Sherwood Middle School student handbook

“The more generous we are, the more joyous we become.
The more cooperative we are, the more valuable we become.
The more enthusiastic we are, the more productive we become.
The more serving we are, the more prosperous we become.”
William Arthur Ward
The more enthusiastic we are, the more productive we become.
The more serving we are, the more prosperous we become.”
William Arthur Ward
William Arthur Ward
Dear Families,
We look forward to partnering with you, our students, parents, and families, as we endeavor to share our expertise, experiences, and knowledge with one another this school year. In doing so, we will provide our students with an engaging, meaningful, and joyful middle level education.
One of the ways in which we meet our individual and collective goals is by sharing, modeling, and following The Touchstone of Sherwood Middle School. The Touchstone was created a few years ago by students, teachers, parents, and community members. This declaration outlines the ways in which we use our core values to work together in community, as our core values are the fabric of our school culture. During grade level Community Meetings, we gather together to celebrate our successes and discuss and plan ways in which to improve upon our challenges, we revisit and recite the SMS Touchstone together:
The Touchstone of Sherwood Middle School
Sherwood Middle School is a community of independent learners who treat others respectfully and responsibly.
At our school, students and faculty stand up for what we believe in, celebrate our differences, and make learning fun.
Our positive attitudes create a path to success.
At Sherwood Middle School, we persevere and confidently strive to do our best.
We learn from our mistakes and understand the importance of honesty.
We are a community whose core values lead the way.
All members of the community are responsible for doing their best to follow the Touchstone and provide one another with the support needed to be successful. We look forward to working alongside you this year, as our students continue to form the attitudes, values, beliefs, and habits of mind that will significantly impact their life choices for years to come. Sherwood Middle School prides itself on the manner in which we educate our students. We are committed to ensuring that all students are provided with the tools, resources, and opportunities needed to lead happy, healthy, engaging and meaningful lives, while contributing in positive ways to society. Students, faculty, and families share in the responsibility of teaching, learning, and leading. We understand that young adolescents achieve academic success when other developmental needs (physical, emotional, social, and moral) are met.
Sherwood Middle School maintains high expectations for all members of our school community. Our students participate in a rigorous and engaging curriculum, while benefitting from high quality instruction that addresses a wide variety of learning needs and styles. Students engage in diverse opportunities that allow them to become active members of their classroom and school communities. Their participation extends beyond the school day. Students are encouraged to participate in the multitude of after school activities and programs that are available throughout the course of the school year, as we believe these experiences enhance students’ growth and development during this unique time in their lives.
We believe that the collaboration between school and home is a shared responsibility. The home-school connection is a critical component of the education of our students. Faculty and families work together to ensure that students are actively engaged in meaningful learning experiences. We look forward to beginning this work with you during the coming days as we begin the upcoming school year! If you have any questions or comments, please reach out.
Jonathan Kelly, Principal
(, 508-841-8675)
Central Office
Dr. Joseph M. Sawyer, Superintendent
Amy Clouter, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
Christian Girardi, Assistant Superintendent for Finance & Operations
Jane O. Lizotte, Assistant Superintendent for Community Partnerships & Well-Being
Barbara A. Malone, Director of Human Resources
Margaret Belsito, Director of Special Education and Pupil Personnel Services
High School
Todd Bazydlo, Principal
Jeff Lane, Assistant Principal
Maureen Monopoli, Assistant Principal
Nga Huynh, Assistant Principal
Gerald O’Connell, Assistant Principal
Hallie Burak, Principal
Michelle Dillon, Assistant Principal
Scott Yonker, Assistant Principal
Jonathan Kelly, Principal
Heather Gablaski, Assistant Principal
Lauren Walton, Assistant Principal
Bridget Nichols, Principal
Kristen Gasper, Principal
Tiffany Ostrander, Principal
Lisa McCubrey, Principal
Gina Kelly, Assistant Principal
Brian Mabie, Principal
Scott Mulcahy, Principal
Mission: The Shrewsbury Public Schools in partnership with the community will provide students with the skills and knowledge for the 21st century, an appreciation of our democratic tradition and the desire to continue to learn throughout life.
School Committee Members
Sandra Fryc, Chair
Erin Boucher
Lynsey Heffernan
Rachel Sharifipour, Vice Chair
Jon Wensky, Secretary
Sherwood Middle School
28 Sherwood Ave.
Shrewsbury, MA 01545
(508) 841-8670
Fax (508) 841-8671
The Touchstone of Sherwood Middle School
School Sherwood Middle School is a community of independent learners who treat others respectfully and responsibly.
At our school, students and faculty stand up for what we believe in, celebrate our differences, and make learning fun.
Our positive attitudes create a path to success.
At Sherwood Middle School, we persevere and confidently strive to do our best.
We learn from our mistakes and understand the importance of honesty.
We are a community whose core values lead the way.
SMS Mission Statement
To provide a safe, respectful, and nurturing environment in which the entire learning community addresses the unique developmental needs of 5th and 6th grade students.
To encourage students to reach their academic, artistic, social, emotional, and physical potential.
To prepare students to be productive citizens both in and out of school.
Sherwood Middle School Core Values
All members of the SMS community demonstrate RESPECT for others.
We treat each other the way we want to be treated.
We respect school and personal property.
We maintain self-control.
All members of the SMS community model the importance of being HONEST.
We tell the truth, even when it is very difficult to do.
We gain the trust and friendship of others by modeling good behavior.
We are honest with ourselves and with others.
All members of the SMS community demonstrate PERSEVERANCE in all aspects of learning.
We never give up even when things do not work out the way we had hoped.
We continuously strive to improve.
We have confidence that if we believe in ourselves, we can achieve our goals through effective effort.
All members of the SMS community assume RESPONSIBILITY for success.
We set high expectations for academic performance and social growth, and we are thoughtful and purposeful in pursuing these goals.
We promote independent learning and thinking.
We stand up for what is fair and just by taking appropriate action.
In addition to the above Core Values, Sherwood Middle School also includes the following in our values to follow as a productive, caring school environment:
- Gratitude
- Empathy
- Kindness
- Cooperation
- Courage
- Creativity
Sherwood Middle School
Lamoureux Pagano & Associates Green Judges' Choice Winner
2013 Green Education Design Showcase
2016 Model School Award
The 130,000 square foot contemporary middle school was designed to provide a comprehensive educational environment for 900 fifth and sixth grade students, as well as space for student and community events. The progressive learning environment was designed with five “neighborhoods” of classrooms organized around a common room to foster a collaborative, flexible learning environment with integrated special education, project based curriculum support, and team teaching organization.
The building features a highly efficient insulated metal panel exterior wall system and a low tech solar wall application that provides supplemental heat to the gymnasium, reducing energy costs. Other green features include LED lighting, low maintenance recycled linoleum flooring, and night sky lighting to minimize the necessary amount of light for the exterior of the building and site. The compact floor plan incorporated a ventilation system with ducted fresh air intakes to optimize indoor air quality, and acoustics designed to minimize disruptions.
