free or reduced price meals.
Additionally, the district offers fee discounts for Extended School Care, athletics, and busing to students who qualify for the free/reduced price meal program.
So, we strongly encourage families who think they are eligible for free/reduced price meals to apply.
A-La-Carte Items (Not Free of Charge)
A-la-carte items (ex. cookies, chips, etc.) are offered at the middle and high schools for an additional charge. The grant program provided by the state does not cover the charge for a-la-carte items. Additionally, students that are eligible for reduced or free school lunch will be charged for a-la-carte items, as they are not included in a standard breakfast or standard lunch program.
Point of Sale System and Prepaid Meal Accounts
The Meal Magic Point of Sale System is available to allow parents to put money on their child's account for meal or a-la-carte purchases. Any amount of money can be added to a student's account. This system eliminates the need for cash. Cash can also be used for purchases. Parents can send a check or cash with their child to give to the cafeteria cashier at their school. The cashier will add this money to the student's account. Checks should be made out to the Food Service Department. In the check memo section, please note the student's name whose account should be credited.
Parents can also use the online system, SchoolPay, to add money to their students account.
Allergy Aware
In order to create a safe school environment for all students, Shrewsbury Public School buildings and classrooms are designated as “Allergy Aware”. This indicates an effort on the part of the school to make the community (students, staff, families, etc) aware that there are students with food allergies in the classroom or building, and for that reason to ask that they be respectful of those around them who might have allergies by refraining from bringing foods that contain allergens into school as much as possible, and that they never share food of any kind while at school or on the bus.
- Allergy Aware tables will be available in cafeterias at the elementary and middle schools. Students with allergies can choose to sit at these tables along with non-allergic students whose lunch does not contain allergens. Again, sharing/trading of food is not permitted.
- We will require that parents not send in edible treats for celebrations. In accordance with the District’s Wellness Policy, foods used for these events must be purchased through Food Services.
Media Center
The Shrewsbury High School Media Center will provide all students with a safe, open and welcoming environment. We will facilitate effective ways to find, select, evaluate, and use information while providing access to resources for personal and academic exploration. Media center resources and pass information can be found on the media center website ( or through the SHS Media Center Schoology Group. Email the Media Specialist to get access to the Schoology group if needed.
Classes for research and instruction in information literacy skills use the media center. Classes take first priority in the media center space. Students using the media center during their study must be respectful of classes and other students using the space for study or research. Media center computers are reserved for academic work.
Seniors may utilize the media center for study as part of senior privilege during their common study and do not need a pass within the 1st ten minutes of class. - see senior privileges. However, seniors may be assigned a study classroom during lunch blocks, and need a media center pass to use the media center during that time. All seniors in a study should sign-in once in the media center.
Underclassmen may use the media center for a quiet study once they have obtained a pass from the media center website ( or through the SHS Media Center Schoology Group. Underclassmen with library passes must report to the directed study classroom for attendance before proceeding to the media center. All students from a directed study must arrive during the first ten minutes of a period and are expected to remain in the library for the entire period. Seniors are allowed to return to their common study but will not be readmitted to the library during that period.
Students may spend only one study period per day in the media center unless the media staff grants additional time.
Students whose behavior in the library is inappropriate may lose their library privileges for a specified period of time to be determined by the media staff and/or their grade administrator. Food and Drink is not allowed in the media center. The Media Center expectations are to work quietly individually, or in small groups.
Book Loans
Books are loaned for a three-week period. Students may renew books in the media center or through an email to the media specialist. Overdue notices are delivered weekly by email. Students’ names may be submitted to administration when books are overdue more than two months. Students' names will be submitted to administration when books are not returned at the end of the year (except when given permission to check books out for the summer). Students who damage or lose books will be billed for the cost of the book(s).
Nurse/Health Information
The school nurse strengthens and facilitates the education process by improving and protecting the health status of children. The major focus of school nursing services is the prevention of illness and disability, and the early detection and correction of health problems. If a student becomes ill in school, the student should report to the nurse, who will decide what should be done. Students must not leave the building without authorization because of illness. If the nurse is not in, students are to report to the main office.
Students are not allowed to carry ANY medication on their person, with the exception of emergency medication. Students may carry and administer inhalers, insulin and epinephrine only. The nurses will dispense medications that are brought into school by a parent or responsible adult. These medications must be in a labeled prescription container and be accompanied by a signed doctor’s order indicating that the medication has to be given during the school day. Medication orders must be renewed every school year.
Some students may have a surgical procedure of some sort during the school year. A student may not return to school until the student is no longer taking narcotic pain medications. Narcotics will not be kept at school except for those students whose chronic health conditions require them to be given during the school day as prescribed by the treating physician. EXCEPTION: Those students whose chronic illness requires narcotic medication be given during the school day as prescribed by the treating physician.
It is extremely important for parents to keep their contact information updated in PowerSchool, so the appropriate person can be contacted in the event of an emergency.
Students should stay home if vomiting, or have a fever of 100 degrees or higher. Please do not send the students back to school until are fever free for 24 hours without medication.
Mandated Screenings
The following school screenings are mandated by Massachusetts state law (M.G.L.
c.71, s.57 and 105 CMR 200.000). Per Massachusetts Regulations 105 CMR 200.000, the purpose of mandated screenings is to “identify and take appropriate actions with respect to disabilities and medical conditions of school children in public schools as soon as possible so as to enable all children to obtain the fullest benefit of their educational opportunities and to identify and take appropriate action with respect to contagious or communicable diseases among students…” Screenings are a tool used for referral for further care and should not be considered diagnostic. In order for a student to be excused from any screening(s), the parent/guardian must make a request in writing to the school nurse each school year.
Massachusetts requires that all students in grades 5 – 9 participate in postural screening annually. These screenings, along with height and weight measurements, are done by the Physical Education teachers, usually during the first two weeks of PE class. If the PE teacher has concerns about a particular student, the student will be rescreened by the school nurse. Letters will be mailed home if follow-up is recommended. BMI data is available to parents upon request to the school nurse. For postural screening exclusion requests, documentation of screening within the past year by a medical professional must also be provided.
Hearing and Vision
In addition, students in grade 10 are required to be screened for hearing and vision. Hearing and vision screenings are conducted in the health office by school nurses and trained personnel, usually in February.
Letters will be mailed home if follow-up is recommended.
Any parent who wishes that their child be excluded from screening(s) must submit a request in writing to the nurse’s office along with proof of screening by the student’s primary care provider or other medical professional.
Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) is an evidence-based practice used to identify, reduce, and prevent problematic use, abuse, and dependence on alcohol and illicit drugs. The SBIRT model was incited by an Institute of Medicine recommendation that called for community-based screening for health risk behaviors, including substance use. SBIRT screenings are conducted by trained staff, including school nurses, school adjustment counselors, school counselors and school psychologists.
- Screening - a healthcare professional assesses a patient for risky substance use behaviors using standardized screening tools. Screening can occur in any healthcare setting
- Brief Intervention - a healthcare professional engages a patient showing risky substance use behaviors in a short conversation, providing feedback and advice
- Referral to Treatment - a healthcare professional provides a referral to brief therapy or additional treatment to patients who screen in need of additional services
Student Accident Reporting:
Students should report to the nurse any accident resulting in an injury of any sort. Parents are asked to report to the nurse any injury that happens outside of school at any sport or co-curricular activity. These include a concussion, orthopedic injuries, requiring any assistive devices or any illness requiring prolonged absence from school. The nurses will help to ensure that the necessary arrangements are made for your student upon their return to school. By participating in co-curricular activities and athletics, students and their parent(s) assume liability for accidents and injuries that may reasonably occur in the context of these events.
Student Accident Insurance:
At the beginning of each school year, the School Department makes available to families the purchase of student accident insurance. Such insurance is typically purchased by those who do not have employer-sponsored health/dental plans available to them in the workplace. Premiums will vary depending upon the insurance coverage level selected. It is the responsibility of the parent/student to select the policy, pay the premium, and coordinate payment for health services received.
Physical Exams: Massachusetts state law (M.G.L. c.71, s.57 and 105 CMR 200) requires physical examinations of school children within 1 year before entry into school or within 30 days after entry, and at intervals of either 3 or 4 years thereafter . In addition the Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association (MIAA) requires that any student participating in an interscholastic sport must pass a physical examination prior to participation. The exam is valid for 13 months from the exam date.
Destruction of Health Records:
When a student leaves Shrewsbury Public Schools, health records are transferred to the receiving school or given to a parent/guardian in their entirety whenever possible. Parents are encouraged to provide transfer information to ensure that health records follow the student. Any health records that remain at school after the student transfers, graduates, or withdraws, will be kept for 7 years and will then be destroyed in accordance with MA Dept. of Education student record regulations.
Medical Excuse for Physical Education - Students may be excused from Physical Education classes with proper medical documentation verified by school nursing staff.
Section 504
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 is a federal statute which states, in part, "No otherwise qualified individual, shall solely on the basis of handicap, be excluded from participation in, be denied benefits of, or be subject to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance." This requirement not to discriminate in educational programs and activities also extends to employment. Each school has a designated Section 504 Coordinator. Initial inquiries relating to Section 504 should be directed to the building-based Section 504 Coordinator who can be contacted through the Principal’s office.
Further information may be requested by contacting the Assistant Superintendent for Student Services at (508) 841-8660.
The following grievance procedure should be used to report discrimination under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Acts of 1973:
To fulfill its obligation under Section 504, the Shrewsbury Public Schools recognizes a responsibility to avoid discrimination in policies and practices regarding personnel and students. No discrimination against a person with a disability will knowingly be permitted in any of the programs or activities of the Shrewsbury Public Schools.
The school district has a specific requirement under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, which includes the responsibility to identify, evaluate and if the child is determined to be eligible under Section 504, to afford access to free and appropriate educational services. Questions about eligibility or services under Section 504 should be first directed to the building-based Section 504 Coordinator. Parents or guardiants will be notified of the evaluation and placement decisions regarding their child, of their right to review the child's student record, and of their right to appeal decisions as discussed below.
If a parent or guardian disagrees with the determination made by the professional staff of the school, the parent or guardian have a right to a hearing, first with the district’s Section 504 Coordinator, and secondly with an impartial hearing officer. The district’s Section 504 Coordinator, the Assistant Superintendent for Student Services, can be reached at 15 Parker Road, Shrewsbury, MA 01545 or by phone at (508) 841-8660.
The Assistant Superintendent for Student Services will hear all grievances in a timely manner and will provide a written report of the district’s findings to the parent or guardian. If a parent or guardian is unsatisfied with the results of the review the parent or guardian may appeal to the Superintendent of Schools.
For grievances not resolved at the Superintendent’s level, a review by an impartial hearing officer may be scheduled. Individuals with grievances are not required to use the Shrewsbury Public Schools grievance procedure. Written complaints may be filed with the following agencies:
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
75 Pleasant Street
Malden, MA 02148-4906
(781) 338-3000
United States Department of Education
Region 1 – office of Civil Rights
John W. McCormack Post office and Courthouse – Room 222 Boston, MA 02109-4557
(617) 223-9662
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
One Congress Street Boston, MA 02114
(617) 565-3200
Mass. Commission Against Discrimination
One Ashburton Place, Room 601 Boston, MA 02108
(617) 727-3990
SHS Alumni Association
Each year the SHS Alumni Association offers grants to student groups and scholarships to graduating seniors.
Information and applications are available at
Alumni association membership is open to all Shrewsbury High School graduates and friends.
The Alumni website can help you keep in touch with classmates. It also offers links to SHS Athletic Hall of Fame, the alumni newsletter, and special alumni events.
Alumni can also use this website as a resource for planning class reunions.
Special Education
The Special Education Program is in compliance with the special education federal statute (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act-IDEA 04) and the state regulations (603CMR28.00: Special Education).
Student Publicity
Many school events, student accomplishments, and student work are published through both print and electronic media, including local newspapers, local cable television, and the Internet.
Any media focusing on a particular student or a particular group of students is considered to be a student record and will only be released with parental consent.
If you have any objection to your child being included in the items listed below, you must send in writing your decision to opt out to your child’s principal.
Unless the school receives contrary notice in writing from a parent or guardian, it is assumed that parents/guardians have given consent for the information below to be publicized.
- Images for print, broadcast, and electronic display and distribution
- Audio and video for broadcast and electronic display and distribution
- Directory Permission – Student’s name, address, phone number and email address supplied to students and parents in your school community.
However, this policy does not restrict, nor do the Shrewsbury Public Schools have any authority over images, videos, or other such media taken by third parties that do not focus on any particular student or particular group of students.
Student Records Regulations
All records are available to students and parents with reasonable notice. In the absence of a court order to the contrary, records must be provided to both parents or legal guardians in custody of the child, or in the case of a non-custodial parent with the authorization for release. Copies of records may be released to third parties only with written permission from the student/parent or guardian. To release a record to or for a student who has graduated or left school requires the student's signature on a Transcript Request Form.
Transfer Procedures
Student takes a copy of their immunization record. An unofficial copy of the transcript (unsigned and without the seal) may be taken upon request.
Official transcripts, standardized test scores, special education records and all temporary records will be sent upon written request by the student or parent/guardian on a form provided by the school to where the student intends to transfer.
Retention and Destruction of Records
Transcripts for graduates will be retained for sixty years.
Standardized test scores and special education records will be retained for five years.
Student temporary records will be destroyed no later than seven years after the student transfers, graduates or withdraws from school system.
Records for transfer students and students who have withdrawn will be retained according to the expected date of graduation.
