Welcome Parents,

The school nurse position at OMS is shared by two RN's - Lisa Arteca and Kelly Warren. Please feel free to contact us anytime with any questions or concerns you have about your child. You will find our contact information below. To ensure that you receive a timely response when emailing us, please use our shared address.

Just a couple of quick reminders:

  • If your child has an extended absence due to injury or illness please notify us. We will verify the absences and assist you with the process for support and/or homework.
  • Under NO circumstances should medicine other than epipens or inhalers ever be transported on the bus, or brought into school by a student. Parents must bring any/all medication to the school nurse. Epipens and inhalers are kept in our Nurses' Office, but we ask that you provide your child with an extra one to keep with them if they participate in school sponsored sports or are involved in after-school activities. 
  • Emergency contact information should be kept up to date. You will be given instructions that allow you to enter information via the Power School Parent portal. Please include all pertinent numbers for yourself, your spouse or significant other, as well as email addresses. This also applies for people you designate to pick up your child in your absence. Please ensure you have informed them that they have been listed as an emergency contact.
  • NEW IN 2020 and going forward: In order to comply with the MA School Immunization Requirements, all students entering 7th grade must have a documented Meningitis vaccine (Menactra/Menveo) and Tetanus booster vaccine (Tdap) on file at school. If your child is entering 7th grade, please ask your primary care provider for this documentation and forward it to us at school as soon as possible.
  • Students who try out for, or participate in, Oak Middle School interscholastic and Unified Sports must have a physical exam on file that is dated within 13 months of the start date of the sport. For example, an exam performed on 9/1/2023 will be valid until 10/1/2024. This is required by the MIAA and there can be no exceptions. 


Lisa Arteca, MSN, RN
Phone 508-841-1204
Fax 508-841-1227

Kelly Warren, BSN, RN
Phone 508-841-1204
Fax 508-841-1227


Please see the Department of School Nursing Main Webpage for additional information, including links to resources, policies, procedures and health office forms.

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