Sherwood Middle School - MCA 2013 Education-Primary & Secondary Award (video)
Educating young children in today’s world is more complex and demanding than educating children earlier this century. Technology, advancements in the knowledge of how children learn, critical health issues, and other societal demands have placed a growing responsibility on today’s public schools.
The Shrewsbury Public Schools strives to develop every child’s fullest potential by providing a solid core curriculum and enrichment activities to let each student develop his/her unique interests and skills. To that end, the schools are more effective when we build strong relationships with parents and families.
The School Department will make every effort to keep parents informed. Regular communications in the form of classroom or school newsletters, reports to the School Committee (which are broadcast on Channel 29 and archived on the Shrewsbury Media Connection website), parent open houses, curriculum nights, and other special events are scheduled on a regular basis.
Please be sure to ask your children if they have any newsletters or notices from their teachers. It is also helpful to check book bags and backpacks on a regular basis. Each elementary school uses some form of a communications folder (i.e., Red Folder, Monday Folder, etc.). You should look for this folder on a regular basis since all-important communications are sent home in it. All elementary schools also use listserves for email communication, and email addresses of parents of currently en- rolled students are automatically enrolled. We welcome the opportunity to assist you and your child to have a successful experience at Sherwood Middle School. Contacting the right person and discussing your concerns can solve most problems.
Generally the best place to resolve an issue is with the teacher or faculty member about whom you have the concern. In the event that you are not satisfied with the solution, or are unable to resolve an issue, you should first con- tact the grade level assistant principal. If the problem remains unresolved, your next point of contact is the building principal. Please note that it is preferred to have initial communication through e-mail, as the faculty member has access to e-mail throughout the course of the day and evening. In the rare event that your problem is not addressed sufficiently at the building level, you should contact the Superintendent’s Office at 508- 841-8400.
Parent Organizations
Sherwood and Oak Middle Schools have an active parent organization, with regular meetings and a slate of officers and sub-committees. This organization provides schools with educational, social and fund-raising activities. Getting involved in the parent organization is a good way to be of service to your school and ultimately, to your child. The parent organizations also work with the school councils and provide initiatives to improve the schools. You will receive information from the PTO with details on these activities and how to volunteer.
Visiting the School
We are happy to have parents visit our schools. However, as welcome as parents are, they may also focus attention away from classroom instruction and become a distraction to both the teachers and the students. Parents are welcome to visit after arranging a time and a stated purpose with the classroom teacher. Visitors must enter through the front doors, register at the main office and wear a visitor’s badge that will be issued at that time.
Volunteering in the Shrewsbury Public Schools is a time-honored tradition. School volunteers are always in demand and perform a variety of functions, from working in the main office, to preparing materials for teachers and students, to working in the media center or computer lab, to presenting special topics and projects to the students. Your support and expertise is welcomed. Volunteering does not require specific skills. The person with whom you work will train you. Volunteers typically work one day per week, either for the whole day or part of the day. The key to a successful experience is dependability. Volunteering requires a commitment for the period of time the individual agrees to work in the schools. All volunteers must complete a CORI check with the school department. If you are interested in volunteering in our schools, please contact the Principal (or a specific classroom teacher if there is one with whom you would like to work) and explain what you would like to do and what your schedule will allow.
Instructional Aides and Substitute Teachers
Instructional aides and paraprofessionals work closely with the classroom teachers and your children. They provide wonderful support and allow the faculty to differentiate instruction to assist each child reach his or her greatest potential. Many of the district’s instructional aides are certified teachers. Others are interested parents who like to work in the school district on a regular basis. Periodically, the district hires aides during the course of the school year. If you are interested in this type of work and wish to be considered for openings that occur throughout the course of the year, you should contact Ms. Barbara Malone, Director of Human Re- sources. She can be reached at 841-8400.
Substitute teachers work to ensure that appropriate classroom instruction continues when the classroom teacher is absent. The school department maintains a list of available substitutes. While some substitutes work every day, others are available on a limited basis. Many work in all elementary schools and some only work in their neighborhood school. The minimum requirement is a college degree. If you are interested in working as a substitute teacher, you should contact Ms. Barbara Malone, Director of Human Resources. He can be reached at 841-8400
Parent/Teacher Conferences
The following date has been established for parent-teacher conferences: Tuesday, November 12, 2019. Teachers will contact parents to arrange for a convenient time to meet; please note that some conferences may need to take place on an alternate date, as it is not possible to schedule all conferences in one day. Please note that students do not attend school on the conference day unless students are participating in a student-led conference. Additionally, either the parent or the school may originate parent-teacher conferences. The teacher will contact the parent to schedule a conference if he/she determines a need to do so. When the parent sees a need to meet with the school, he/she should contact the classroom teacher or the counselor to schedule a conference. Except for the scheduled dates, conferences are normally scheduled for before the school day or after school.
The school department requests that parents try to understand the operational schedule of a middle school and work with the school to schedule a time that is mutually convenient for both the parents and the school staff. Prior to the meeting it is important to note key issues that you would like to address. These might include your child’s performance and progress, personal development, discussion about a specific curriculum area or skill development, or test results.
Student Voice is a community based program, since 2011, that is open to all interested students and staff. Student Voice is devoted to several different aspects of volunteer work, which benefits our school community, our Shrewsbury community, and our global community. Students apply in the Fall, to join one of several crews including:
- Andy’s Closet Crew
- Community Meeting Crew
- Community Outreach Crew
- Farm to School Crew
- Health and Wellness Crew
- Hospitality Crew
- Media Crew
- Senior Friends Crew
- Special Events Crew
- Student Culture Leaders Crew
The Shrewsbury Public Schools employ a variety of methods to communicate with parents, students, and community members. Click on the links below for more information:
Decision to Close or Delay
If inclement weather impacts the morning commute, the Superintendent of Schools, in consultation with the Highway Department and Public Buildings Department, will decide whether to cancel school or delay the opening of school. This decision will be made based on road conditions throughout the town, as well as on the ability to clear school driveways, parking lots, and entrances/exits. Please note that plowing and treating roads is the Highway Department's first priority, and neighborhood sidewalks may not be cleared prior to the morning commute. Conditions will vary in different neighborhoods across town (especially side streets), and many town sidewalks may not be cleared for some time after a snowfall.
Parents are in the best position to judge the situation in their own neighborhood and to make decisions regarding safety. When you are deciding whether your child may walk to school or wait at a bus stop, to drive your child to school, or to allow your high school student to drive to school, please be mindful of the conditions, especially given the height of snow banks at intersections and in parking lots. Parents who do not feel comfortable with the conditions in their neighborhood when school has not been canceled always have the option to choose not to send their children to school.
During poor weather, parent pick up and drop off lines at schools and bus routes will typically run more slowly than on a normal day, so we appreciate your patience and understanding.