Release of Information
According to Massachusetts Regulation 603 CMR 23.07, Shrewsbury High School may release student names, addresses, telephone listings, date and place of birth, dates of attendance, weight and height of athletic team members, class and club participation in officially recognized school activities and sports, degrees, honors, awards, and post high school plans. However, parents and students have the right to request, in writing to the Principal, that this information not be released without prior consent.
According to Massachusetts Regulation 603 CMR 23.10, authorized school personnel of the school to which a student seeks or intends to transfer may have access to such student’s record without the consent of the eligible student or parent, provided that the school the student is leaving or has left, gives notice that it forwards student records to the school in which the student seeks or intends to enroll.
According to Massachusetts Regulation 603 CMR 71.34, parents or guardians have the right to inspect student records. A parents or guardian may “inspect academic, scholastic, or any records concerning such student...regardless of the age of such student.”
Student Schedule Information
Distribution of Schedules
Student schedules will be distributed in Advisory homeroom during the first day of school.
Seniors should be scheduled for a minimum of 30 credits and juniors, sophomores, and first year students for a minimum of 31.25 credits.
Course Changes
Requests for course changes will only be considered during the first two weeks of the school year. Students are provided a FULL YEAR schedule in August and should review their full year schedule. There are no course change considerations for second semester. Request for course changes will be classified as necessary or discretionary. Necessary changes will be made during the first week of school; discretionary changes will be discussed during the second week of school.
Necessary changes include:
- Students with incorrect schedules
- Students with fewer than seven classes
- Core curriculum classes at the wrong level
- Students failing to meet the prerequisite for a given class
Discretionary changes include:
- Changes in elective (If not on course selection sheet)
- Selection of an additional elective
- Changes in level
- Significant changes in course planning
- Dropping Courses (Only if course was not selected on course selection sheet)
- Students who drop a course/level after the third week of the semester receive a letter grade of “WP” (withdrew passing) or “WF” (withdrew/failing) for the semester.
- Students who drop a course after the end of the 1st or 3rd quarters will receive an F grade for the semester (regardless of the term grades).
All schedule changes after the first two weeks of the first semester must be authorized by the grade administrator and/or Principal. No schedule change will be approved that reduces the student’s load to less than the minimum number of required credits plus physical education except in extenuating circumstances. Students will not be dropped from the class roll and assigned a study even if the student is failing or losing credit due to attendance. In rare circumstances, changes may be made in levels within the same course or department with the approval of the teacher, school counselor, department director, and grade administrator. The student’s counselor will prepare the paperwork for all schedule changes upon approval from the administrator. Signatures of the student, teachers, department director, parent/guardian, and the administrator are required before the change becomes effective.
- Bullying/Harassment
- Cheating/Plagiarism
- Commons Guidelines
- Detentions
- Disciplinary Regulations & Guidelines
- Dress Code
- Drug Abuse Policy
- Electronics Policy
- Expulsion
- Felony Complaints/Convictions
- Fraternities/Sororities
- Hazing
- Ipad Expectations
- Passes
- School Bus Rules
- Search & Seizure
- Teen Dating Violence
- Violations of Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct
Our school community strives to honor the diverse backgrounds and celebrate individual differences of students, staff, and families. Treating each other with respect and kindness is of the utmost importance and helps us build a more robust, inclusive community. All members of our school community must share the responsibility of making our school a place where all feel safe, feel a sense of belonging, and feel accepted. We aim to build a collaborative, inclusive community where students can thrive academically, socially, and emotionally in a multicultural society. Our community has no tolerance for any discriminatory behavior(s).
Members of Shrewsbury High School must help improve our community by taking the following actions.
- Act in a kind, respectful, and curtious manner to each other in school settings and online.
- Be empathetic towards each other and celebrate the diverse community our school offers.
- Refrain from engaging in discriminatory and derogatory behavior.
- Listen to each other and be respectful when people are sharing their stories.
- Work to ensure that all members of our community feel included and safe.
Guidelines for Student Behavior
With respect to the following guidelines, the school administration reserves the right to impose additional disciplinary consequences including, but not limited to suspension from school for egregious infractions. Any disciplinary actions taken by the school will be governed by the policies set forth in the Shrewsbury High School Student Handbook. (Legal Reference MGL Ch. 71 sec 37H, 37H ½ and 37 ¾)
In the classroom:
Every student must realize that the primary function of Shrewsbury High School is to provide an education. This can only take place in a well-structured, well-disciplined classroom setting. Students share equal responsibility with teachers and administrators for maintaining a good classroom atmosphere. Class disruptions on the part of an individual or any group of individuals will not be tolerated. Academic skills/study halls are considered to be classes and conduct rules will apply there as well. Students are expected to bring adequate study materials to academic skills/study halls.
In the hallways, stairwells, and main foyer:
Students are not to linger in the hallways or main foyer before, between or during class time. If it is necessary for a student to be in the corridor during class, then the student must have a signed pass from a teacher. It is expected that students cooperate with school officials when given instructions related to behavior in the hallways and/or foyer.
In the bathrooms:
- The restrooms are open for the convenience of the students. There should be no loitering or socializing in the restrooms. Students share a certain amount of responsibility for keeping the restrooms clean and in good working conditions. Any student found deliberately littering or abusing the restrooms will be referred to the administrators for disciplinary action.
- Students may use the restroom facilities with the permission of their teacher. Teachers should not deny a student request unless there is a pattern of misuse of restroom requests at which time the teacher may make parent contact to discuss the issue.
- Students should not congregate in the restroom
- School authorities may enter the restroom facilities at any time to check the facility for health, safety, and/or housekeeping. School authorities should announce when entering the facility prior to their entrance.
- Students shall have access to the nurse’s room bathroom if the students are dealing with an issue. Students are encouraged to reach out to a trusted adult when needing assistance with a bathroom issue.
- If you have a medical condition and are required to go to the restroom at an unusual time, please bring a doctor’s note to the school nurse who will communicate this information to classroom teachers.
- All students must obtain a hall pass or note written by the teacher prior to leaving a classroom.
In the Commons/ Cafeteria:
- Students are responsible for picking up their own trash at the end of lunch.
- Food may not leave the cafeteria.
- Students must remain in the cafeteria during lunch. Weather permitting, seniors may eat lunch on the Senior Plaza behind the cafeteria as a senior privilege.
- Students who would like to leave the cafeteria during lunch may do so with written permission from the staff member the student will be visiting.
- Students may not cut the lunch line.
- All students must use their own Personal Identification Number (PIN) to purchase lunch. Students should not share their personal identification number with other students.
In the Media Center:
- Students must be accompanied by a class or have a pass in order to use the media center.
- Students must sign-in and sign-out of the media center.
- The media center is a space for students to get work done in a quiet environment. Please be considerate of those around you when working in small groups.
On the school bus:
When riding the buses, students are expected to be well behaved, courteous and concerned for their own safety as well as the safety of others. School buses are an extension of the school and students are responsible for all school rules/policies while riding. The bus driver is a designated school official while supervising students. Students reported for misconduct will be disciplined as follows:
- 1st infraction - Parental contact and warning and/or detention
- 2nd infraction - Temporary loss of bus privileges
- 3rd infraction - Extended and/or permanent loss of bus privileges
At a school-sponsored event:
School-sponsored events including dances/prom, rallies, performances, ceremonies, rehearsals/practices and athletic contests are considered an extension of the school day. Students are expected to demonstrate good behavior and sound judgment at these events. Students reported for misconduct during these events will be disciplined according to the guidelines and policies outlined in this handbook.
On the school elevator:
The school elevator is restricted to students who have written permission from the school nurse and/or administration. Only students with a pass from the school nurse or administrators are allowed to use the elevator.
In the student parking lot:
The administration offers the privilege of driving to/from school and parking on school grounds during the school day to licensed students in good standing regarding academics, attendance, and conduct. As parking on school grounds is a privilege, administration may revoke this privilege and prohibit any student from parking on school grounds for any reason deemed appropriate.
- Seniors will be given priority, followed by juniors and then underclassmen
- Students’ cars must be registered with the school.
- Students will be given a permit to be displayed in the appropriate place on the car as determined by the administration.
- Parking spaces outlined with Yellow lines are for student parking. Parking spaces outlined with White lines are reserved for staff parking. Any student car parked in a space designated for anything other than student parking is prohibited and may be towed at owner's expense. Students are not allowed to park in the front of the school at any time.
- Students must leave their vehicles immediately upon arrival at school and may not return to them until dismissal time.
- Students that need to access their vehicle during school hours may do so with administrative approval.
- The school assumes no responsibility for theft or damage to any vehicle.
- Any student vehicle on school grounds may be searched whenever there is a reasonable suspicion to believe that the student has violated the law or rules of the school relating to a controlled substance, weapon or school safety.
Senior privileges
Seniors have the privilege of eating in the Senior Plaza. This privilege will remain unless it is abused. The courtyard must be left clean at all times. Behavior must be good or privilege will be revoked.
Bullying and harassment are unacceptable at Shrewsbury High School and will not be tollerated. Bullying and harassment includes conduct that threatens, demeans, intimidates, or harms another with physical, verbal, emotional, racist, abusive or unwanted sexual behavior and/or action. Bullying and harassment will result in severe disciplinary action, including suspension and, as appropriate, referral to the police.
Abridged School Committee Policy on Bullying Prevention and Intervention - Approved by the School Committee – April 24, 2019
(The policy in its entirety can be found on the Shrewsbury Public Schools website )
The Shrewsbury Public Schools holds a core value of “respect and responsibility” and, as such, is committed to the continuous improvement of learning environments. In order to achieve these aspirations, the Shrewsbury Public Schools is committed to providing school environments where students are not subject to bullying and cyberbullying and the effects of such actions. Acts of bullying and cyberbullying are prohibited:
- (On school grounds; on property immediately adjacent to school grounds; at a school sponsored or school-related activity, function or program whether on or off school grounds; at a school bus stop; on a school bus or other vehicle owned, leased or used by the school district; or through the use of technology, including use of the school district’s network for World Wide Web/internet/intranet access; use of a personal electronic device when present at the locations cited above; or use of an electronic device owned, leased or used by the school district, and
- At a location, activity, function or program that is not school-related, or through the use of technology, including through the World Wide Web/internet or use of an electronic device that is not owned, leased or used by the school district, if the acts create a hostile environment at school for the target, infringes on the rights of the target at school or materially and substantially disrupts the education process or the orderly operation of a school.
Retaliation against a person who reports bullying, or who provides information during an investigation of bullying, or who witnesses or has reliable information about bullying, also is prohibited. Incidents of bullying may, in addition to being a violation of this policy, constitute a violation of civil rights laws including but not limited to Title II, Title VI, Title IX, and Section 504. Please see the anti-discrimination/harassment policies of the Shrewsbury Public Schools for further information.
Bullying and Retaliation Are Prohibited and Will Lead to Discipline
The Shrewsbury Public Schools absolutely prohibits bullying, cyberbullying and retaliation as defined below. Students or staff who engage in bullying, cyberbullying, or retaliation will be subject to disciplinary action; however, disciplinary action taken must balance the need for accountability with the need to teach appropriate behavior. The range of disciplinary action includes, but is not limited to, one or more of the following: verbal warnings, written warnings, reprimands, reflective writing assignments intended to educate the student aggressor, detentions, Saturday school, short-term or long-term suspensions, or expulsions from school as determined by the school administration, subject to applicable procedural requirements, unpaid administrative leave (for staff members) or termination of employment (for staff members). Nothing in this policy is intended to prevent the school administration from taking disciplinary action against a student for conduct that does not meet the definition of bullying or cyberbullying, as defined above, but nevertheless is inappropriate for the school environment. Disciplinary actions will be in accordance with administrative disciplinary policies and applicable state and federal laws.
Reporting Obligations and Methods
Reporting by Students, Parents/Guardians, and Others: The district expects students, parents/guardians, and others who witness or become aware of an instance of bullying or retaliation involving a student to report it to the school Principal or designee. An individual may make an anonymous report of bullying or retaliation; however, no disciplinary action may be taken against a student solely on the basis of an anonymous report. A student who knowingly makes a false accusation of bullying or retaliation shall be subject to disciplinary action.
Reporting to Parents/Guardians: Upon determining that bullying or retaliation has occurred, the Principal or designee will notify the parent/guardian of the target and of the aggressor of this finding and of the school’s procedures for responding to it. If the alleged target and alleged aggressor attend different schools, the Principal receiving the report shall inform the Principal of the other student’s school, and that principal or designee shall notify the student’s parents or guardians of the report and procedures.
Reporting to Administrator of Another School District or School: If an incident of bullying or retaliation involves students from more than one school district, charter school, non-public school, approved private day or residential school or collaborative school and the Shrewsbury Public Schools is the first to be informed of the bullying or retaliation, then the Superintendent of the Shrewsbury Public Schools or designee must, consistent with state and federal law, promptly notify the appropriate administrator of the other school district or school so that both may take appropriate action.
Reporting Methods: Each school shall have a reporting procedure in place for staff members to utilize. Each school shall communicate, through its handbook, the ways in which students and parents/guardians may report suspected bullying or cyberbullying, including anonymous reporting.
Aggressor is a student or a member of a school staff who engages in bullying, cyberbullying, or retaliation towards a student.
