8 Teal update

November 5, 2021

Howdy 8 Teal Families!

What a great day we had with the Oak Door Decorating Contest! Our team theme was a hoedown. Each of our doors was decorated in a western theme and related to a farm. Many students wore flannel shirts, cowboy hats, and bandanas. We’ve attached photos of our team doors. Check out the Oak website for pictures of all of the teams’ doors!

Below are a few highlights from the week and information about upcoming events:

Team/school highlights from this week and important information:

  • Color Cup Door Decorating - Judging is occurring as we speak, ask your student for the final results that are announced at the end of the day!
  • Our previous Advisory focused on Dreaming Ahead where we started to envision plans for our future. Students began thinking about 5 year and 10 year goals and how to achieve them.
  • In ELA we did a jigsaw activity comparing two examples of Story Trackers from Chapter 5. We also focused on some tricky vocabulary words in Chapter 6.
  • Density Column lab activity- what liquids are the most dense. Ask your student for a picture of the final product!
  • CSLC is accepting donations for our Oak Food Pantry. Currently, we are collecting wipes, shampoo, conditioner, hand soap, and other toiletries. See the OMS Weekly Update sent out on Sundays by Dr. Jones for further details.

Upcoming Academic News:

  • In ELA we continue our chapter by chapter journey in Look Both Ways.
  • In Civics we are learning about the Roman Republic and how it influenced the development of our government in the United States.
  • In Math are working in our unit that focuses on dilations, similarity,  and slope.  You can check out some more information at this link: https://im.kendallhunt.com/MS/families/3/2/index.html
  • In Science we will be figuring out how mass and volume relate to density, and how density is a property of matter.

November  Dates to Know:

  • 11/11 - No School - Veterans Day
  • 11/24 - 11/25 - No School - Thanksgiving Break

Families, please feel free to contact your student’s homeroom teacher via email with any questions or concerns. Have an enjoyable weekend!


Maura Egan - ELA - megan@shrewsbury.k12.ma.us
Kayleigh Eldridge - Science- keldridge@shrewsbury.k12.ma.us
Donna McGrath - Civics - dmcgrath@shrewsbury.k12.ma.us
Kara Orfalea - Math - korfalea@shrewsbury.k12.ma.us

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