Oak Middle School Design Lab

Mr. Mularella

What we are learning in Design Lab at Oak...

Hello OMS parents and guardians,

I wanted to give you a quick Design Lab update so you know what your child has been working on in class. Students have been learning how to design 3D models on the computer. They know how to add measurements and use various design constraints to make their models more accurate. We are now diving into our main engineering design project where students will choose an authentic need or problem that can be solved with a 3D printed solution.

We spent the last few days focusing on empathy. Students made observations around school, talked with their teachers and friends, and researched some ideas. In class tomorrow, they will commit to answer the "who", "what", and "why" of the project. What is the specific need/problem they will solve? Who has this need/problem? Why is this need/problem important to solve?

Students will define design criteria and constraints before beginning to brainstorm possible solutions. By the end of the week, students will be prototyping their ideas.

If you have any questions about this project, please do not hesitate to reach out!

Thank you,


Facebook: Oak Middle School Design Lab

Instagram: @omsdesignlab

Design Lab Mobiles

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