Bullying, as defined in M.G.L. c.71, s. 37O as amended, is the repeated use by one or more students or by a member of a school staff including, but not limited to, an educator, administrator, school nurse, cafeteria worker, custodian, bus driver, athletic coach, advisor to an extracurricular activity or paraprofessional, of a written, verbal, or electronic expression or a physical act or gesture or any combination thereof, directed at a target that:
- Causes physical or emotional harm to the target or damage to the target’s property;
- Places the target in reasonable fear of harm to himself or of damage to his property;
- Creates a hostile environment at school for the target;
- Infringes on the rights of the target at school; or (v) Materially and substantially disrupts the education process or the orderly operation of a school.
Bullying may include conduct such as physical intimidation or assault, including intimidating an individual into taking an action against his/her/their will; oral or written threats; teasing; putdowns; name-calling; stalking; threatening looks, gestures, or actions; cruel rumors; false accusations; and social isolation.
Cyberbullying, as defined in M.G.L. c.71, s. 37O is bullying through the use of technology or any electronic communication, which shall include, but not be limited to, any transfer of signs, signals, writing, images, sounds, data or intelligence of any nature transmitted in whole or in part by a wire, radio, electromagnetic, photo electronic or photo optical system, including, but not limited to, electronic mail, internet communications, instant messages or facsimile communications.
Cyberbullying also includes:
- The creation of a web page or blog in which the creator assumes the identity of another person;
- The knowing impersonation of another person as the author of posted content or messages, if the creation or impersonation creates any of the conditions enumerated above in the definition of bullying; and
- The distribution by electronic means of a communication to more than one person or the posting of material on an electronic medium that may be accessed by one or more persons, if the distribution or posting creates any of the conditions enumerated above in the definition of bullying.
Cyberbullying may include conduct such as sending derogatory, harassing or threatening email messages, instant messages, or text messages; creating websites or posting comments on websites that ridicule, humiliate, or intimidate others; and posting on websites or disseminating embarrassing or inappropriate pictures or images of others.
Hostile Environment, as defined in M.G.L. c. 71, s. 37O, is a situation in which bullying causes the school environment to be permeated with intimidation, ridicule, or insult that is sufficiently severe or pervasive to alter the conditions of a student’s education.
Retaliation is any form of intimidation, reprisal, or harassment directed against a person who reports bullying, provides information during an investigation of bullying, or witnesses or has reliable information about bullying.
Target is a student against whom bullying, cyberbullying or retaliation has been perpetrated.
School Staff includes, but is not limited to, educators, administrators, counselors, school nurses, cafeteria workers, custodians, bus drivers, athletic coaches, advisors to extracurricular activities, support staff, or paraprofessionals.
Incident Investigations
The school Principal or designee shall investigate promptly a report of bullying or retaliation giving consideration to all the circumstances at hand, including the nature of the allegations and the ages of the students involved. The following are general guidelines for responding to a report of bullying or retaliation. The guidelines will be adapted as necessary to respond appropriately to the complaint.
Pre-Investigation: Even before fully investigating allegations of bullying or retaliation, school personnel will consider whether there is a need to take immediate steps to support the alleged target and/or protect the alleged target from further potential incidents of concern. In taking any such action, however, the rights of both the alleged target and alleged student aggressor must be considered.
Written statement of the complaint: The investigator will seek to determine the basis of the complaint, gathering information from the complainant, including such matters as: what specifically happened, who committed the alleged acts, who was present or may have information about the events, when the events occurred (date, time of day), and where the events occurred.
It is helpful to have these facts in writing. If age appropriate, the complainant may be asked to put the complaint in writing and to sign and date it. If the complainant cannot or chooses not to write a complaint, the investigator will record the allegations, read them to the complainant to confirm accuracy, and ask the complainant to sign the document. If the complainant cannot or chooses not to sign, the investigator may sign and date the document her/himself.
Interviews: Once the allegations of the complainant are established, the investigator will gather other evidence, which may involve interviews of the alleged student or staff aggressor and/or other witnesses. If appropriate, the investigator should remind the alleged student or staff aggressor and witnesses that retaliation against persons who are believed to might have reported the incidents or cooperated with the investigation is strictly prohibited and will result in disciplinary action.
Confidentiality: The confidentiality of the complainant and the other witnesses will be maintained to the extent practicable given the school's obligation to investigate and address the matter.
Incident Determinations
School personnel must weigh all of the evidence objectively to determine whether the alleged events occurred and, if they did, whether the events constitute bullying or retaliation. The determination must be based upon all of the facts and circumstances and the perspective of a reasonable person. When applied to children, the "reasonable person" standard is generally "that of a reasonable person of like age, intelligence, and experience under like circumstances." See Ellison v. Brady, 924 F.2d 872 (9th Cir. 1991).
If bullying or retaliation is substantiated, the school will take steps reasonably calculated to prevent recurrence and ensure that the target is not restricted in participating in school or in benefiting from school activities. As with the investigation, the response will be individually tailored to all of the circumstances, including the nature of the conduct and the age of the students involved. In addition to taking disciplinary action, the following are examples of steps that may be taken to prevent the recurrence of bullying or retaliation:
- holding parent conferences;
- transferring student’s classroom or school;
- limiting or denying student access to a part, or area, of a school;
- enhancing adult supervision on school premises;
- excluding from participation in school-sponsored or school-related functions, after-school programs, and/or extracurricular activities;
- providing relevant educational activities for individual students or groups of students (guidance counselors and others in the school setting who have been trained in working with students on interpersonal issues may be helpful in providing such programs);
- creating a student action plan (safety plan) and directives for future conduct, including providing the target with a process for reporting any concerns about future conduct immediately (it is critical to involve the student in creating an action plan that involves a reporting process that works for that particular student);
- arranging for communication between the parties in mediation, if appropriate, to assist them in resolving issues which have arisen between them (such an approach will be used cautiously since communication can sometimes exacerbate, rather than alleviate, the target’s concerns and since the conduct often involves an imbalance of power); and
- providing counseling (or other appropriate services) or referral to such services outside of school for the target and/or the student aggressor and/or for appropriate family members of said students.
Closing the Complaint and Possible Follow-Up:
If a complaint is substantiated, school staff will promptly provide notice to the parent/guardian of the target and the student aggressor. Notice will indicate what action is being taken to prevent any further acts of bullying or retaliation. Specific information about disciplinary action taken generally will not be released to the target’s parents or guardians— unless it involves a “stay away” or other directive that the target must be aware of in order to report violations.
If appropriate, within a reasonable time period following closure of the complaint, the administrative staff or designee will contact the target to determine whether there has been any recurrence of the prohibited conduct. The district will retain a report of the complaint, containing the name of the complainant, the date of the complaint, investigator, school, a brief statement of the nature of the complaint, the outcome of the investigation, and the action taken.
Cheating is obtaining information (this includes taking screenshots or pictures of student work, assessment materials, or exchanging ideas via social media [including texting, messaging, etc.]) or copying another’s work for the purpose of presenting it as one’s own work, or providing information to others who have not acquired it through work of their own. The high school faculty considers plagiarism to be the use of material (from books, magazines, the Internet, journals, electronic media, other students' work, etc.) without proper documentation; this includes copying of papers, paragraphs, ideas, parts of sentences, sentences, or argumentative structures and calling the work one’s own. Paraphrasing material without proper documentation is also plagiarism. The use of artificial intelligence (AI) to complete assignments is prohibited without the expressed permission of a teacher: it falls under the umbrella of cheating/plagiarism. AI includes, but is not limited to, ChatGPT and Google Bard. Both cheating and plagiarism are unacceptable, dishonest, and indicate a lack of integrity.
Cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated and will result in the following disciplinary action:
If a teacher determines that a cheating or plagiarism incident has occurred, the teacher will assign a zero to the student(s) involved. Additionally, the teacher must inform the student’s parents, school counselor, department director, director of school counseling and grade administrator and the action taken regarding the incident. The school counselor will record the incident in the student’s file. The student has a right to appeal the teacher’s action to the department director. The Principal may send a letter to the student expressing his/her/their concern about the incident. Cheating and Plagiarism may be grounds to remove students for consideration for honor societies.
In the event a student is responsible for two or more incidents of cheating or plagiarism within the same course, the student will be assigned a failing grade for the specific assignment and a failing grade for the quarter in which the most recent incident occurred. The teacher will inform the student’s parents, school counselor, director of school counseling, grade administrator, and Principal of the incident and the action taken. The Principal will send a letter to the student and parents/guardians explaining concern about the most recent incident; a copy of the letter and any action taken will become part of the student’s file.
In the event a student is responsible for a cheating or plagiarism incident involving other students or multiple incidences of cheating or plagiarism involving more than one teacher during the school year or over the time of the student’s high school career, the student will receive a failing grade for the assignment(s) and a failing grade for the course(s) in the quarter in which the incident occurred.
Repeated offenses will be tracked by school counseling staff and reported to both the appropriate grade level administrator and affected department director(s). In addition to academic (grading) consequences, the student faces disciplinary action, including suspension in/or from school. The teacher(s) will inform the student’s parents/guardians, school counselor, director of school counseling, grade administrator, and Principal of the incident and the action taken. The principal will send a letter to the student and parent/guardian about the incident and hold a meeting with the parent/guardian to discuss the student’s actions and make plans to assist the student moving forward. A copy of the letter and any action taken will become part of the student’s file.
Commons Guidelines
Students are expected to conduct themselves in an appropriate and respectful manner when using the Commons.
The following regulations are a guide to proper behavior in the commons:
- Throwing any item is forbidden and can lead to suspension from school.
- Students are responsible for picking up after themselves.
- Under no circumstances is food to be taken out of the commons into classrooms without permission.
- The Administration assigns office detentions, which will begin at 2:30 p.m.
- Students will be given a one-day notice; parents must provide transportation.
- Students who have obtained a detention must report with school materials to study.
- Failure to comply with the rules may result in not receiving credit for attendance.
- An excessive accumulation will result in Saturday detention or out-of-school suspension.
Saturday Detention
Saturday detentions are issued for a variety of reasons as part of progressive discipline at SHS. If a student is issued a Saturday detention, it is important that the student take it seriously and serve the detention to avoid an out of school suspension.
Students must check in at the Commons by 8am (no one is admitted after 8:00 a.m.) You must be on time and remain until 11 a.m. and should have a ride waiting to pick you up.
If you arrive late, you may be asked to leave and this could result in a 2-day suspension.
Saturday School Rules:
- Detention begins at 8:00 a.m. and ends at 11am
- Student cannot leave the assigned area or the campus without permission.
- Failure to arrive, to comply with all rules, or to bring materials to work on while serving your detention will result in a 2-day out of school suspension.
- Student must bring 3 hours’ worth of academic work. No newspapers or magazines will be allowed. Lack of study or effort as judged by the supervisor may result in removal from Saturday School.
Please contact your child's grade administrator if your student was ill and could not attend.
Disciplinary Regulations & Guidelines
Shrewsbury High School values a respectful and safe school community. In order to encourage the development of self-discipline and respect for the rights of others as well as to maintain an atmosphere that is conducive to learning, rules and regulations are necessary. To assist in the maintenance of an orderly educational system, disciplinary regulations have been established and apply to all students.
Breaches of discipline generally fall into four broad categories:
- Disruption of the teaching-learning situation
- Injuries or assault to oneself or to others
- Damages to personal or public property
- Violations of school regulations or civil law
Disciplinary procedures at Shrewsbury High School range from an informal conference to expulsion from school. The procedure to be used in a particular instance depends upon the infraction, specific circumstances, and the individual’s overall pattern of behavior.
In general, six disciplinary procedures may be enforced depending on the infraction:
- Detention
- Saturday detention
- Restorative Practice
- Community Service
- Suspension (in-school or out-of-school)
- Expulsion
The Principal, or his/her/their designee, may also remove a student from privileges, such as co-curricular activities and attendance at school-sponsored events, based on a student’s misconduct. This type of removal is not subject to the procedures for suspension and expulsion outlined below.
Suspension from school is regulated under Massachusetts General Law Sec. 71 Chapter 37H ¾. and was amended by St.2022, c.177, § 29, effective November 8, 2022
This section shall govern the suspension and expulsion of students enrolled in a public school in the commonwealth who are not charged with a violation of subsections (a) or (b) of section 37H or with a felony under section 37H.5.
Any principal, superintendent or person acting as a decision-maker at a student meeting or hearing, when deciding the consequences for the student, shall consider ways to re-engage the student in the learning process; and shall not suspend or expel a student until alternative remedies have been employed and their use and results documented, following and in direct response to, a specific incident or incidents, unless specific reasons are documented as to why such alternative remedies are unsuitable or counter-productive, and in cases where the student’s continued presence in school would pose a specific, documentable concern about the infliction of serious bodily injury or other serious harm upon another person while in school.
Alternative remedies may include, but shall not be limited to: (i) mediation; (ii) conflict resolution; (iii) restorative justice; and (iv) collaborative problem solving.
The principal, superintendent, or person acting as a decision-maker shall also implement school- or district-wide models to re-engage students in the learning process which shall include but not be limited to: (i) positive behavioral interventions and supports models and (ii) trauma sensitive learning models; provided, however, that school- or district-wide models shall not be considered a direct response to a specific incident.
In-School Suspension
At the discretion of the principal, an In-School suspension may also be imposed where a student is determined to have committed a suspendable offense. The principal will inform the student of the disciplinary offense and the basis for the charge, and provide the student an opportunity to dispute the charges and explain the circumstances surrounding the alleged incident. If the principal determines that the student committed the offense, the principal shall inform the student of the length of the In-school suspension. On the same day as the In-school suspension, the principal will make reasonable efforts to notify the parent orally as soon as possible of the disciplinary offense, the reasons for concluding that the student committed the infraction and the length of the suspension. The principal shall also invite the parent to a meeting to discuss the student's academic performance and behavior, strategies for student engagement, and possible responses to the behavior. Such meeting shall be scheduled on the day of the suspension if possible, and if not, as soon thereafter as possible. On the first day of the in-school suspension, the principal will also send written notice to the student and parent about the in-school suspension, including the reason and the length of the in-school suspension. Thereafter, the principal or designee will invite the parent/guardian to a meeting with the principal for the purpose to discuss the student's academic performance and behavior, strategies for student engagement, and possible responses to the behavior.