Communication of Closures and Delays
The Superintendent of Schools typically decides whether to close or delay opening between 5:30 and 5:45am. Once the decision is made, the district's automated phone call and e-mail system will be used to communicate this information to families and staff. For families, the phone message will be sent to the phone number selected in PowerSchool for cancellations and the e-mail will be sent to both parents' addresses - it is crucial that parents maintain up-to-date contact information in through the PowerSchool Parent Portal for this to be effective. This message will be sent between 5:30am and 6:00am, and may take up to 15 minutes to cycle through.
Cancellation and delay information will also be broadcast on WBZ TV Channel 4, WCVB TV Channel 5, WHDH TV Channel 7, WFXT TV Channel 25, WTAG Radio AM 580, WSRS Radio FM 96.1, and WBZ Radio AM 1030. The Shrewsbury Public Schools web site Delays and Cancellations page will be updated as soon as possible after the decision; that site will also contain all of the information in this section. Cancellation and delay information will also be posted on the Superintendent's official Facebook page and Twitter account.
Delay Information
In cases where some additional time for road treatment and snow removal from campuses will be needed for school to be held, the Superintendent may choose to delay the opening of school. Typically this will be a one-hour delay, but occasionally a 90-minute or two-hour delay may be put in effect.
When there is a one-hour delay, morning Extended School Care is canceled and all school programs, including morning Kindergarten and Preschool sessions, will begin one hour late. When there is a 90-minute or two-hour delay, Extended School Care, morning Kindergarten, and morning Preschool classes are all canceled.
Please see the table below for the adjusted start times for the school day for students in the case of a delay. When a delay is called, students may not arrive at the school campus until one hour, 90 minutes or two hours later than the time they are allowed to arrive on a normal day, as there will not be access and supervision prior to that time. Bus routes will also begin one hour, 90 minutes or two hours later than on a normal day.
High School | 8:55 AM | 9:25 AM | 9:55 AM |
Oak Middle | 9:35 AM | 10:05 AM | 10:35 AM |
Sherwood Middle | 9:35 AM | 10:05 AM | 10:35 AM |
Coolidge, Floral, Beal, |
10:15 AM | 10:45 AM | 11:15 AM |
Parker Road | 9:30 AM |
AM Session Canceled |
AM Session Canceled PM Session Normal Time |
Little Colonials |
9:15 AM |
AM Session Canceled |
AM Session Canceled |
Early Dismissals
Under rare circumstances, the Superintendent of Schools may determine that inclement weather that threatens to make the afternoon commute unsafe requires an early dismissal from school. If such a decision is made, we will notify families using the emergency function of our automated phone and e-mail system so that all phone numbers on record for both parents will be called (home, mobile, and work) in addition to both parent e-mails. Families are asked to plan ahead regarding childcare for such a situation.
Shrewbury's Extended School Care Delay and Cancellation Policy
When school is canceled, all Extended School Care programming is also canceled. When there is a delayed opening, the morning session of Extended School Care is canceled as access to school campuses will not be possible, but the afternoon session will be held. In the rare case of an early dismissal, the afternoon session of Extended School Care is canceled.
Visual Arts
At Sherwood Middle School, most students in Grade 5 will have two experiences of Visual Art. Lessons will build upon skills previously learned, while exploring and demonstrating an understanding of the Elements and Principles of Art. Students will be exposed to materials such as pencil, color pencil, water color paint, and pastels.
Students in Grades 6 will continue to explore a variety of subject matter and materials. During the cycle students will successfully complete a self-portrait using traditional art materials, as well as explore creating art on the iPad. At the conclusion of the cycle, using the iPad, students will create a digital art portfolio.
Performing Arts
The performing arts have a far-reaching impact on all of our lives with real world connections. The objective of our department is to have students develop an appreciation for the beauty of music and drama as well as providing a creative outlet for their expression of talent and emotions.
The Shrewsbury Instrumental Lesson Program, SILP, provides convenient and affordable private lessons for our music students. Highly qualified, screened professional musicians teach all of our lessons. Founded in 2006, the program currently has 30+ exceptional instructors who provide lessons to over 375 students per semester in grades 4-12.
The following instruments are available for private study: violin, viola, cello, flute, oboe, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, French horn, trombone, baritone/euphonium, tuba and percussion (snare and glockenspiel). String lessons are offered to students in grades 4-12. Band instruments (woodwinds, brass and percussion) are offered to students in grades 5-12.
The Physical Education staff at Sherwood Middle School is looking forward to working with your child this year. We hope that each student cooperates so that the best possible Physical Education program can be provided; one which will promote a sense of team unity, good health, and lots of fun.
Physical Education will be offered to all students in the middle school two times every six day rotation throughout the school year. Activities will include cooperative games, fitness activities, and team sports We encourage all students to participate to the best of their ability and to exhibit sportsmanship and fair play. We look forward to a fun filled year with all of the students here at Sherwood.
Realizing the importance of our physical fitness goal, a fitness assessment will be administered to each student twice during the school year. The evaluation is designed to assess minimum standards for cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength and endurance, and flexibility and lower back strength, set by the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, and the Cooper Institute for Aerobic Research. The five components of this assessment are the Pacer Test, Curl Ups, Push-Ups, Sit & Reach, and Trunk Lift.
Welcome to the Sherwood Middle School Media Center!
Like to read? Like to talk about books with friends? You might like being part of the Sherwood Readers' Club Schoology group.
Thank you to all the families who supported the Scholastic Book Fair! Proceeds will be used to purchase materials for the Media Center for all students to enjoy. Thank you, too, to the families who donated magazine subscriptions to the Media Center through the PTO Magazine Drive. The students will enjoy them!
Students may check out two books for up to two weeks, and a book may be renewed as long as it's not on hold for another student. Ask at the desk if there's a book you'd like us to reserve for you. ELA books (read by the entire class) don't count toward the two-book limit.
The Shrewsbury Public Schools have been committed to the use of technology to enhance teaching and learning. In December of 2011, the School Committee voted to accept a set of strategic priorities that included having all students in grades 5-12 being educated in 1:1 learning environments by 2016. This goal was achieved in the fall of 2015, when SHS began its 1:1 iPad program.
Shrewsbury's entry into 1:1 programming began in the fall of 2012 with 5th and 6th graders at Sherwood Middle School. Since this initial work, much has been learned and the opportunities and innovations within the educational sector continue to grow. Given this, On January 7th, 2015, the Shrewsbury School Committee voted to accept the recommendations presented to them by Shrewsbury teachers and administrators that would move Shrewsbury into the next iteration of its 1:1 digital conversion initiative.
The Shrewsbury School Committee encourages the use of information technology to assist in preparing students for success in life and work by providing access to a wide range of information and the ability to communicate with others.
Information technology will be used to increase communication, enhance productivity, and assist staff in upgrading existing skills and acquiring new skills. The system/network will also be utilized to provide relevant school information to the community.
