SPS Local Wellness Policy 

Federal Law (PL 108.265 Section 204) requires all schools to develop a local wellness policy and establish a plan for measuring the implementation of the policy. The Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act 2010 has strengthened the policy recommendations to include nutrition and wellness promotion and place greater emphasis on implementation, assessment, and public reporting.

Shrewsbury Public Schools promote health and wellness for students and staff by following current federal, state and local statutes and regulations governing wellness. The Shrewsbury Wellness Advisory Council provides oversight of the policy and regulations, and is the means for assessing and promoting a healthy environment for SPS. The Superintendent is the designated person charged with operational responsibility for ensuring that the schools meet the local wellness policy requirements.

Children need access to healthful foods, educational content, and experiences that promote wellness. Good health fosters student attendance and educational success. Obesity rates and chronic diseases continue to increase and challenge the achievement of maximum academic performance. Participation in vigorous physical activity, quality physical and nutrition education, and balanced food choices foster life long health habits leading to longer healthy lives.

The purpose of the policy is to ensure that each student is provided ongoing opportunities designed to maximize the prospect that students will make positive decisions throughout life. Health education provides critical content for students to develop and demonstrate health – related knowledge, attitudes and practices. Physical education, and regular physical activity is an integral part of the total education of students, contributing to the physical development of the individual, thus promoting an appreciation of physical fitness. School food services will provide a variety of affordable, nutritious and appealing foods that meet the health and nutrition standards and guidelines.

  • Snacks may be brought from home for children’s own consumption, with the understanding that some classrooms may need to restrict some types of snacks due to specific allergies that classmates or staff may have, such as nut allergies. (see School Snack Guidelines)
  • Parents are encouraged to send healthy snacks that will provide the “fuel” for effective learning. Foods of high nutritional value will have a significant amount of at least one of the following: calcium, vitamin C, vitamin A, iron or fiber.
  • Parents and Staff may not send or bring in any snacks to be shared because every school has children who have severe, life-threatening allergies of all kinds. No child shall be put at risk of having an allergic reaction to foods brought into school.
  • For all school celebrations or events, during the school day, and during the high school exam days, where food or beverages will be offered or provided, the food and beverages, excluding water, must be purchased through the Food Service Department.  After receiving approval from the building principal, the Food Service Director must be contacted and will coordinate with the school nurse. The staff member responsible for the event must notify parents.
  • Curriculum based food activities must comply with the state and federal nutrition guidelines and must be approved by the administrator in collaboration with the school nurse and Food Service Director. The staff member responsible for the event must notify parents.
  • All fundraising activities or school store sales involving food occurring 30 minutes before, during and up to 30 minutes after the school day must meet the nutrition standards.
  • Foods of high nutritional value should be used as a reward in school when specified in an IEP, 504 or behavior plan or authorized by the principal in coordination with the nurse.
  • Students that require feeding and support to ensure they are receiving food either prescribed by a physician or provided in a manner conducive to their medical needs are required to have a physician’s note supporting the medical condition and the specific manner in which they will receive the food. Food services will not be required to make a determination regarding the nutritional standards.
  • Alternative rewards should be encouraged over food rewards. Food rewards must meet the nutrition standards unless it is specified in an IEP, 504, or behavior plan.  After receiving approval from the building principal, the Food Service Director must be contacted and will coordinate with the school nurse.
  • Any after school activities and weekend events should have healthy food options available (movie night has fruit/veggie options, etc).
  • Any corporate sponsor or corporate partnerships that requires the marketing of food and beverages shall only market and promote those foods and beverages that meet the state and federal guidelines and shall not compromise the Shrewsbury Local Wellness Policy.


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