Visual Arts Department
Mission & Vision Statement
The Visual Art Department fosters an inclusive learning environment. We focus on creativity, problem-solving, critical thinking, and the development of innovative technical skills. Our vision is for students to be open-minded, culturally aware, responsible contributors, developing a life-long appreciation for art.
Shrewsbury High School PROGRAM OF STUDIES
Preview of 9th Grade Elective Offerings for Art, ITAMS and Music
Grade 9 Art Offerings 2024-2025
COMPLETE LISTING of ART Courses (9-12) 2024-2025
June 2024 Spring Newsletter ~ K-12
Please view here. **Note that some hyperlinks may not work due to format conversion to Google. However, you can still access links on the website.
Shrewsbury Public Schools AnNual Art Exhibitions
January 19th HIGH SCHOOL VRTUAL ART SHOW (Semester 1 students)
February 1st-29th SHS Art Exhibit at the Shrewsbury Credit Union **Reception will be held 2/15 from 4:30pm - 5:30pm
February 8th MIDDLE SCHOOLS (5-8) Cycles 1-3 4:30 pm - 6:30pm OAK Middle Auditorium Hallway (Virtual Spring Art Show in June for students in Cycles 4-6)
May 15th ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS (K-4) 4:30pm - 6:00pm BEAL Elementary
May 16th HIGH SCHOOL 5:00 pm - 6:30pm SHS Commons
*Students will be notified of their artwork being on display.
VIEW Middle School Spring Digital Art Show HERE
**ELEMENTARY MONTHLY COMMUNICATIONS TO FAMILIES - take a look at what students are learning about in ART (click hyper link below)
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