Advisor - Mr Hopkins


The SHS Speech and Debate Team is not a club but a nationally recognized TEAM competing in debate, interpretive reading, performing arts and current events. The team competes in events such as Dramatic Interpretation, Poetry Reading, Impromptu Speaking, Public Forum Debate, Congressional Debate and many others. The SHS team has been in existence since the early 1900's and has been affiliated with the National Speech & Debate Association and its national honor society of debate and speech, the National Forensic League, since 1936. The motto of the National Speech & Debate Association is "Training Youth for Leadership".  The team is also a member of the National Catholic Forensic League and the Massachusetts Speech & Debate League.   

Competitive forensics allows students to develop communication, research and organizational skills to succeed in any chosen career. It also teaches teamwork, fosters self-confidence, poise and composure. The team practices on Tuesday nights. Individual work on one's own is required. Local tournaments are all day on Saturday and there are also several opportunities for travel to national tournaments. The season runs from September through June.

Meeting Days and Times: Tuesdays, 6:30-9pm in B200s.

Officers: Siri Ural (President), Vishnu Angiras (Extemp Captain), Trishna Nikte (Platform Captain), Amna Siddiqui (Speech Captain), Dheekshitha Sriram (Debate Captain), Adele Fuzaylov (Treasurer), Vasu Lakshmanan (Secretary), Sabrina Welch (Historian)

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