Information technology is defined as Internet access, email, published and non-published documents, and various forms of multimedia technology. The district employs the use of specialized filtering software that monitors Internet traffic and blocks inappropriate web sites.
Access to information technology through Shrewsbury Public Schools is a privilege, not a right. Students, parents, and staff must abide by a Responsible Use Policy acknowledging understanding of the guidelines and agreement to comply with them in order to obtain access privileges. Violations of the agreement may result in disciplinary action.
Because information technology is constantly changing, not all situations can be anticipated or addressed in a policy. All users are expected to understand and comply with both the “letter” and the “spirit” of this policy and show good judgment in their use of these resources.
You are part of a community that is local and global - everything you do online e.g. post, write, like, friend, comment, pin, +1, tweet, message, IM, text, etc. defines you to your local community, teachers, parents, friends, neighbors, college admissions officers, future employers, the whole world. What do you want this “personal brand” to say about you?
- Unfortunately, the reality is that you need to act as though nothing is private and nothing can be deleted
- Behave as you would in the town square (because you are, it just looks different).
- Be a credit to your family, town, school, etc. by being kind, thoughtful, considerate, polite, constructive, etc.
Not everybody has good intentions and not all information is reputable.
- Seek assistance from a parent, teacher, or other adult you trust when you receive or find something that makes you uncomfortable.
- Check your sources.
- Consider privacy settings and take advantage of them when setting up digital accounts and be aware that true anonymity is difficult to achieve.
- Guide your online choices and behaviors with an awareness of which personal information, habits, preferences, etc. advertisers, marketers, app developers, retailers, criminals, etc. collect and how they collect it, and the use and value of the information.
It’s important to respect others as your actions can affect them.
- Seek permission for recording via photograph, video, audio, hologram, etc.
- Respect confidentiality - Don’t reveal information from others that was only intended for you.
- Respect the work of others - Pay attention to copyright and attribution.
- Respect and conserve the resources we all share (wifi, internet bandwidth, etc.).
- Follow the laws of the land.
- Actively listen to others.
- Respect property.
Middle & High School Level
The use of technology is an important part of education in the 21st century. This School Committee policy was developed to guide the use of technology by students. Students must agree to the following stipulations in order to be allowed to use technology at school (the acknowledgement of this policy in the student handbook will serve as agreement).
1. Students shall use the Internet and all forms of school technology responsibly. School technology includes, but is not limited to, computers, tablets, printers, copiers, cameras, and interactive web resources that serve educational purposes. This agreement extends to use of technology that students may be able to use off site.
2. Students shall respect the rights of copyright owners by limiting copying to essential materials and providing attribution (citations) for images and text. Students shall avoid plagiarism by ensuring that their papers and projects reflect their thoughts and ideas as well as cited paraphrases, summaries and quotations. Students will ask teachers or media staff for assistance if they have questions regarding these terms.
3. Students shall understand that they may use a personal device on the school network, that they may be required to provide information about their device to the technology department to ensure that it can operate safely without disrupting others, that all school policies apply to them whether they are using their own device or school technologies, and that this privilege may be limited or revoked.
4. Students shall understand the network is a valuable resource for teaching, learning and many other forms of productivity for students, staff and parents. Students shall understand that downloading large files or attachments may compromise network speed and they will avoid this type of activity without permission even if they are using a personal device. Students shall limit their use of downloading large files to classroom lessons and research. Students engaging in school work shall be given priority when accessing school technology.
5. Students shall understand that their participation in school interactive web resources—using a personal device or not—must represent what is expected from a student in the Shrewsbury Public Schools. Therefore, anything that is considered inappropriate in the classroom is also inappropriate in all uses of email, blogs, podcasts, social networking sites, messaging/chat sites, or other digital communication tools. This includes, but is not limited to disrespectful, profane, racist, sexist or other discriminatory remarks. Additionally, students shall promptly inform a teacher or administrator if any messages received or material reviewed is inappropriate.
6. Students shall understand that the district’s Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan applies to online behaviors and they shall comply with all provisions of that policy.
7. Students shall understand and shall comply with all personal technology guidelines associated with their school.
8. Students shall understand that school provided access to the Internet has to be filtered. If they need access to a blocked site, they shall work with their teachers to explore options available. Students shall not attempt to bypass any blocked sites or circumvent the filter in any manner.
9. Students shall not impersonate nor attempt to impersonate another nor use or attempt to use somebody else’s accounts on any device. Students shall not delete or tamper with anyone else’s files, folders, or work. Students shall not let another student use their accounts on any device.
10. Students shall understand that files, services, and devices provided by and/or managed by the school are not private. There is no expectation of privacy when students use the school district’s network, devices, and services and anything they do can be viewed by administration at any time.
11. Students and their families shall understand that unless superseded by the liability schedule of a specific program they will be liable for full repair and replacement costs for damage to school property, whether intentional or through negligence, including electronic devices.
12. Students shall understand that attempts to override, disable, alter, or circumvent security restrictions, management systems, or device firmware will be considered intentional damage.
13. Students shall understand that should they be found in violation of this policy, the consequences could include, but are not limited to; restricting access to the device, disabling device features or applications, the revocation of all network access, suspension or exclusion from school, or legal action by the authorities.
Students or parents should contact the district or school administration if they have any questions about this agreement or its implementation.
This policy will be reviewed within five years of adoption, or when necessary due to significant change in technology access or usage by students.
Damage to district-owned iPads must be repaired. Similar to how students and their families are responsible for textbooks or other equipment issued to the student, families are responsible for protecting the iPad and are liable for any and all damage to the device, accidental or otherwise.
Intentional damage to an iPad by another student is the responsibility of the family of the student causing the damage. All iPad damage must be reported to the student’s teacher as soon as possible.
All repairs must be handled by the District. Upon completion of the repair, if a family has not purchased the optional third-party iPad insurance being referred by the District, the District will invoice the family for the cost of the repair.
If the iPad requires replacement, the family must reimburse the District for the replacement cost rather than purchase the replacement directly, as family-purchased iPads cannot be fully managed in our system. 

iPads are required to remain in district-issued cases. For safety reasons, all glass damage must be repaired. iPads with damaged glass will not be allowed to be used in school.
Staff members who notice damaged glass will report the student’s name to the homeroom teacher or administrator who will then remove the iPad from use and notify the IT Department. The District reserves the right to require that any damage to an iPad be repaired, regardless of whether it affects functionality.
If there is damage to, loss, or theft of the case, charger or cord, families must reimburse the District for the replacement cost of those items.
If a loaner iPad is damaged, the family will be invoiced for the cost of any repairs to the loaner (or replacement cost if the device is not repairable).
iPads issued to students, along with the issued case, cable, and charger, must be returned to the district upon withdrawal. Any items not returned will be invoiced at replacement cost.