In-School suspension means the student is removed from regular classroom activities, but not from the school premises, for no more than ten (10) consecutive days or no more than ten school days cumulatively for multiple infractions during the school year. In-School suspension for less than ten (10) days shall not be considered a short-term suspension. An In-School suspension of more than ten (10) days or fewer shall be deemed a long-term suspension for due process, appeal, and reporting purposes. Students will be subject to limitations on their activities as determined by the principal, including the privilege of field trip participation.
Opportunity for Academic Progress During Suspension/Expulsion
Any student receiving in-house suspension, short-term suspension, or long-term suspension shall have the opportunity to make up assignments, tests, papers, and other school work as needed to make academic progress during the period of removal from the classroom or school. Any student who is expelled or suspended from school for more than 10 consecutive days shall have an opportunity to receive educational services that will enable the student to make academic progress toward meeting state and local requirements through the school-wide educational services plan.
Student Due Process Rights
In administering discipline, school officials will be careful to observe the right to due process under the law for each student. The nature of the violation determines the due process that school officials follow:
- (a) Any student who is found on school premises or at school-sponsored or school-related events, including athletic games, in possession of a dangerous weapon, including, but not limited to, a gun or a knife; or a controlled substance as defined in chapter ninety-four C, including, but not limited to, marijuana, cocaine, and heroin, may be subject to expulsion from the school or school district by the principal.
- (b) Any student who assaults a principal, assistant principal, teacher, teacher's aide or other educational staff on school premises or at school-sponsored or school-related events, including athletic games, may be subject to expulsion from the school or school district by the principal.
- Any student who is charged with a violation of either paragraph (a) or (b) shall be notified in writing of an opportunity for a hearing; provided, however, that the student may have representation, along with the opportunity to present evidence and witnesses at said hearing before the principal. After said hearing, a principal may, in their discretion, decide to suspend rather than expel a student who has been determined by the principal to have violated either paragraph (a) or (b).
- Any student who has been expelled from a school district pursuant to these provisions shall have the right to appeal to the superintendent. The expelled student shall have ten days from the date of the expulsion in which to notify the superintendent of their appeal. The student has the right to counsel at a hearing before the superintendent. The subject matter of the appeal shall not be limited solely to a factual determination of whether the student has violated any provisions of this section.
- Any school district that suspends or expels a student under this section will continue to provide educational services to the student during the period of suspension or expulsion, under Massachusetts General Laws c. 76 section 21. If the student moves to another district during the period of suspension or expulsion, the new district of residence shall either admit the student to its schools or provide educational services to the student in an education service plan, under Massachusetts General Laws c. 76 section 21.
- Districts shall report to the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) the specific reasons for all suspensions and expulsions, regardless of duration or type, in a manner and form established by the commissioner. The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education will use its existing data collection tools to obtain this information from districts and shall modify those tools, as necessary, to obtain the information. On an annual basis, the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education will make district level de-identified data and analysis, including the total number of days each student is excluded during the school year, available to the public online in a machine readable format. This report shall include district level data disaggregated by student status and categories established by the commissioner.
- Under the regulations promulgated by the department, for each school that suspends or expels a significant number of students for more than 10 cumulative days in a school year, the commissioner will investigate and, as appropriate, shall recommend models that incorporate intermediary steps prior to the use of suspension or expulsion. The results of the analysis are publicly reported at the school district level.
A copy of this law may be obtained in the main office.
Upon the issuance of a criminal complaint charging a student with a felony or upon the issuance of a felony delinquency complaint against a student, the principal of a school may suspend a student for a period of time determined appropriate by the principal if the principal determines that the student’s continued presence in school would have a substantial detrimental effect on the general welfare of the school. The student shall receive written notification of the charges and the reasons for such suspension prior to such suspension taking effect.
The student shall also receive written notification of their right to appeal and the process for appealing such suspension; provided, however, that such suspension shall remain in effect prior to any appeal hearing conducted by the superintendent. The student shall have the right to appeal the suspension to the superintendent. The student shall notify the superintendent in writing of their request for an appeal no later than five calendar days following the effective date of the suspension. The superintendent shall hold a hearing with the student and the student’s parent or guardian within three calendar days of the student’s request for an appeal. At the hearing, the student shall have the right to present oral and written testimony on their behalf, and shall have the right to counsel. The superintendent shall have the authority to overturn or alter the decision of the principal or headmaster, including recommending an alternate educational program for the student. The superintendent shall render a decision on the appeal within five calendar days of the hearing. Such decision shall be the final decision of the city, town or regional school district with regard to the suspension.
The principal may expel a student who has been convicted, adjudicated, or admitted guilt with respect to a felony or felony delinquency, if the principal determines that the student’s continued presence in school would have a substantial detrimental effect on the general welfare of the school. If that is the case, the student shall receive written notification of the charges and reasons for such expulsion prior to such expulsion taking effect. The student shall also receive written notification of their right to appeal and the process for appealing such expulsion; provided, however, that the expulsion shall remain in effect prior to any appeal hearing conducted by the superintendent.
The student shall have the right to appeal the expulsion to the superintendent. The student shall notify the superintendent, in writing, of their request for an appeal no later than five calendar days following the effective date of the expulsion. The superintendent shall hold a hearing with the student and the student’s parent or guardian within three calendar days of the expulsion. At the hearing, the student shall have the right to present oral and written testimony on their behalf, and shall have the right to counsel. The superintendent shall have the authority to overturn or alter the decision of the principal or headmaster, including recommending an alternate educational program for the student. The superintendent shall render a decision on the appeal within five calendar days of the hearing. Such decision shall be the final decision of the city, town or regional school district with regard to the expulsion.
A copy of this law may be obtained in the main office.
Notice and Principal’s Meeting
For any suspension under this section, the principal or a designee shall provide notice of the charges and the reason for the suspension or expulsion to the parent(s)/guardian(s) in English and the primary language spoken in the student’s home. This notice shall include:
- The disciplinary offense;
- The basis for the charge;
- The potential consequences, including the potential length of the suspension;
- The opportunity to have a hearing with the principal and the parent concerning the proposed suspension, including the opportunity to dispute the charges and to present the student’s explanation of the alleged incident;
- The date, time, and location of the hearing;
- The right of the parent and student to interpreter services at the hearing;
- If the student may be placed on a long-term suspension following the hearing with the principal:
- The rights set forth under the “Procedures for Long-Term Suspension”; and
- The right to appeal the principal’s decision to the superintendent.
The student shall receive written notice of the charges and the opportunity to meet with the principal or designee to discuss charges and reasons for the suspension and/or exclusion prior to suspension/exclusion taking effect. The principal or designee shall make reasonable efforts to notify the parent orally of the opportunity to attend the hearing. The meeting may take place without the student’s parent(s)/guardian(s) so long as the principal has sent written notice and has documented at least two (2) attempts to contact the parent in the manner specified by the parent for emergency notification. The purpose of the principal’s hearing is to hear and consider information regarding the alleged incident for which the student may be suspended, provide the student an opportunity to dispute the charges and explain the circumstances surrounding the alleged incident, determine if the student committed the disciplinary offense, and if so, the consequences for the infraction. The principal shall determine the extent of the rights to be afforded the student at a disciplinary hearing based on the anticipated consequences for the disciplinary offense.
Short-term Suspension (period of 10 school days or fewer)
The principal shall discuss the disciplinary offense, the basis for the charge, and any other pertinent information as stated above. The student also shall have an opportunity to present information, including mitigating facts, that the principal should consider in determining whether other remedies and consequences may be appropriate. The principal shall provide the parent, if present, an opportunity to discuss the student's conduct and offer information, including mitigating circumstances, that the principal should consider in determining consequences for the student. Based on the available information, including mitigating circumstances, the principal shall determine whether the student committed the disciplinary offense, and, if so, what remedy or consequence will be imposed. The principal shall notify the student and parent of the determination and the reasons for it, and, if the student is suspended, the type and duration of suspension and the opportunity to make up assignments and such other school work as needed to make academic progress during the period of removal. The determination shall be in writing and may be in the form of an update to the original written notice.
Long-term Suspension (period of more than 10 school days)
If the student is suspended for more than ten (10) days for a single infraction or for more than ten (10) days cumulatively for multiple infractions in any school year, the notice will include:
- The disciplinary offense, the date on which the hearing took place, and the participants in the hearing;
- The key facts and conclusions reached by the principal;
- The length and effective date of the suspension and the date of return to school;
- The notice the student’s opportunity to receive education services to make academic progress during the suspension;
- The student’s right to appeal the principal’s decision to the superintendent or their designee if a long-term suspension has been imposed.
In addition to the rights afforded a student in a short-term suspension hearing, the student shall also have the opportunity to review the student's record and the documents upon which the principal may rely in making a determination to suspend the student or not; the right to be represented by counsel or a lay person of the student's choice, at the student's/parent's expense; the right to produce witnesses on their behalf and to present the student's explanation of the alleged incident, but the student may not be compelled to do so; the right to cross-examine witnesses presented by the school district; the right to request that the hearing be recorded by the principal, and to receive a copy of the audio recording upon request. If the student or parent requests an audio recording, the principal shall inform all participants before the hearing that an audio record will be made and a copy will be provided to the student and parent upon request. The Parent, if present, shall have an opportunity to discuss the student's conduct and offer information, including mitigating circumstances that the principal should consider in determining consequences for the student. Based on the evidence, the principal shall determine whether the student committed the disciplinary offense, and, if so, after considering mitigating circumstances and alternatives to suspension, what remedy or consequence will be imposed, in place of or in addition to a long-term suspension. The principal shall send the written determination to the student and parent by hand-delivery, certified mail, first-class mail, email to an address provided by the parent for school communications, or any other method of delivery agreed to by the principal and the parent.
*If the student is in a public preschool program or in grades K through 3, the principal shall send a copy of the written determination to the superintendent and explain the reasons for imposing an out-of-school suspension, whether short-term or long-term, before the suspension takes effect.
Superintendent’s Hearing
For long-term suspensions, the parent(s)/guardian(s) shall have five (5) calendar days following the effective date of the suspension or expulsion to submit a written request for an appeal to the Superintendent but may be granted an extension of time of up to seven (7) calendar days. If the appeal is not timely filed, the superintendent may deny the appeal, or may allow the appeal in their discretion, for good cause. The Superintendent will hold a hearing with the student and the parent(s)/guardian(s) within three (3) school days or the student’s request for an appeal. The time may be extended up to seven(7) calendar days if requested by the parent(s)/guardian(s). The Superintendent’s hearing may proceed without the parent(s)/guardian(s) if a good faith effort was made to include parent(s)/guardian(s).
The superintendent shall be presumed to have made a good faith effort if he or she has made efforts to find a day and time for the hearing that would allow the parent and superintendent to participate. The superintendent shall send written notice to the parent of the date, time, and location of the hearing. At the hearing, the superintendent shall determine whether the student committed the disciplinary offense of which the student is accused, and if so, what the consequence shall be.
The hearing shall be audio recorded and a copy of the recording shall be provided to the student or parent upon request.
Students shall have all of the rights afforded to students at the principal’s hearing for long-term suspension. The Superintendent will issue a written decision within five (5) calendar days of the hearing. If the superintendent determines that the student committed the disciplinary offense, the superintendent may impose the same or a lesser consequence than the principal, but shall not impose a suspension greater than that imposed by the principal's decision. The Superintendent’s decision is the final decision of the district.
If the student is suspended for more than ten (10) days for a single infraction or for more than ten (10) days cumulatively for multiple infractions in any school year, the notice will include:
- The disciplinary offense, the date on which the hearing took place, and the participants in the hearing;
- The key facts and conclusions reached by the principal;
- The length and effective date of the suspension and the date of return to school;
- The notice the student’s opportunity to receive education services to make academic progress during the suspension;
The student’s right to appeal the principal’s decision to the superintendent or their designee if a long-term suspension has been imposed. This notice of appeal shall include the process for appealing the decision, which requires the parent or student to file a written notice of appeal with the superintendent within five (5) calendar days of the effective date of the long-term suspension.
The superintendent shall hold the hearing within three (3) school days of the student’s request, unless an extension is mutually agreed to. The superintendent shall make a good-faith effort to include the parent in the hearing.
The hearing shall be conducted to determine whether the student committed the disciplinary offense and, if so, what the consequence shall be. The hearing shall be audio recorded and a copy of the recording shall be provided to the student or parent upon request.
All the same rights as are afforded in the above long-term suspension principal’s hearing shall apply to the student in a superintendent’s hearing.
The superintendent shall issue a written decision within five (5) calendar days of the hearing. If the superintendent determines that the student committed the disciplinary offense, the superintendent may impose the same or lesser consequence than the principal.
The decision of the superintendent shall be the final decision of the school district.
No student will be suspended for greater than ninety (90) days, beginning on the first day the student is removed from the building.
