- Change of Address Google Form - If you do not have a Google account, you may email registration@shrewsbury.k12.ma.us with your residency documents and we will change it for you.
- Authorization to Release Student Records - Required of all incoming students grades 1-12
- Massachusetts School Health Record Form - Health Care Provider's Examination Form
- Home Language Survey - For families who speak another language besides English in the home
- Outgoing Authorization to Release Student Records - For students who are leaving Shrewsbury Public Schools
- 2023-2024 School Year Calendar
- PowerSchool Parent Portal
- Transportation
- Extended Learning (After School & Summer Programs)
- Worcester Free Clinic Coalition - List of local clinics providing free physical exams and school immunizations (or worcesterfreeclinics.org)
- Shrewsbury Licensed Childcare Centers and Daycare Providers - For non-SPS part-time and before- and after-school care (bus transportation is available per district)
- Childcare centers and in-home and group-home daycares in Shrewsbury
- Extended Absence Policy
The PowerSchool Parent Portal is a secure website that provides information and communication from the school. Parents and guardians can use the website as a resource to view and update important information, including:
- Update contact and demographic information
- Sign up for busing and view bus times, numbers, and locations
- View attendance, grades, and assignments
- View and sign up for sports, music, languages, and activities
- View summer books and assignments
- View the Daily Bulletin
- View the Student Handbook
After registering your student, you will receive information regarding how to set up your Parent Portal account. You will need an Access ID and Access Password to create a new account or to add a child to your already existing account. Parent Portal use and access is required of all parents and guardians. Please click here for more information about the PowerSchool Parent Portal.
You may make online payments through SchoolPay on the Parent Portal. SchoolPay allows debit or credit card payment of food service bills, bus registration fees, and athletic and activity fees, among other fees and charges. Please click here for more information about SchoolPay. If you cannot pay for certain fees on SchoolPay or prefer to use check or cash, please bring your check or exact cash to the Central Office in the Shrewsbury Town Hall at 100 Maple Avenue.
Schoology is linked to the Parent Portal and is our learning management system that is used by all teachers and students at Sherwood Middle School, Oak Middle School, and Shrewsbury High School to post homework assignments and course resources. It is also used by some elementary school teachers as a family communication tool. You will receive information about your Schoology account and how to access it via the Parent Portal directly from your student’s school or teachers. Please click here for more information about Schoology and how to create an account.
Bus registration is completed through the PowerSchool Parent Portal. Bus stop, location, and time information will become available on the Parent Portal once registration is complete.
Transportation is available for grades K-12. All students in grades K-6 who reside 2.0 miles or less from their school and all students in grades 7-12 are required to pay the fee. Students in grades K-6 who reside 2.0 miles or further from their school and students who receive Free & Reduced lunch are not required to pay the bus fee.
For more information about transportation, please see our transportation page or contact April Yu, Transportation Coordinator, at (508) 841-1550 or transportation@shrewsbury.k12.ma.us.
Free and reduced price meals are available to students if there is financial need. Applications are available online. More information can be found on our Food Services page. If you need help filling out the online application, please call the Food Service Office at (508) 841-8819. Applications can be submitted at any time as the financial need arises.
Please wait 3-4 business days for your application to be received and reviewed. If you are approved for Free & Reduced Lunch, you may receive free transportation. Once approved, you will be able to see the waived bus registration fee on the Parent Portal. If you do not see anything or hear from anyone within 3-4 days after completing the application, please contact Beth Nichols, Food Service Director, at (508) 841-8819 or bnichols@shrewsbury.k12.ma.us.
For information about other forms of financial aid, such as for tuition payments, please contact your school directly.
The Extended Learning program provides extended school-day programs for students in grades K-6.
Before school care is offered for grades K-4 at all elementary schools. The program opens at 7:00 a.m. and finishes at the start of the school day. After school care is offered for grades K-6. Children are dismissed to the program from the schools at the end of the school day and care is provided until 6:00 p.m.
For more information about the Extended Learning program, please visit the webpage or contact Karen Isaacson, Program Director, at (508) 841-8727 or kisaacson@shrewsbury.k12.ma.us.
For information about additional (not Shrewsbury Public Schools) part-time and before- and after-school care in Shrewsbury, please see our list of Shrewsbury Licensed Childcare Centers (bus transportation is available per district for grades Kindergarten and up). You may also visit this list of childcare centers or list of in-home and-group home daycares in Shrewsbury.
- Preschool Registration
- Forms & Information
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Change of Address (opens in new window)
- Find Your Elementary School
- School Choice
- 2023-2024 School Year Calendar (opens in new window)
- Homeschool Application
- Transportation
- Free & Reduced Program
- Extended School Program
- iPad Information
- SchoolPay
- District Social Worker
- Kindergarten Summer Fun
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