The PowerSchool Parent Portal Parent Portal is a secure Web site that has been designed to act as a comprehensive communication vehicle. Parents/guardians will use this as a resource for obtaining information, school activities sign-up, busing, tracking progress, etc. Below is a list that outlines what the PowerSchool Parent Portal account encompasses:
- Update contact/demographic information (PK-12)
- View attendance (PK-12)
- Acknowledge student handbook receipt (PK-12)
- Request bus privileges (K-12)
- View bus route, stop, and pickup time information (K-12)
- Sign up for band/chorus/orchestra (4-7)
- Choose a foreign language (5-6)
- Choose a summer reading book (7-8)
- Sign up for sports (7-12)
- View grades & assignments (9-12)
- View the school's Daily Bulletin (9-12)
For more information about the Parent Portal and account creation click here:
Parent Demographics
Each year, all parents are required to review and update their emergency contact information and review and acknowledge the school handbook. These updates are required in order to view bus route information, and to access to other online functions such as sign-ups for activities, etc.
To do this, log in to the PowerSchool Parent Portal at
Click on the “Demographic Information Update” button on the left menu. Review your emergency contact information and correct if necessary, view the school handbook, and click the blue button at the bottom of the screen.
Please note that all families are required to perform these steps in order to ensure that we have the ability to contact you in the event of an emergency.
Schoology is an online Learning Management System currently being used by teachers to allow students and parents to access assignments and class materials online.
To access Schoology, please visit this page ( for account setup instructions.
Extended School Care is a non-profit organization that provides quality before and after school care for children in kindergarten through sixth grade. Operated by the Shrewsbury Public Schools, the program is fully funded through parent fees. Our mission is to provide a safe and nurturing environment where students can engage in enrichment activities, participate in recreational programming and socialize with their peers. Time is also set aside each day for students to work on their homework.
Our experienced and caring staff members create fun and innovative programming for students of all ages, interests and abilities. We focus on building positive relationships, developing social skills, strengthening self-esteem, and encouraging independence, responsibility and good decision-making.
Our programs are located within the school building at Beal, Coolidge, Floral, Paton, Spring and Sherwood.
For more detailed information please visit our website:
Times (before and after)
Before school program: 7:00 AM until the start of the school day (please note there is no before school program at the Sherwood Middle School)
After school program: starting at school dismissal and closing at 6:00PM
Waitlist Info
The earliest you may add your child to the extended day waiting list is January of the year your child will start school. Incoming students applying for the wait list between January 1st and February 28th will be entered into a lottery to determine your waitlist number. The lottery will be drawn in early March. You will be placed on the list after people on the existing wait list. (For example if there are 50 people on the waiting list and you are pulled first from the lottery, your waitlist number would be 51.)
Anyone applying for the waitlist after February 28th will be placed at the bottom of the list based on date of application.If you are moving to Shrewsbury you can only be added to the waiting list after you have registered for school.
Homework Guidance
The district homework policy can be found in its entirety here, including information about the guiding principles that informed the development of the policy and detailed descriptions of roles and responsibilities for students and families. This document is intended to depict level-specific expectations for educators at the middle level..
Guiding Principles
Shrewsbury’s homework policy is designed to support and empower children, educators and families as they work together to further student learning.
The school district recognizes and affirms that co-curricular activities and other commitments are important aspects of students’ lives that can significantly improve their physical and mental health and well-being. It is a shared responsibility between home and school to ensure that students have balance in their lives while pursuing educational excellence. This policy is intended to help our students achieve that. Further, the district recognizes that vacations, long weekends, and holidays are opportunities to enjoy family time and fun. In order to protect this time for students and staff, the district will implement a “no homework” calendar that specifies times when homework will not be assigned. In addition to promoting family time and recreation, “no homework” periods can provide a respite from new assignments that allows for a focus on other responsibilities or needs, such as religious observances for students with their families, performing community service, or completing college applications.
Please see the list of “no homework” dates HERE. For a calendar view of the “no homework” dates, click HERE. For “no homework” periods, homework shall not be assigned on the school day prior to the “no homework” date(s), and no assignments will be due and no tests or other assessments that require studying will occur on the school day following the “no homework” date(s).
Homework is defined as tasks that are assigned by teachers to be completed by students outside of class time, including work done using pencil and paper and/or digital tools. These tasks include, but are not limited to: skills practice; reading; viewing of video content; studying or preparation for quizzes or tests; creating written, audio, or visual content; and completion of reports or projects.
Purposes of Homework
Research affirms the importance of independent reading, skills practice, and the development of learning routines for young children, and the value of regular homework assignments for older students. The purposes of homework in the Shrewsbury Schools are to practice newly taught skills, review previously mastered skills, develop independent study habits, and motivate students to pursue personal goals.
Learner Variability
Every learner is different, and variability among students should be expected. Homework should encourage personal reflection. Educators are empowered with the flexibility to match assignments to meet a child’s individual needs.
Homework Policy Components
1. Frequency of Homework Assignments
All students in Grades 1-12 are expected to spend time on homework. Due dates assigned by teachers may vary according to the nature of the assignment; for example, assignments could be due the next day, by the end of the week, or could be part of a longer-term project. Students in Grades 5-12 may also have homework assigned over the weekend at the discretion of the teacher. Weekend assignments are considered as one night of homework per the time guidelines below. Long-term projects must be assigned so that there are at least two weekends, not including “no homework” dates, before a project is due.
Administrators and educators at each grade span will provide guidance regarding how students can communicate requests for extensions of homework due dates. Reasonable accommodations will be provided through extensions for due dates with regard to absences related to student illness, family obligations, religious observances, etc. Flexibility to respond to other student-specific situations will be provided as appropriate, with the goal of promoting student academic progress in light of personal circumstances. Schools and educators will communicate what supports are available for students who need assistance with completing homework, as well as consequences for students who do not meet homework expectations.
2. Time Guidelines By Grade Level
The guidelines below provide for the approximate maximum amount of focused time that homework assignments should take each night. It is understood that different students will require different amounts of time based on a variety of factors. Parents and caregivers are encouraged to speak with their child’s teacher(s) if homework is routinely taking much more or much less time than called for in the guidelines.
Required reading assignments are included within the time allotments at each grade level. Because reading is crucial to academic success, voluntary reading beyond homework time guidelines is encouraged.
- Grade 5: 50 minutes Monday-Friday
- Grades 6-8: 60-90 minutes Monday-Friday
3. Accommodating Religious Observances by Students
Per School Committee Policy #291, students who miss school or cannot complete homework due to any religious observance will be provided with the opportunity to make up work without penalty. Families are encouraged to communicate with educators regarding any situation where religious observances may impact their student’s attendance or homework completion.
4. Educator Responsibilities
As they consider options for homework, educators will:
- Communicate expectations to students for how the assignment should be completed and the learning goal(s) being addressed (e.g., practicing a new skill, preparing for an assessment, etc.)
- Consider the amount of time an assignment will require in order to align with the targets for time spent each night on homework, including special projects.
- Establish objectives and guidelines for special projects, including any expectations for parent/caregiver participation.