Emergency Removal
The principal may remove a student from school temporarily when a student is charged with a disciplinary offense and the continued presence of the student poses a danger to persons or property, or materially and substantially disrupts the order of the school, and, in the principal's judgment, there is no alternative available to alleviate the danger or disruption. The temporary removal shall not exceed two (2) school days following the day of the emergency removal. In the event of an emergency removal, the principal shall make immediate and reasonable efforts to orally notify the student and the student's parent of the emergency removal, the reason for the need for emergency removal. The principal shall provide written notice to the student and parent as provided above, and provide the student an opportunity for a hearing with the principal as provided above, and the parent an opportunity to attend the hearing, before the expiration of the two (2) school days, unless an extension of time for hearing is otherwise agreed to by the principal, student, and parent. The principal shall render a decision orally on the same day as the hearing, and in writing no later than the following school day, which meets the requirements as described above. In the event of an emergency removal from school, the principal will not release the student until adequate provisions have been made for the student's safety and transportation.
Discipline for Students with Disabilities
All students are expected to meet the requirements for behavior as set forth in this handbook. In addition to those due process protections afforded to all students, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and related regulations require that additional provisions be made for students who have been found eligible for special education services or who the school district knows or has reason to know might be eligible for such services. Students who have been found to have a disability that impacts upon a major life activity, as defined under §504 of the Rehabilitation Act, are, generally, also entitled to increased procedural protections prior to imposing discipline that will result in the student’s removal for more than ten (10) consecutive school days or where there is a pattern of short-term removals exceeding ten (10) school days cumulatively in a given year.
The following additional requirements apply to the discipline of students with disabilities:
- The IEP for every student eligible for special education or related services shall indicate whether the student can be expected to meet the regular discipline code of the school or whether the code should be modified to address the student’s individual needs.
- Students with disabilities may be excluded from their programs for up to ten (10) school days to the extent that such sanctions would be applied to all students. Before a student with a disability can be excluded from their program for more than ten (10) consecutive school days in a given school year or ten (10) cumulative school days in a given school year, building administrators, the parents/guardians and relevant members of the student’s IEP or 504 team will meet to determine the relationship between the student’s disability and behavior (Manifestation Determination). The team will determine whether the student’s behavior was caused by, or was directly and substantially related to their disability or whether the conduct in question was the direct result of the district’s failure to implement the student’s IEP or 504 plan.
- If building administrators, the parents/guardians and relevant members of the student’s IEP or 504 Team determine that the student’s conduct was not caused by, or directly and substantially related to the student’s disability or failure to implement the IEP or 504 Plan, the school may discipline the student in accordance with the procedures and penalties applicable to all students but will continue to provide a free appropriate public education to those students with IEPs. There is no entitlement to provide a free appropriate public education to those students on 504 Plans. The student’s IEP team will identify the services necessary to provide a free appropriate public education during the period of exclusion, review any existing behavior intervention plan or where appropriate, conduct a functional behavioral assessment.
- If building administrators, the parents/guardians, and relevant members of the student’s IEP or 504 Team determine that the conduct giving rise to disciplinary action was caused by, or directly and substantially related to the student’s disability or failure to implement the IEP or 504 Plan, the student will not be subjected to further removal or exclusion from the student’s current educational program based on that conduct (except for conduct involving weapons, drugs, or resulting in serious bodily injury to others) until the IEP or 504 Team develops, and the parent/ guardian's consent to, a new placement, or unless the district obtains an order form a court or from the Bureau of Special Education Appeals (BSEA) authorizing a change in the student’s placement. The Student’s Team shall also review the student’s IEP, and modify as appropriate, any existing behavioral intervention plan and arrange for a functional behavioral assessment.
- If a student with a disability possesses or uses illegal drugs, sells or solicits a controlled substance, possesses a weapon, or causes serious bodily injury to another on school grounds or at a school function, the district may place the student in an interim alternative educational placement (IAES) for up to forty-five (45) school days. A court or BSEA hearing officer may also order the placement of a student who presents a substantial likelihood of injury to self or others in an appropriate interim setting for up to forty-five (45) school days.
Procedures for suspension of students with disabilities when suspensions exceed 10 consecutive school days or a pattern has developed for suspensions exceeding 10 cumulative days; responsibilities of the Team; responsibilities of the district
- A suspension of longer than 10 consecutive days or a series of suspensions that are shorter than 10 consecutive days but constitute a pattern are considered to represent a change in placement.
- When a suspension constitutes a change in placement of a student with disabilities, district personnel, the parent, and other relevant members of the Team, as determined by the parent and the district, convene within 10 days of the decision to suspend to review all relevant information in the student's file, including the IEP, any teacher observations, and any relevant information from the parents, to determine whether the behavior was caused by or had a direct and substantial relationship to the disability or was the direct result of the district's failure to implement the IEP-“a manifestation determination.”
- If district personnel, the parent, and other relevant members of the Team determine that the behavior is NOT a manifestation of the disability, then the suspension or expulsion may go forward consistent with policies applied to any student without disabilities, except that the district must still offer:
- services to enable the student, although in another setting, to continue to participate in the general education curriculum and to progress toward IEP goals; and
- as appropriate, a functional behavioral assessment and behavioral intervention services and modifications, to address the behavior so that it does not recur.
- Interim alternative educational setting. Regardless of the manifestation determination, the district may place the student in an interim alternative educational setting (as determined by the Team) for up to 45 school days. Characteristics. In either case, the interim alternative education setting enables the student to continue in the general curriculum and to continue receiving services identified on the IEP, and provides services to address the problem behavior.
- on its own authority if the behavior involves weapons or illegal drugs or another controlled substance or the infliction of serious bodily injury on another person while at school or a school function or, considered case by case, unique circumstances; or
- on the authority of a hearing officer if the officer orders the alternative placement after the district provides evidence that the student is “substantially likely” to injure him/herself or others.
- If district personnel, the parent, and other relevant members of the Team determine that the behavior IS a manifestation of the disability, then the Team completes a functional behavioral assessment and behavioral intervention plan if it has not already done so. If a behavioral intervention plan is already in place, the Team reviews it and modifies it, as necessary, to address the behavior. Except when he or she has been placed in an interim alternative educational setting in accordance with part 4, the student returns to the original placement unless the parents and district agree otherwise or the hearing officer orders a new placement.
- Not later than the date of the decision to take disciplinary action, the school district notifies the parents of that decision and provides them with the written notice of procedural safeguards. If the parent chooses to appeal or the school district requests a hearing because it believes that maintaining the student's current placement is substantially likely to result in injury to the student or others, the student remains in the disciplinary placement, if any, until the decision of the hearing officer or the end of the time period for the disciplinary action, whichever comes first, unless the parent and the school district agree otherwise.
Procedural requirements applied to students not yet determined to be eligible for special education
- If, prior to the disciplinary action, a district had knowledge that the student may be a student with a disability, then the district makes all protections available to the student until and unless the student is subsequently determined not to be eligible. The district may be considered to have prior knowledge if:
- The parent had expressed concern in writing; or
- The parent had requested an evaluation; or
- District staff had expressed directly to the special education director or other supervisory personnel specific concerns about a pattern of behavior demonstrated by the student.
The district may not be considered to have had prior knowledge if the parent has not consented to evaluation of the student or has refused special education services, or if an evaluation of the student has resulted in a determination of ineligibility.
2. If the district had no reason to consider the student disabled, and the parent requests an evaluation subsequent to the disciplinary action, the district must have procedures consistent with federal requirements to conduct an expedited evaluation to determine eligibility.
3. If the student is found eligible, then he/she receives all procedural protections subsequent to the finding of eligibility.
Dress Code
Parents/guardians are responsible for discussing with their children the kind and type of clothing that is considered appropriate to wear in a school setting. Clothing that is too revealing (e.g., clothing that exposes undergarments or the midriff) is inappropriate in a school setting.
Students and families should exercise good judgment regarding appropriate school clothing. Shrewsbury High School Administrators will determine what constitutes appropriate attire in order to maintain an appropriate school environment. SHS prohibits any attire, garments or accessories that cause issues of health, safety, cleanliness and disruption or disorder within the school.
Garments and/or jewelry that display or suggest/promote sexual, vulgar, drug, alcohol, or tobacco-related wording/graphics or may tend to provoke violence or disruption in school shall not be worn.
To promote school safety, the wearing or showing of bandanas that causes disruption or disorder within the school environment is prohibited, as are any gang related clothes, jewelry, and insignias.
Students will not wear hats or hoods in school while classes are in session. Hats may be worn to school and placed in lockers but cannot be worn or carried in the halls, cafeteria, or classrooms during the regular school day. Hoods may not be worn while in the building. This policy does not restrict the use of head coverings intended for medical or religious purposes.
Bare feet are not allowed for the obvious reasons of safety and hygiene.
Vulgar, obscene, sexist or profane communications displayed on clothing that disrupt the orderly operation of the school are strictly forbidden.
Administrators will determine what constitutes appropriate attire and may require a student to change or cover up as necessary and appropriate.
Drug Abuse Policy
In general, drug abuse is defined as the illegal possession, sale or illicit use of drugs on school property by students or others.
Student drug abuse may consist of any of the following:
- Illicit experimentation - illegal trial use of drugs
- Misuse - improper use of medication or use in excess of recommended dosage
- Abuse - repeated, excessive, illegal use of non prescribed drugs, short of dependence
- Dependence - a state of physical or psychic dependence, or both, upon a drug following administration of that drug on a repeated periodic or continuous basis
Regulations and Procedure regarding the illicit use of drugs
In general, problems and suspected problems in the illicit use of drugs will be handled according to the customary pattern of accident and illness procedures already in effect at each school.
If school personnel discover an instance of illicit drug use:
- Refer to school nurse
- School nurse notifies Principal
- Principal will notify the parents/guardians (and the counselors in the secondary schools)
If a student voluntarily tells a confidant on the school staff of a personal drug problem, the trust should be maintained, with the confidant making every reasonable effort to convince the student to either inform his/her/their parents/guardians or allow the confidant to do so. If this fails, the health and school counselling staff should be prepared to direct a student to appropriate local resources. If a student's illicit use of drugs becomes evident and creates an emergency situation, the actions toward the student should be channeled through the school's health services.
Following an instance of suspected illicit use of drugs, the Principal will institute follow-up procedures that will include a review of the situation and consideration of appropriate action. Such action might include disciplinary measures, counseling and/or referral to other agencies, or notification to the police. If controlled substances or narcotic drugs are involved, an attempt should be made to determine whether they were for personal use or for distribution. If drugs were for distribution, the local police will be notified.
Regulations regarding the possession of controlled substances on school property or while the student is under school supervision:
Handling controlled substances: The nurse and school principal or administrator shall be responsible for handling controlled substances. Any other persons in the schools who come into possession of controlled substances shall as soon as possible, turn them over to these designated persons. Receipts must be furnished upon presentation and demanded upon relinquishing possession. A procedure for maintaining confidentiality will be developed between the building administrators and local police department.
Offenses should be reported to designated officials as follows:
- School personnel will report suspected possession or sale of controlled substance to the building Principal.
- Upon observing a student in possession of controlled substances, school personnel should take immediate possession of the controlled substance and turn it over to the principal.
- The Principal or his/her/their designee should turn over to police all controlled substances coming into his possession with information about how it was obtained.
- Under the supervision of the school administrator or his/her/their designee, student lockers, desks, or belongings, may be searched if the administrator has a reasonable suspicion a student may be in possession of drugs or contraband.
Electronics Policy
SHS believes that uninterrupted, high quality classroom instruction is the most important business of the school. In order to prevent disruption of the educational environment, the responsible and appropriate use of these devices is approved in the following instances only and in accordance with the responsible use policy of the Shrewsbury Public Schools:
The use of cell phones and earbuds/headphones in classrooms is prohibited. All cell phones must be placed in the wall pocket organizer or secured in student’s bags in each classroom. Cell phones should not be stored in student's pockets during class time. It is acceptable practice for teachers to ask students to move school bags, with cell phones safely secured in the bag, to a section of the room away from distraction of the class/lesson. Cell phones are not allowed in the hallways or in the bathrooms during instruction time. All cell phones must be stored in the wall pocket organizer in each classroom, including Directed Study. Students participating in internships within the school, must also stow their phones away throughout the time of their working internship. Students leaving class during instruction time for any reason other than being dismissed, are not allowed to take their cell phones with them. Students with a cell phone in their possession in the hallways or bathrooms during instruction time will be sent immediately back to class to store the cell phone away properly. Additionally, the wearing or using headphones/ earbuds is not allowed in classrooms or media center. In some documented cases, some students are sensitive to loud noises and their individual education plans, 504 plans, or DCAP accommodations may require the use of noise-canceling headphones during specific times. These students may be exempt from this policy.
Students are permitted to wear headphones, air pods, and ear buds before school, during lunch inside the cafeteria, and after school. We prefer students not wear air pods, headphones, or earbuds during passing periods, however one earbud is allowed during passing time so that students can engage safely with their surroundings.
The following is not allowed:
- Students should not be using their phone to make calls while school is in session. If a student has an emergency and needs to make a phone call, the student should report to an Assistant Principal’s or School Counseling office to ask permission to use their phone.
- Cell phones and electronic devices are not to be used in locker room areas or bathrooms.
- The use of audio/video recording devices is prohibited without the express consent of the teacher or administrator. A violation of this prohibition may be considered a serious infraction and may lead to suspension.
- Use of cell phones during an assessment without prior teacher approval may be deemed to cheating and treated as such. See Cheating & Plagiarism section for more details.