- Be clear about the appropriate use of technology tools, including artificial intelligence, so that students and parents/caregivers understand what is expected regarding academic integrity.
- With as much advance notice as possible, communicate all assignments and due dates to students and post them as required, and provide time for students to record them where students use a paper planning tool.
- Model homework strategies and provide exemplars to clarify expectations as appropriate throughout the school year.
- Establish a system for recording and monitoring homework completion and quality, including reading assignments.
- Review homework and provide feedback in a timely manner. Feedback does not require grading or responding in writing to every homework assignment; educators are expected to communicate frequently enough to signal whether the quality of the homework is meeting expectations and whether there are concerns about missing assignments or late submissions, so that the student has an opportunity to improve.
- Ensure that resources and materials required for homework projects are easily obtained by the student, and work with families and school administration as needed to ensure that no student will be unable to complete an assignment due to lack of financial resources.
- Provide ways for parents and caregivers to communicate with teachers about homework, using translation tools where appropriate.
- Notify parents/caregivers when poor homework quality or missing assignments are cause for concern, using translation tools where appropriate.
- Assign long term projects so that the completion time includes more than one weekend (not including “no homework” dates), and is not limited to a school vacation period.
- Discuss homework practices with colleagues and align them with these policy guidelines; while it is not expected that homework assignments are identical forall students, the volume and types of homework assigned to students in the same grade level should be consistent across different teachers and teacher teams.
- Work with students to provide flexibility in order to promote quality completion of assignments while responding to student needs. This may include extending deadlines
- where warranted and using strategies to accommodate individual situations.
- Follow the guidelines in the District Curriculum Accommodation Plan (DCAP) and meet all legal requirements of a student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP) or Section 504 Accommodation Plan that may be related to homework.
Educators are strongly encouraged to periodically consider student feedback regarding the homework they assign and to include options where students have opportunities for self-direction where appropriate. Further, having choice develops motivation and purpose. Where appropriate, give students responsibility for setting and monitoring progress toward personal learning goals and provide choice of topics, methods, tools, etc. to demonstrate understanding and empower students.
The Shrewsbury Public Schools curriculum is linked to MA State Frameworks. The specifics of your child’s curriculum will be covered at our annual curriculum night. If you have any additional questions, please contact your school’s curriculum coordinator.
All teachers will be implementing Habits of Work and Learning (HOWLs) into their classroom routines and expectations. Several teams have piloted HOWLs in the past two years and have been pleased with the positive impact on student behavior.
Habits of Work and Learning will be assessed on the report card for each subject area teacher as well as Allied Arts and Foreign Language classes. We are excited to have common language and to develop common expectations for students’ behavior and work habits in all aspects of their day at Sherwood.
Teachers will begin the year by discussing the HOWLs, the HOWLs rubric, and what these will look like in the classroom, at lockers, in the hall, etc. Administrators will help students understand expectations related to HOWLS in the cafeteria and at recess. Students will create posters for what each of the HOWLs (Respect, Responsibility, and Perseverance) look like in the classroom. These posters will be displayed in the classroom with a set for each homeroom that will travel to Allied Arts classes. Teachers will communicate with students which HOWLs element or elements are linked to the work they are completing in class.
Lockers are typically assigned on the first day of school by homeroom teachers. It is your responsibility to keep your locker clean and neat. Lockers are not to be written on or defaced in any way. Students may place magnets on the inside of lockers. Stickers of any kind are not to be placed on a locker or inside the locker.
There are no locks of any kind allowed on lockers. Remember: School is not a place to bring valuable items such as iPods or handheld electronic devices. As long as these kinds of things stay at home, they will stay safe. Neither Sherwood Middle School, nor the Shrewsbury School Department is liable if personal belongings are stolen or missing from lockers. Remember, if it is very valuable to you, you should not bring it to school.
The lockers are the property of the school, and the school administration reserves the right to search lockers if there is a reasonable suspicion of a violation of the Code of Conduct.
To stay current on all Food Service information, please visit our website.
To communicate to the Food Service Director, please email or call Beth Nichols at or (508) 841-8819.Menus
The monthly menus are posted on the Shrewsbury Home Page website at The Food Service is committed to serving what is on the printed menu.
Food Service Information
The federal and state government funding covers the cost of one breakfast and one lunch per day for all students.
Students/parents must pay for all additional food items such as:
- Individual milk or water purchase
- Second meals
- Second slices of pizza
- All à la carte items
The items listed above are not free and not part of the government subsidized "free meal" program.
Breakfast Program
A Breakfast Program is offered daily at all schools before the school day begins. A variety of cereals, fruits, pastries, morning breads, yogurts, juice and milk are offered daily. All meals meet the state requirements for good nutrition.
Lunch Program
A Lunch Program is offered daily at all schools. A minimum of two entrees is offered daily. In addition a variety of sandwiches, soups, milks, 100% juice, fruits, vegetables, and breads are offered daily. All meals meet the state requirements for good nutrition.
Free and Reduced Breakfast/Lunch Applications
Free and reduced price meals are available to students if there is financial need. Applications are available online: at the Food Service website. If you need an application at any time during the year or help filling the application out call the Food Service office at 508-841-8819 and one will be mailed to you. Eligibility is governed by guidelines set by the Department of Education. A written notification will be sent to all families stating what program they qualify for.
Why apply when meals are free? The district receives additional funding in a variety of ways based upon our verified census of students who are eligible for free or reduced price meals.
Additionally, the district offers fee discounts for Extended School Care, athletics, and busing to students who qualify for the free/reduced price meal program.
So, we strongly encourage families who think they are eligible for free/reduced price meals to apply.
A-La-Carte Items (Not Free of Charge)
A-la-carte items (ex. cookies, chips, etc.) are offered at the middle and high schools for an additional charge. The grant program provided by the state does not cover the charge for a-la-carte items. Additionally, students that are eligible for reduced or free school lunch will be charged for a-la-carte items, as they are not included in a standard breakfast or standard lunch program.
Point of Sale System and Prepaid Meal Accounts
The Meal Magic Point of Sale System is available to allow parents to put money on their child's account for meal or a-la-carte purchases. Any amount of money can be added to a student's account. This system eliminates the need for cash. Cash can also be used for purchases. Parents can send a check or cash with their child to give to the cafeteria cashier at their school. The cashier will add this money to the student's account. Checks should be made out to the Food Service Department. In the check memo section, please note the student's name whose account should be credited.
Parents can also use the online system, SchoolPay, to add money to their students account.
Allergy Aware
In order to create a safe school environment for all students, Shrewsbury Public School buildings and classrooms are designated as “Allergy Aware”. This indicates an effort on the part of the school to make the community (students, staff, families, etc) aware that there are students with food allergies in the classroom or building, and for that reason to ask that they be respectful of those around them who might have allergies by refraining from bringing foods that contain allergens into school as much as possible, and that they never share food of any kind while at school or on the bus.