- Devices that are deemed by a teacher or administrator to be disruptive of the educational environment may be confiscated and held until the end of the school day. The confiscated device may be retrieved by a parent/guardian from the Assistant Principal’s office or after the student completes the assigned discipline ranging from teacher assigned detentions to suspension. Failure to surrender the device to a faculty member or administrator when asked may result in a suspension from school for insubordination.
Note: Using electronic devices during the school day is a privilege granted by the school. The Principal may suspend these privileges at any time for any reason deemed necessary.
The following offenses, detailed in Mass. General Laws (MGL), Chapter 71, Section 37H and 37H 1/2, may be cause for expulsion from school:
- Any student who is found on school premises or at school sponsored or school related events, including athletic games, in possession of a dangerous weapon, including, but not limited to, a gun or a knife; or a controlled substance, as defined in MGL, Chapter 94C, including, but not limited to marijuana, cocaine, and heroin, may be subject to expulsion from the school or school district by the Principal.
- Any student who assaults a principal, assistant principal, teacher, teacher’s aide or other educational staff on school premises or at school sponsored or school related events, including athletic games, may be subject to expulsion from the school or school district by the Principal.
- Any student who is charged with a violation of either paragraph (1) or (2) shall be notified in writing of an opportunity for a hearing; provided, however, that the student may have representation, along with the opportunity to present evidence and witnesses at said hearing before the Principal. After said hearing, the principal may, in his/her discretion, decide to suspend rather than expel a student who has been determined by the Principal to have violated either paragraph (1) or (2).
- Any student who has been expelled from a school district pursuant to these provisions shall have the right to appeal to the superintendent. The expelled student shall have ten days from the date of the expulsion in which to notify the Superintendent of his appeal. The student has the right to counsel at a hearing before the Superintendent.
When a student is expelled under the provisions of this section, the school shall continue to provide educational services to the student during the period of expulsion, under section 21 of Chapter 76.
Felony Complaints/Convictions
According to Mass. General Laws (MGL) 37H 1/2 a student may be suspended from school for a period of time deemed appropriate by the Principal if a student has been charged and/or convicted of a felony crime. The Principal must determine that the student’s continued presence in school will have a substantial detrimental effect on the school community. The student shall receive written notification of a hearing with the Principal and, depending on the Principal’s decision, the student has the right to appeal the Principal’s decision to the Superintendent of Schools within 5 calendar days of the suspension. The Superintendent shall hold with the student and student’s parent(s)/guardian(s) within 3 calendar days of the request. At the hearing, the student has a right to present oral and writen testamony and the right to counsel. The Superintendent shall issue a decision of the appeal within five days of the hearing.
Any student who is convicted of a felony or is found guilty in court of a felony whose continued presence in school, as determined by the principal, would have a substantial detrimental effect on the general welfare of the school, may be expelled. The student will receive written notification of the charges and reason for the expulsion before the expulsion takes effect, as well as the right to appeal to the Superintendent of Schools and process for making the appeal. However, the expulsion will remain in effect before any appeal hearing by the Superintendent.
To appeal, the student must notify the Superintendent, in writing, of the request for an appeal within 5 calendar days following the effective date of the expulsion. The Superintendent will then hold a hearing with the student and student’s parent/guardian within 3 calendar days of the expulsion. The student will have the right to present oral and written testimony and have counsel present. The Superintendent will issue a decision on the appeal within 5 calendar days of the hearing.
When a student is suspended or expelled under the provisions of this section, the school shall continue to provide educational services to the student during the period of suspension or expulsion, under section 21 of Chapter 76.
The Massachusetts Secondary Schools’ Association maintains that fraternities, sororities, and other restrictive or secret organizations are not properly part of the public-school function. We do not authorize, permit, or recognize the activities of these organizations at Shrewsbury High School.
Hazing is prohibited at Shrewsbury High School.
Hazing means any conduct on public or private property, which willfully or recklessly endangers the physical or mental health of any student or other person. Such conduct shall include whipping, beating, branding, forced calisthenics, exposure to the weather, sexual abuse, forced consumption of any food, liquor, beverage, drug or other substance, or any other brutal treatment or forced physical activity which is likely to adversely affect the physical health or safety of any such student or person, or which subjects such student or other person to extreme mental stress, including extended deprivation of sleep or rest or extended isolation.
A student may not consent to hazing.
iPad Expectations
Students are provided an iPad outfitted with a keyboard case. SHS expects you to use the iPad as an academic learning tool to help enhance your learning and develop a better understanding of how to navigate your online presence. Students should realize being part of a community that is local and global - everything you do online e.g. post, write, like, friend, comment, pin, +1, tweet, message, IM, text, etc. defines you to your local community, teachers, parents, friends, neighbors, college admissions officers, future employers, the whole world. What do you want this “personal brand” to say about you?
Unfortunately, the reality is that you need to act as though nothing is private and nothing can be deleted.
Baseline expectations for iPad use are as follows:
- Make sure the device and keyboard are charged each day for school.
- Students are responsible for the care and protection of the iPad. This includes to and from school, field trips, and co- curricular activities like athletics, speech and debate, robotics, etc.
- Keep the iPad in its case and with the keyboard. The keyboard is a vital part of the protection of the iPad case, and not keeping the iPad with the keyboard increases the likelihood of damage to the iPad.
- Keep away from liquids.
- Students must lock/secure their iPad in a safe place while it is not in use.
- The capturing of still photography and audio/video recording is prohibited without the express consent of the parties being recorded, including fellow students, teachers, and administrators, and permission from teacher or administrator.
- Students must not remove or alter any identification tag or label from their device.
- Students will leave all setting as installed and not attempt to “jailbreak” or remove or bypass the device from the SPS management system.
- Review the SPS Responsible Use Policy located in the appendix.
The iPad is a school-owned device. Students have no expectation of privacy, in the contents of the school-owned iPad. As such, students may have their iPad inspected by an administrator.
iPad Damage and Repairs
Damage to district-owned iPads must be repaired. Similar to how students and their families are responsible for textbooks or other equipment issued to the student, families are responsible for protecting the iPad and are liable for any and all damage to the device, accidental or otherwise. Intentional damage to an iPad by another student is the responsibility of the family of the student causing the damage.
All iPad damage must be reported to the Student Innovation Team helpdesk via email at as soon as possible. All repairs must be handled by the district. Upon completion of the repair, if a family has not purchased the optional third-party iPad insurance being referred by the district, the district will invoice the family for the cost of the repair.
If the iPad requires replacement, the family must reimburse the district for the replacement cost rather than purchase the replacement directly, as family-purchased iPads cannot be fully managed in our system.
iPads are required to remain in district-issued cases. For safety reasons, all glass damage must be repaired. iPads with damaged glass will not be allowed to be used in school. Staff members who notice damaged glass will report the student’s name to the homeroom teacher or administrator who will then remove the iPad from use and notify the IT Department. The district reserves the right to require that any damage to an iPad be repaired, regardless of whether it affects functionality. If there is damage to, loss, or theft of the case, charger or cord, families must reimburse the district for the replacement cost of those items.
If a loaner iPad is damaged, the family will be invoiced for the cost of any repairs to the loaner (or replacement cost if the device is not repairable). iPads issued to students, along with the issued case, cable, and charger, must be returned to the district upon withdrawal. Any items not returned will be invoiced at replacement cost.
Students are allowed in corridors during class time if the students have a pass, issued by a member of the high school staff, which states where the student is coming from, the time the students left, and the destination. Students also must sign out of class.
Passes to leave the building can only be issued by the administrators.
Seniors, however, are allowed to access the resources of the school during senior study period.
School Bus Rules
This handbook provides an excerpt on the major policy and procedure items regarding school bus transportation. The full School Committee Transportation Policy and district rules and regulations pertaining to all facets of the transportation program including fees can be found on the district website at the following link:
The following list of behaviors (established by the School Department) are considered inappropriate on a school bus and violation of these may result in disciplinary action including suspension:
- loud talking; failure to stay seated
- annoying/bullying others
- use of profanity; damage to bus
- throwing objects, spitting, or spit balls; littering; tampering with possessions of others
- refusal to obey driver; distracting driver
- fighting, including pushing/wrestling
- gambling
- lighting matches/lighter
- possession of knives or other dangerous objects
- possession or use of tobacco, alcohol, drugs, controlled substances or related paraphernalia.
The bus driver will report misconduct to the appropriate personnel. Consequences for repeated violation of bus rules could result in the following:
- loss of bus privileges or suspension from school for up to ten days
- permanent suspension of bus privileges
Any illegal activity will be referred to the Shrewsbury Police Department.
Search & Seizure
Search and seizures of students and student property will be conducted only when such search and/or seizure is deemed necessary by the school administrator who has a reasonable suspicion that a student possesses an illegal substance or weapons and/or to preserve order and safety in the school. School lockers are school property assigned to students for use during the school year. Lockers are subject to searches by the school’s administration and staff. On occasion, the police department and school administration will have trained drug-sniffing dogs to check school property including classrooms, lockers, and parking lots for contraband. When violations of the law are suspected, police officials will be contacted.
Video/Audio Surveillance
In School Buildings [Interior] and on School Grounds [Exterior]
Electronic video [not audio] surveillance is used to deter crime and enforce the district’s rules and policies, as well as the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the United States. Shrewsbury Public Schools recognizes the value of electronic surveillance for monitoring activity in school buildings and on school property to assist school officials and/or law enforcement with investigating alleged violations of school policy or illegal activity. A video recording may be subject to the provisions of the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and Massachusetts student record law.
Access to the video surveillance system is limited to designated Central Office staff involved in school security, building Principals, Assistant Principals, and other district personnel as approved by the Superintendent or his designee.
On School Buses:
The transportation contractor for Shrewsbury Public Schools operates a video and audio surveillance system on all of its buses for the safety of its students and monitoring of all driver and student activity while the bus is in operation. Recordings may be subject to the provisions of the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and Massachusetts student record law. School bus ridership is optional and all riders who register for service accept the condition of being recorded by video and audio devices.
Teen Dating Violence
Teen Dating Violence
Shrewsbury High School is committed to creating a safe, supportive, and respectful school environment. It is further committed to a climate that is free of violence and harassment among students, staff, and visitors in its schools. Shrewsbury High School will not tolerate any displays of teen dating violence at school, on school grounds, or at school functions. Further, retaliation against an individual who has complained about teen dating violence or cooperated in an investigation of teen dating violence will not be tolerated. Shrewsbury High School will respond promptly to complaints and reports of teen dating violence or retaliation and corrective action will be taken where necessary, including disciplinary action where appropriate.
Dating Violence Teen Dating and Domestic Violence (also referred to as relationship violence or interpersonal violence) is a pattern of coercive control one person exercises over another with whom they have or have had an intimate relationship. Domestic violence can take many forms, such as actual or threatened physical, sexual, psychological, or economic abuse. Teen dating violence mirrors adult domestic violence in terms of the offender employing a continuum of controlling behaviors to gain power and control. As with adult domestic violence, abusive pre-teen and teen dating relationships can affect people from all socio-economic, racial, and ethnic groups. Such violence can occur in heterosexual and same-sex relationships. Similar to adult domestic violence, these relationships generally exhibit a pattern. Common elements may include but are not limited to:
- use of emotional and verbal abuse, destruction of property, and/or other means of intimidation to assert control over a partner;
- use of technology and/or verbal abuse to control a partner’s behavior;
- repeated violence and/or threats of violence that escalate over time;
- violence that increases in severity the longer the relationship continues, which is important to know for safety planning concerns;
- violence, abusive behaviors, or threats are interchanged with apologies and promises to change.
Any student found responsible for any one or more of these behaviors at school, on school grounds, or at school functions will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including suspension. Allegations of these behaviors that occur outside of school may be addressed if they are affecting the alleged victim at school, and/or may be reported to the police or other authorities.
Reporting Teen Dating Violence
If you or someone you know has been the victim of dating violence, wherever it has taken place, it is important that you reach out to and inform a trusted adult at Shrewsbury High School. In the event of a dating violence report, the following persons will be notified: the principal or his designee, parents/caretakers of the victim, parents/caretakers of the offenders, school counselors, school resource officer, and school nurses. Additionally, notification to outside resources may include: the police, hospital, crisis center, District Attorney, and Department of Children and Families. A complaint of dating violence may be filed by a victim, student, parent, or staff member. The complaint may relate to verbal, nonverbal, written, physical, or sexual behaviors which are observed, reported, or experienced. A student may report their complaint to a trusted staff member. The complaint may be filed verbally or in writing using the Teen Dating Violence Reporting Form. An investigation of the allegations will be initiated following the protocol for sexual harassment investigation. The investigation will maintain confidentiality to the extent consistent with a fair and full investigation whenever practicable.
Safety Plan:
If an incident of teen dating violence has been confirmed, steps will be taken to develop safety plans for victims to prevent further abuse and harassment, conduct an assessment of the victim’s needs for protection, and/or make referrals to school and non-school support services. Safety plans could include:
- Changing class schedules
- Changing locker assignments
- Identifying safe routes to and from school
- Identifying safe routes to and from classes
- Identifying a peer or staff member to provide support
- Clearly outlining to the offending student to stay away from and discontinue contact with the victim
Violations of Code of Conduct
Violations of these established norms of student behavior may result in disciplinary action including suspension or expulsion.
Drugs & Alcohol
The possession and/or use of illegal chemical substances, including alcohol are prohibited. Students possessing, using, distributing and/or under the influence of illegal chemical substances are subject to expulsion. The possession, use and/or distribution of alcohol at school or at school-sponsored activities (including events at other schools/districts) will result in the following disciplinary actions:
- Students found in the possession of alcoholic beverages and/or under the influence of alcohol may be suspended from school for a minimum of five (5) days. A parent conference will be held upon reentry to school and the school administration may require the student to seek outside counseling at the student’s expense. Depending upon the nature of the situation, the police will be notified.