- Allergy Aware tables will be available in cafeterias at the elementary and middle schools. Students with allergies can choose to sit at these tables along with non-allergic students whose lunch does not contain allergens. Again, sharing/trading of food is not permitted.
- We will require that parents not send in edible treats for celebrations. In accordance with the District’s Wellness Policy, foods used for these events must be purchased through Food Services.
School Safety and Security
Fire drills and lockdown drills are conducted periodically throughout the school year. During these drills, students must follow teacher instructions. Exterior doors remain locked in all of Shrewsbury’s middle schools. Parents will be permitted access through the school office.
Early Dismissal
Early dismissals will be granted in the case of an emergency. A note signed by the parent must be sent to the child’s teacher on the day of the dismissal. Parents may pick their child up in the main office. No child will be allowed to leave school without the permission of the building principal or designee.
Online Registration
The registration process begins with the online portion through the PowerSchool Parent Portal. If you cannot access your Parent Portal account, please email the registrar. A message will be displayed during the registration process stating whether or not a fee is required. Print the online registration confirmation form for your records. If no fee is due, your registration is complete.*
(This handbook provides an excerpt on the major policy and procedure items regarding school bus transportation. The full School Committee Transportation Policy and district rules and regulations pertaining to all facets of the transportation program including the Bus Code of Conduct and fees can be found on the District website at the following link:

My child does not take a bus. Where will I drop them off in the morning and pick them up in the afternoon?
Parents will enter the back driveway to Sherwood via Crescent Street. There is no entrance from Hutchins Street in the morning or afternoon. Parents and caretakers will follow the traffic pattern into and around the parking lot. Adults will direct you; we ask that you pull up as far as possible so more than one car can unload at a time.
Which way should I exit after dropping off or picking up my child?
The access road is two-directional. You will be able to exit the lot by turning right to exit via Crescent Street or by turning left to exit via Hutchins Street.
Can I drive in front of Sherwood to get to the student drop-off/pick-up location?
No. The only traffic allowed in front of Sherwood during student drop-off and pick-up times is bus traffic. All parents and caretakers must use the Crescent Street entrance to access the drop-off / pick-up area. Please do not drop your child off in the parking lot between Oak and Sherwood as bus and staff traffic can make this an unsafe location.
What times are drop-off and pick-up?
Students can be dropped off as early at 8:05 AM. This is when there are adults in the building to supervise children and doors are unlocked to allow their access. Students who arrive prior to 8:20 must report to the cafeteria to be properly supervised. Homeroom starts promptly at 8:35. Students are dismissed at 3:00 to parent pick-up.
Where should parents park when visiting the school during the day?
All visitors should park in the designated “Visitor Parking” spots in the front of the school. If there are no available spots in this area, any unmarked parking spot is fine.
Please direct any additional questions to the Sherwood Main Office. (508)-841-8670
There are times during the school year when students and their teachers walk to Oak Middle School or the Foundation Fields on Maple Street.
Oak Middle School has an auditorium used for large presentations, such as the 5th grade Weather Show. Field Day is sometimes held at the Foundation Fields.
Parents will be informed of these off- campus visits in advance. If you do not give permission for your child to walk to Oak Middle School or the Foundation Fields for a prearranged event with adult supervision, please inform your child’s teacher in writing.
Unless the school receives contrary notice in writing, it is assumed that parents have given consent for their child to walk to Oak Middle School or the Foundation Fields.
Many school events, student accomplishments, and student work are published through both print and electronic media, including local newspapers, local cable television, and the Internet. Any media focusing on a particular student or a particular group of students is considered to be a student record, and will only be released with the consent from a parent or guardian. If you have any objection to your child being included in the items listed below, you must send your decision to opt out to your child’s principal in writing.
Unless the school receives contrary notice in writing from a parent/guardian, it is assumed that parents/guardians have given consent for the information below to be publicized:
- Images for print, broadcast, and electronic display and distribution, including on our school website and social media site.
- Audio and video for broadcast and electronic display and distribution
- Directory Permission-Student’s name, address, phone number and email address supplied to students and parents in your school community.
However, this policy does not restrict, nor does Shrewsbury Public Schools have any authority over, images, videos or other such media taken by third parties that do not focus on any particular student or particular group of students.
The school nurse position at SMS is shared by two RN's. Please feel free to contact us anytime with any questions or concerns you have about your child. To ensure that you receive a timely response when emailing us, please email both of the nurses. The nurses will provide support for children who become sick during the school day, who are injured at school, and/or need to have medications administered while at school. The nurses will evaluate children who are ill and will make a determination about their attendance. The school nurses are also available as a resource for students and their parents/guardians in regards to a wide variety of chronic or acute medical and psychosocial needs. Please update the school nurses if there are any changes in your child’s health status throughout the school year. 

The spread of germs is a reality in any group of young children. Please do not bring your child to school when he/she is ill. As a general rule, if a child has a fever or is vomiting, or has been diagnosed with an illness that is likely to spread to other students or staff, it is best to keep the child at home.
Any temperature greater than 100 degrees F (orally) is considered a fever. Children must be fever–free for 24 hours (without the use of fever-reducing medications such as Tylenol, Motrin, etc.) prior to returning to school. This applies even if the underlying cause of the fever is non-infectious, such as an ear infection, urinary tract infection, etc. Children with a fever do not usually feel well enough to participate and attend school activities. It is recommended that they be given 24 hours to recover from the fever before returning to school. Please note that a child who exhibits symptoms of illness (with or without a fever) may be sent home if the nurse feels that it is in the best interest of the child and/or the child’s classmates.
Should your child exhibit symptoms of illness while at school, he/she/they should report to the nurse, who will work with your child to decide what should be done. Students should NOT call their parents/guardians directly on a pay phone or individual cell phones. Phone calls to parents/guardians will be made at the discretion of the School Nurse. In the event that a child shows symptoms of a contagious illness while at school, the child will be isolated from other students and the parents/guardians will be called immediately for dismissal.
In the case of a bus accident, all injured children shall be referred to the school nurse. If injuries are sustained, the nurse will determine the level of care required and make arrangements for emergency transport as needed. Parents/guardians will be contacted by the school as soon as possible. An accident report will be completed by the nurse or principal and filed in the School Department Office.

Attendance Policy
Good attendance is important for success in school. Much of what children learn comes from the instruction by the teachers and interactions with other students in the classroom. To that end the School Department requests that parents/guardians make every effort to have their child attend each day school is in session. Children, however, do become ill and as a result need to stay at home. Parents/guardians should use their discretion regarding the seriousness of an illness but as a general rule if the child will be uncomfortable with a cold or may spread the illness to staff and students, it is best to keep the child at home. In the event that the child is too ill to attend to school work, the nurse will make a determination to send the child home and will contact the parents/guardians. (For more information about when to keep your child home from school, please refer to the School Health Services section of this handbook.)
Extended Absences
In the event that your child is injured or seriously ill and will be absent for more than 5 consecutive days, a doctor's note is required. Please notify the school nurse, who will assist parents with the process for support and/or homework. A student must be absent for three consecutive days before parents can request homework.