- A student may lose the right to participate in any co- curricular activities up to a semester in duration as a result of a violation of this policy.
Tobacco/Nicotine and Related Products
SHS is dedicated to providing a tobacco/nicotine-free campus.
The possession and/or use of tobacco products, including cigarettes, cigars, e-cigarettes, vapor pens, snuff and chewing tobacco, including related paraphernalia such as charging cord or vaping oils is prohibited on campus. Students using or possessing any of the previously mentioned products will be subject to the following progressive disciplinary actions:
- Students possessing or using tobacco/nicotine products or related paraphernalia may be suspended a minimum of three (3) days.
- A student guilty of repeated offenses may be suspended for up to five (5) days.
- Any action may be deferred if a student can verify participation in a nicotine cessation program.
Fighting/Harrassment/Discrimination/Abusive or Dangerous Behavior
- Fighting, harassment, or abusive behavior or discrimination toward another student, may result in suspension.
- Fighting may carry up to a suspension of ten (10) days.
- Repeated fighting or assault may lead to expulsion, and assult or any other criminal activity will be reported to the police.
- Fighting outside of school may impact a student in school if the incident adversely affects another student or the school community.
- Students who encourage or incite other students to fight may be subject to suspension.
Disrespectful Behaviors
The following behaviors may lead to suspension or expulsion:
- Disrespect, insolence, harassment or insubordination toward school staff, students, or anyone in the building.
- Lewd or vulgar, obscene, profane, sexist or racist communications (including displays on clothing).
- Unsportsmanlike conduct by participants or spectators at school competitions.
- Physical acts of affection that violate norms of good taste.
- Opening the locker of another student without permission or stealing and/or destroying the contents.
- Unauthorized possession of dangerous or destructive articles or material, including, for example, weapons, look alike weapons or firecrackers. A weapon is an object designed to do bodily harm or an object actually used in threatening or inflicting bodily harm.
- Vandalism, destruction or abuse of school or student property.
- Hazing or endangering the health (physical or mental) of a student as part of an initiation procedure of any kind.
- Stealing school property the property of any member of the SHS Community will not be tolerated.
- Bullying and harassment will result in disciplinary action, including suspension and, as appropriate, referral to the police. See Bullying/Harassment Policies.
Attendance Issues
The following behaviors may lead to progressive disciplinary action including, but not limited to, counseling, after-school detention, Saturday detention, suspension, loss of credit and credit recovery particpation outside of the school day:
- Truancy from school.
- Unauthorized absence from class or study hall or other school assignment.
- Habitual tardiness to school (i.e., more than 3 in a term).
- Leaving, wandering in or out of the building and being in unauthorized areas including the student parking lot.
Participating in games associated with gambling may lead to suspension.
- Harassment Policy & Procedures
- Lab Safety Policies
- Non-Discrimination Statement
- Physical Restraint Policy
- Responsible Use of Technology Policy
- Sexual Harassment Policy and Procedures
Harrassment Policy & Procedures
The Shrewsbury School Committee’s Policies #316 and #645 deal directly with the issues of harassment. Copies of these policies are available in the Principal’s Office at each school or through the Superintendent’s Office, located at 100 Maple Avenue, Shrewsbury, MA 01545. Further information may be obtained by contacting Ms. Barbara Malone, Executive Director of Human Resources at (508) 841-8400.
The following grievance procedure, which was approved by the Shrewsbury School Committee, is to be used for all issues relating to harassment or discrimination involving student and/or staff:
- The Shrewsbury Public Schools does not and will not knowingly discriminate against any student or employee on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, gender identity, sexual orientation or disability and prohibits discrimination in any education program or activity that it operates, as required by law, including in employment. All reports of harassment or discrimination will be taken seriously and investigated in a timely and equitable fashion. Reports will be addressed in such a way as to maintain confidentiality to the extent practicable under the circumstances.
- Any individual who believes he/she has been the subject of harassment or discrimination should immediately report the incident, either verbally or in writing to an administrator, adjustment counselor, guidance counselor, or teacher. The Shrewsbury Public School district supports the right of parents and guardians to act on behalf of their elementary and secondary (minor) children, including when seeking assistance under Title IX and participating in related grievance procedures. The principal must be notified in all cases of harassment or discrimination. All cases of harassment involving a staff member will be reported to the Executive Director of Human Resources.
- An administrator will first meet with the parties involved in an attempt to resolve the issue informally.
- If the complainant is unable or prefers not to meet with the alleged harasser, the administrator, teacher, or counselor may assist the complainant in drafting a letter clearly describing the incident (behavior, where and when it occurred), how the complainant felt, and a request that the behavior stop immediately.
- Any letter should be signed by the complainant, sent to the alleged harasser and be kept on file by the school administrator.
- The alleged harasser may be encouraged to apologize, personally or by letter or to write a letter refuting the allegations.
- In cases of alleged harassment requiring formal investigations, the following shall be implemented:
- The complainant shall have the support of a staff member of their choice and the alleged harasser will also have the opportunity to select representation (union representative, attorney, teacher, etc.).
- An administrator from the appropriate level will complete an investigation promptly and make a decision regarding the allegations.
- In serious cases, where alleged harassment does not stop following a warning, appropriate disciplinary sanction may be imposed, up to and including suspension or dismissal.
- If the conduct violates the law, the incident will be reported to the appropriate authorities by the school administration. Retaliation or threats of retaliation are unlawful and will not be tolerated.
- In all cases of harassment or discrimination, the investigating administrator will make a final disposition and issue a written report, which will be maintained in the school files.
- The district will notify the complainant that a dismissal of a complaint may be appealed and will provide the complainant an opportunity to appeal the dismissal of a complaint. If the dismissal occurs after the respondent has been notified of the allegations, then the district will also notify the respondent that the dismissal may be appealed.
If the complainant cannot utilize the procedure detailed above because the alleged harasser is involved in the procedure, the complainant should contact the Superintendent of Schools. Complaints about the Superintendent of Schools should be made to the Chairperson of the School Committee.
Lab Safety Policies
Laboratory investigations are embedded in Shrewsbury High School science, technology and engineering classes. You may be using chemicals and or equipment that can cause serious harm to yourself or others if not used correctly while under the watchful eye of an instructor. SAFETY for yourself, your classmates and your teacher, is the top priority in every laboratory setting. To ensure a safe lab environment, the following rules must be followed at all times. Students who violate these rules, or misbehave in a way that results in unsafe conditions, will be subject to one or more of the following consequences (in addition to any other disciplinary action outlined in this handbook): immediate removal from the laboratory, teacher detention, a failing grade for that investigation, removal from future lab activities, and/or dismissal from the course.
- Conduct yourself in a responsible manner at all times in the laboratory.
- Read and understand all procedures thoroughly before you begin any experiment. Follow all written and verbal instructions carefully. If you do not understand directions or procedures, ask the instructor before proceeding.
- No student may work in the laboratory without an instructor present.
- Never touch any equipment, chemicals, or other materials in the laboratory area until you are instructed to do so. Set up only the prescribed apparatus as directed by your instructions or your teacher.
- Do not eat food, drink beverages, or chew gum in the laboratory. Do not use laboratory glassware as containers for food or beverages.
- Perform only those experiments authorized by the instructor. Never do anything in the laboratory that is not called for in the laboratory procedures or by your instructor.
- Never fool around in the laboratory. Horseplay, practical jokes, and pranks are dangerous and prohibited.
- Maintain a clean and tidy workstation. Bring only relevant materials to the lab area (instructions, data sheets, worksheets). Other materials should be kept away from the lab.
- Keep aisles clear. Push your chair or stool under the desk or bench when not in use.
- Know the locations and operating procedures of all safety equipment including the first aid kit, eyewash station, safety shower, fire extinguisher, and fire blanket. Know where the fire alarm and the exits are located.
- Always work in a well-ventilated area. Use the fume hood when working with volatile substances or poisonous vapors. Never place your head into the fume hood.
- Be alert and proceed with caution at all times in the laboratory. Notify the instructor immediately of any unsafe conditions you observe.
- Dispose of all chemical waste properly. Never mix chemicals in sink drains. Sinks are to be used only for water and those solutions designated by the instructor. Solid chemicals, metals, matches, filter paper, and all other in- soluble materials are to be disposed of in the proper waste containers, not in the sink.
- Keep hands away from face, eyes, mouth and body while using chemicals or preserved specimens. Wash your hands with soap and water after performing all experiments. Clean all work surfaces and apparatus at the end of the experiment. Return all equipment clean and in working order to the proper storage area.
- Experiments must be personally monitored at all times. You will be assigned a laboratory station at which to work. Do not wander around the room, distract other students, or interfere with the laboratory experiments of others.
Students are never permitted in the science storage rooms or preparation areas unless given specific permission by their instructor.
- If there is a fire drill during a laboratory period, containers must be closed, gas valves turned off, fume hoods turned off, and any electrical equipment turned off.
- Handle all living organisms used in a laboratory activity in a humane manner. Preserved biological materials are to be treated with respect and disposed of properly.
- When using knives and other sharp instruments, always carry with tips and points pointing down and away. Always cut away from your body. Never try to catch falling sharp instruments. Grasp sharp instruments only by the handles.
- Any time chemicals, heat, or glassware are used, students must wear laboratory goggles.
- Contact lenses should not be worn in the laboratory unless you have permission from your instructor.
- Long hair must be tied back and dangling jewelry and loose or baggy clothing must be secured. Shoes must completely cover the foot. No sandals allowed.
- Lab aprons are available for your use at any time during a laboratory activity. The lab aprons must be worn when specifically instructed to do so.
- Report any accident or injury to the instructor immediately, no matter how trivial it may appear.
- If a chemical splashes in your eye(s) or on your skin, immediately flush with running water from the eyewash station or safety shower for at least 20 minutes. Notify the instructor immediately.
- Notify the instructor immediately if any equipment or apparatus does not appear to be functioning properly.
- Report damaged electrical equipment immediately. Look for things such as frayed cords, exposed wires, and loose connections. Do not use damaged electrical equipment.
- If something spills or breaks, notify the instructor immediately and await instruction for proper handling and disposal of materials. Never handle broken glass with your bare hands. Use a brush and dustpan to clean up broken glass. Place broken or waste glassware in the designated glass disposal container.
- All chemicals are to be considered dangerous. Do not touch, taste, or smell any chemicals unless specifically instructed to do so. The proper technique for smelling chemical fumes will be demonstrated to you.
- Check the label on chemical bottles twice before removing any of the contents. Take only as much chemical as you need.
- Never return unused chemicals to their original containers.
- When transferring reagents from one container to another, hold the containers away from your body.
- Acids must be handled with extreme care. Always add acid to water, swirl or stir the solution and be careful of the heat produced, particularly with sulfuric acid.
- Never remove chemicals or other materials from the laboratory area.
- Take great care when transporting acids and other chemicals from one part of the laboratory to another. Hold them securely and walk carefully.
- If you do not understand how to use a piece of equipment, ask the instructor for help.
- Carry glass tubing, especially long pieces, in a vertical position to minimize the likelihood of breakage and injury.
- Always lubricate glassware before attempting to insert it
- in a stopper. Always protect your hands with towels or cotton gloves when inserting glass tubing into, or removing it from, a rubber stopper. If a piece of glassware becomes “frozen” in a stopper, take it to your instructor for removal.
- When removing an electrical plug from its socket, grasp the plug, not the electrical cord. Hands must be completely dry before touching an electrical switch, plug, or outlet.
- Examine glassware before each use. Never use chipped or cracked glassware. Never use dirty glassware.
- Do not immerse hot glassware in cold water; it may shatter.
- Exercise extreme caution when using a gas burner. Take care that hair, clothing and hands are a safe distance from the flame at all times. Do not put any substance into the flame unless specifically instructed to do so. Never reach over an exposed flame.
- Never leave a lit burner unattended. Never leave anything that is being heated or is visibly reacting unattended. Always turn the burner or hot plate off when not in use.
- When heating liquids in a test tube do not point the open end at yourself or anyone else.
- Heated metals and glass remain very hot for a long time. They should be set aside to cool and picked up with caution. Use tongs or heat-protective gloves if necessary.
- Never look directly into a container that is being heated.
Do not place hot apparatus directly on the laboratory desk. Always use an insulating pad. Allow plenty of time for hot apparatus to cool before touching it.
Adapted from the Flinn Scientific Safety Contract, with permission from Flinn Scientific Inc.
Non-Discrimination Statement
Shrewsbury Public Schools is required by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) to publish an annual statement of non-discrimination. This notice serves to meet that requirement.
The Massachusetts Equal Educational Opportunity statute, General Laws Chapter 76, § 5, ensures that all students have the right to equal educational opportunities in the public schools. It is the policy of the Shrewsbury Public Schools not to discriminate on the basis of race, gender, religion, national origin, color, homelessness, sexual orientation, gender identity, age or disability in its education programs, services, activities, or employment practices. Further information may be obtained by contacting Ms. Barbara Malone, District Equity Coordinator, at 508 841-8400.
The Shrewsbury Public Schools are in compliance with state and federal laws prohibiting discrimination and harassment. The following laws apply:
- Massachusetts General Law Chapter 76, § 5, which states, “No person shall be excluded from or discriminated against in the admission to a public school or in obtaining the advantages, privileges, and course of study of such public school on account of race, color, sex, gender identity, religion, national origin or sexual orientation.”
- Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 is a Federal statue which states, in part, “No person in the United States shall on the basis of sex be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subject to discrimination under any educational program receiving federal assistance.” This requirement not to discriminate in educational programs and activities also extends to employment. The Executive Director of Human Resources is the Title IX Coordinator and can be reached at (508) 841-8400.
- Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, provides that no person in the United States shall, on the grounds of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance. Title VI provided for equal access and prohibits discrimination in the assignment of students to classes. It also prohibits discrimination in ability grouping or tracking students. The Executive Director of Human Resources is the Title IX Coordinator and can be reached at (508) 841-8400.
Physical Restraint Policy (Back to Table of Contents)
The Shrewsbury Public Schools complies with the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) restraint regulations, 603 CMR 46.00 et seq. ("Regulations"), to the extent required by law. According to their terms, the Regulations apply not only at school but also at school- sponsored events and activities, whether or not on school property.
Methods and Conditions for Implementation:
School staff may use physical restraint only when non- physical interventions would be ineffective and the student’s behavior poses a threat of imminent, serious harm to self and/ or others or pursuant to a student’s IEP or other written plan developed in accordance with state and federal law and approved by the school and parent or guardian.
Physical restraint may not be used as a means of punishment or as a response to property destruction, disruption of school order, a student’s refusal to comply with a school rule or staff directive, or verbal threats that do not constitute a threat of imminent, serious, physical harm. Chemical and mechanical restraints may only be used if explicitly authorized by a physician and approved by a parent or guardian. Seclusion is prohibited.
The Regulations do not prevent a teacher, employee or agent of the district from using reasonable force to protect students, other persons or themselves from assault or imminent serious harm or from restraining students as otherwise provided in the Regulations.
Prone restraint is only to be used as an emergency last resort and under the following circumstances:
Prone restraint will not be used except on an individual student basis and only when (1) the student has a documented history of repeatedly causing serious injuries to self or other students or staff; (2) all other forms of physical restraints to ensure the safety of the student and/or others have been attempted but failed; (3) there are no medical contraindications documented by a licensed physician instructing against such restraint; (4) there is psychological or behavioral contraindications as documented by a licensed mental health professional; (5) the program has consent to use such restraint in emergency situations as set out here and the Principal has approved such use in writing; and (6) the program documented steps 1-5 in advance of using such restraint, and maintains said documentation.
Mechanical restraint and medication restraint is prohibited.
Seclusion means the involuntary confinement of a student alone in a room or area from which the student is physically prevented from leaving.
Time-out is not prohibited. Time-out means a behavioral support strategy developed pursuant to 603 CMR 46.04(1) in which a student temporarily separates from the learning activity or the classroom, either by choice or by direction from staff, for the purpose of calming. During time-out, a student will be continuously observed by a staff member. Staff will be with the student or immediately available to the student at all times. The space used for time-out will be clean, safe, sanitary, and appropriate for the purpose of calming. Time-out will cease as soon as the student has calmed. If a student has not calmed and the time-out may need to exceed 30 minutes, the principal or designee must be contacted in order to approve extending the time-out beyond this timeframe.
Staff Training:
All school staff must receive training with respect to the district’s restraint policy (i.e., following the Regulations) within the first month of school, including receiving information about interventions that may preclude the need for restraint, types of restraint and related safety considerations, and administering physical restraint in accordance with known medical or psychological limitations and/or behavioral intervention plans applicable to an individual student. Additionally, the principal must identify specific staff to serve as school-wide resources to assist in ensuring proper administration of physical restraint. These individuals must participate in in-depth training with respect to restraint and implementation of the Regulations. Such training shall be competency-based and at least sixteen hours in length, with refresher training occurring annually thereafter.
Reporting Requirements and Follow-Up:
- Informing the Principal. The school staff member who administered the restraint shall verbally inform the Principal of the restraint as soon as possible, and by written report no later than the next school working day. If the Principal administered the restraint, the Principal shall prepare the report and submit it to an individual or team designated by the Superintendent for review.
- Informing parents. The Principal will make reasonable efforts to verbally inform the student's parents as soon as possible of the restraint, and no more than 24 hours following the event, and will also notify the parent by written report sent either within three school working days of the restraint to an email address provided by the parent for communications about the student, or by regular mail postmarked no later than three school working days of the restraint. If the parent of a student receives report cards and other necessary school-related information in a language other than English, the written restraint report will be provided to the parent or guardian in that language. The Principal will provide the student and the parent an opportunity to comment orally and in writing on the use of the restraint and on information in the written report.
- Contents of the report: The written report must include the information required in the Regulations, 603 CMR 46.06(4).
- Individual student review. The Principal of the program will conduct a weekly review of restraint data in order to identify students who have been restrained multiple times during the week. For students identified from this review, the Principal shall convene one or more review teams to assess the student’s progress and needs. If the Principal participated in the restraint, an individual designated by the Superintendent shall lead the review team’s discussion.
- Administrative review. The Principal will conduct a monthly review of school-wide restraint data. Based on that review, the Principal will determine whether it is necessary to modify the school’s restrain policy, conduct any additional staff training, or other action as necessary to reduce or eliminate such restraints.
- Report all restraint-related injuries to the Department. When a physical restraint has resulted in an injury to a student or staff member, the principal will send a copy of the written report to the Department postmarked no later than three (3) school working days of the administration of the restraint. The principal will also send the Department a copy of the record of physical restraints maintained by the principal for the 30-day period prior to the date of the reported restraint.
- Report all physical restraints to the Department. Every school will collect and annually report data to the Department regarding use of physical restraints in a manner and form directed by the Department Complaints. Complaints and investigations regarding restraint practices are covered by District Policy 132, Steps for Handling Complaints.
For students who require the frequent use of restraint because the students present a high risk of frequent, dangerous behaviors, school staff may seek and obtain the parent or guardian’s consent to waive reporting requirements for restraints administered to an individual student that do not result in serious injury to the student or staff member or constitute extended restraint (longer than 20 minutes).
Follow-up procedures for restraint include not only the reporting requirements set forth above, but also reviewing the incident with the student, staff and consideration of whether follow-up is appropriate for students who witnessed the incident.
The above procedures and guidelines will be reviewed annually with school personnel and shared with students and parents/guardians. A copy of the Regulations can be obtained from the Director of Special Education/Student Services, who can be reached at (508) 841-8828. A copy of the regulations of the Department of Education may also be obtained at the following websites:
Sexual Harassment Policy and Procedures
The Shrewsbury School Committee has formulated Policy 316, which defines sexual harassment, establishes appropriate standards of conduct and sets guidelines for recognizing and dealing with sexual harassment. The text below is from policy 316; a complete copy of the policy is available in the main office of each school or at the Superintendent's Office at 100 Maple Avenue.
The Shrewsbury Public Schools strive to meet the intellectual, emotional, cultural, physical and social needs of the entire school community. Students are encouraged to develop to their maximum potential and acquire the skills necessary to become mature, responsible and productive citizens. Faculty and staff members work in a professional environment to help students fulfill these goals. Sexual harassment is an unlawful and destructive behavior that interferes with education and teaching and therefore will not be tolerated. The Shrewsbury Public Schools does not discriminate on the basis of sex and prohibits sex discrimination in any educational program or activity that it operates, as required by Title IX, including in employment.
The term "sexual harassment" means any sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other verbal or physical contact of a sexual nature when submission to or rejection of such advances is made a term or condition of benefits, privileges, or the basis of academic achievement; or such requests or advances create an intimidating, hostile, humiliating or sexually offensive educational environment.
Sexual harassment includes verbal and physical behavior related to gender or sexual preference that creates an intimidating or controlling environment.
Sexual harassment may include but is not limited to: unwelcome sexual advances or requests for sexual favors inappropriate touching or verbal comments inappropriate written messages of a sexual nature or intimidation based on gender or sexual preference leering or voyeurism displaying sexually suggestive pictures or objects in school.
No form of sexual harassment will be tolerated by Shrewsbury Public Schools. Anyone found to have committed any form of sexual harassment would be disciplined.
Retaliation against any individual for reporting sexual harassment is unlawful and will not be tolerated.
Students should report the incident to a teacher, school guidance personnel, SRO or school administration. The school will inform parents and a meeting will take place.
Individuals may also report concerns or questions to the Title IX Coordinator. Further information may be obtained by contacting Ms. Barbara Malone, Executive Director of Human Resources at (508) 841-8400
Reporting Sexual Harassment
Every report of sexual harassment will be taken seriously and investigated in a timely manner. Investigations will be conducted in confidence in such a way as to maintain confidentiality in the extent practicable under the circumstances.
To report information about conduct that may constitute sex discrimination or to make a complaint of sex discrimination under Title IX, please refer to the Shrewsbury Harassment Policy section of this document.
Whenever possible and/or if appropriate, any individual who believes that he/she has been harassed, should meet the harasser personally in order to resolve the issue on an informal basis. Students will be assisted and supported in this process by an adult in the school.
If the individual reporting the harassment does not want to meet directly with the harasser they must report the incident to the building administrator, the guidance/ adjustment counselor or the school psychologist. All cases of sexual harassment must be reported to the building principal. The Shrewsbury Public School district supports the right of parents and guardians to act on behalf of their Elementary and secondary (minor) children, including when seeking assistance under Title IX and participating in related grievance procedures.
Federal regulations prohibit schools from disclosing personally identifiable information they obtain through complying with the law, with limited exceptions, such as when they have prior written consent or when the information is disclosed to the parent of a minor child.
If a complaint is filed, the Title IX coordinator will provide copies of all relevant policies and procedures to all parties, including parents, guardians and other caregivers to ensure a thorough understanding of the district’s process. The parties are entitled to an equal opportunity to access relevant and not otherwise impermissible evidence or an accurate description of the evidence.
State and Federal Remedies
Grievance procedures for addressing harassment or discrimination are outlined in detail in the Shrewsbury Harassment Policy section of this document. In addition to the above, students and staff may file a formal complaint with either or both of the government agencies set forth below. Using our complaint process does not prohibit students or staff from filing a complaint with these agencies. Each of the agencies has a short time period for filing a claim (EEOC - 300 days; MCAD - 300 days).
The United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission ("EEOC")
The Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination ("MCAD")
Middle & High School Level
The use of technology is an important part of education in the 21st century. This School Committee policy was developed to guide the use of technology by students. Students must agree to the following stipulations in order to be allowed to use technology at school (the acknowledgement of this policy in the student handbook will serve as agreement).
- Students shall use the Internet and all forms of school technology responsibly. School technology includes, but is not limited to, computers, tablets, printers, copiers, cameras, and interactive web resources that serve educational purposes. This agreement extends to use of technology that students may be able to use off site.
- Students shall respect the rights of copyright owners by limiting copying to essential materials and providing attribution (citations) for images and text. Students shall avoid plagiarism by ensuring that their papers and projects reflect their thoughts and ideas as well as cited paraphrases, summaries and quotations. Students will ask teachers or media staff for assistance if there are questions regarding these terms.
- Students shall understand that the students may use a personal device on the school network, that the students may be required to provide information about their device to the technology department to ensure that it can operate safely without disrupting others, that all school policies apply to them whether are using their own device or school technologies, and that this privilege may be limited or revoked.
- Students shall understand the network is a valuable resource for teaching, learning and many other forms of productivity for students, staff and parents. Students shall understand that downloading large files or attachments may compromise network speed and the students will avoid this type of activity without permission even if the students are using a personal device. Students shall limit their use of downloading large files to classroom lessons and research. Students engaging in school work shall be given priority when accessing school technology.
- Students shall understand that their participation in school interactive web resources—using a personal device or not—must represent what is expected from a student in the Shrewsbury Public Schools. Therefore, anything that is considered inappropriate in the classroom is also inappropriate in all uses of email, blogs, podcasts, social networking sites, messaging/chat sites, or other digital communication tools. This includes, but is not limited to disrespectful, profane, racist, sexist or other discriminatory remarks. Additionally, students shall promptly inform a teacher or administrator if any messages received or material reviewed is inappropriate.
- Students shall understand that the district’s Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan applies to online behaviors and students shall comply with all provisions of that policy.
- Students shall understand and shall comply with all personal technology guidelines associated with their school.
- Students shall understand that school-provided access to the Internet has to be filtered. If students need access to a blocked site, the students shall work with their teachers to explore options available. Students shall not attempt to bypass any blocked sites or circumvent the filter in any manner.
- Students shall not impersonate nor attempt to impersonate another nor use or attempt to use somebody else’s accounts on any device. Students shall not delete or tamper with anyone else’s files, folders, or work. Students shall not let another student use their accounts on any device.
- Students shall understand that files, services, and devices provided by and/or managed by the school are not private. There is no expectation of privacy when students use the school district’s network, devices, and services and anything the student does on those school-owned systems or devices can be viewed by administration at any time.
- Students and their families shall understand that unless superseded by the liability schedule of a specific program the students and their families will be liable for full repair and replacement costs for damage to school property, whether intentional or through negligence, including electronic devices.
- Students shall understand that attempts to override, disable, alter, or circumvent security restrictions, management systems, or device firmware will be considered intentional damage. Students shall understand that if found in violation of this policy, the consequences could include, but are not limited to; restricting access to the device, disabling device features or applications, the revocation of all network access, suspension or exclusion from school, or legal action by the authorities. Students or parents/guardians should contact the district or school administration with any questions about this agreement or its implementation.
This policy will be reviewed within five (5) years of adoption, or when necessary due to significant change in technology access or usage by students.
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