Physical Examinations and Immunizations
Massachusetts General Law c.71, s. 57 and related amendments and regulations (105 CMR 200.000- 209.920) require physical examinations of school children within one year prior to entrance to school or within 30 days after entry, and at intervals of either three to four years thereafter. A student transferred from another school system shall be examined as an entering student.
It is recommended that each time your child has a physical exam, a copy be submitted to your school nurse so that the school health record remains current.
Immunization requirements are published annually by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health and may be found in the Immunizations section of this handbook, as well as on the Nursing/Health Service page on the district’s website
The Shrewsbury Public School District procedure requires that the student’s parent/guardian submit written documentation of the physical exam and immunizations at the intervals required by Massachusetts laws and regulations, as stated above, or their child will be excluded from school until such documentation has been provided. Parents/guardians are responsible for providing a copy of the original exam and record of immunizations. Parents/guardians of children who are not in compliance with this procedure will be notified of the physical examination/immunization requirements via mailings, newsletters or by telephone well in advance of the date of possible exclusion from school.
Massachusetts state law requires that students be immunized according to the information found on the state's website.
Food Allergy Information
A significant number of students in our schools have life threatening food allergies. Their allergens include peanuts, tree nuts (e.g.: walnut, almond, hazelnut, cashew, pistachio, etc), soy, milk, wheat (gluten), fish, shellfish, various fruits, etc.
Reactions to allergens can cause anaphylaxis, a sudden, severe reaction that is potentially fatal. In order to create a safe school environment for all students, Shrewsbury Public School buildings and classrooms are designated as “Allergy Aware”.
This indicates an effort on the part of the school to make the community (students, staff, families, etc) aware that there are students with food allergies in the classroom or building, and for that reason to ask that they be respectful of those around them who might have allergies by refraining from bringing foods that contain allergens into school as much as possible, and that they never share food of any kind while at school or on the bus.
Per the district’s Wellness Policy, staff are not permitted to bring food in to school to share with students. Any food used in classrooms for curriculum related activities must be approved by the principal after consult with the school nurse, and should be wrapped, store-bought foods, with ingredients listed on the labels whenever possible. The staff person leading the activity should check labels to ensure that no allergens are present.
Families of students with food allergies are asked to partner with our schools by teaching their child about their specific allergen(s), what foods should be avoided, how to read food labels, how to recognize symptoms of a reaction, how to self-advocate in regards to their allergy, and what to do if a reaction occurs.
Students should be reminded that food of any kind should not be shared at school or on the bus. Parents/guardians should inform the school nurse of any known allergies and provide a doctor’s order, allergy management plan, and any required medications to the nurse at the beginning of each school year.
Our food service department works hard to provide nutritious meal choices in our school cafeterias. If a student with food allergies chooses to buy food at school, parents/guardians should review menu choices at home and help to decide what is safe for their individual child. Some menu items may contain allergens. School and cafeteria staff will not monitor lunch choices made by students.
If parents/guardians have questions about possible allergens, they should contact the cafeteria manager at their child’s school. Menus are available on the Food Service page of the Shrewsbury Public Schools website Allergy Aware tables will be available in the cafeterias at elementary schools and middle schools. Students with allergies can choose to sit at these tables along with non-allergic students whose lunch does not include allergens. Again, sharing/trading of food is not permitted.
Stock Supply of Emergency Medications in Health Offices
Per district policy, “certain medications for emergency use, such as epinephrine pens to treat anaphylaxis, naloxone to treat opioid overdoses, or similar medications, may be administered by a school nurse, or by a trained individual where law allows, to individuals who present with symptoms regardless of whether a physician’s order exists, as the condition may be undiagnosed.”
For the 2022-2023 school year, the health office in each building will stock the following medications for use during the school day:
- Narcan (naloxone): 2 doses per building for use in the case of suspected opioid overdose
- EpiPen/EpiPen Jr (epinephrine auto injector): 2 doses per building, plus sufficient supply to send at least one dose on field studies taking place out side of school
Students who are already diagnosed with the potential need at school for such medication as listed above, such as an allergy that could cause anaphylaxis, must provide a physician’s order for the emergency medication to the school nurse. In cases where the school has such emergency medication in stock, parents/guardians of students who are prescribed such medications will not be required to provide personal doses of medication for their child’s potential use in an emergency at school. This exception is provided as an opportunity for families to potentially save on the expense of purchasing multiple doses of emergency medication (such as multiple epinephrine pens), since the school will already have a supply on hand, it is rare that this medication is required to be administered, and rarer still that multiple individuals would need doses at the same time. However, parents/guardians may opt to send in the emergency medication specific to their child if that is their preference.
The school nurse, parents/guardians, the student’s physician, and, where appropriate, school administration, will confer on a case-by-case basis whether a student may carry a personal, prescribed emergency medication on his or her person for potential self-administration, such as an epinephrine pen or asthma inhaler. The availability of personal, prescribed emergency medications to be self-administered by students will be governed by applicable state laws and regulations. Because stock emergency medication may not be available during school activities that take place outside of school hours, the school district cannot make any commitment to families regarding the availability of stock emergency medication outside of school hours. The carrying of a personal, prescribed emergency medication as described above is encouraged for students who are trained in self-administration and participate in such programs.
The following school screenings are mandated by Massachusetts state law (M.G.L. c.71, s.57 and 105 CMR 200.000) and are conducted according to the following schedule:
- Vision screenings screening: each year for students in grades PreK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, and 10
- Hearing screening: each year for students in grades K, 1, 2, 3, 7, and 10
- Heights and weights are measured and BMI is calculated for students in grades 1, 4, 7, and 10. Aggregate data reported to the state as mandated. Individual student data is not reported but is recorded in the confidential student health record.
- Postural screenings: each year for all students in grades 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9
Per MA 105 CMR 200.000, the purpose of mandated screenings is to “identify and take appropriate actions with respect to disabilities and medical conditions of school children in public schools as soon as possible so as to enable all children to obtain the fullest benefit of their educational opportunities to identify and take appropriate action with respect to contagious or communicable diseases among students…” Screenings are a tool used for referral for further care and should not be considered diagnostic. Letters will be mailed home if follow-up for vision, hearing, or postural screening is recommended. BMI data is available by parent request to the nurse.
Hearing and vision screenings are conducted in the health office by school nurses and trained personnel.
Postural screenings, height, weight and BMI screenings are done by the Physical Education teachers, usually during the first 2 weeks of PE class. If the PE teacher has concerns about a particular student, the student will be rescreened by the school nurse.
In order for a student to be excused from any screening(s), the parent/guardian must make a request in writing to the school nurse annually. For postural screening exclusion requests, documentation of screening within the past year by a medical professional must also be provided.
For more information on Shrewsbury Public Schools Local Wellness Policy, please visit the Nursing and Health Services website on the district home page
(School Committee Policy #647)
In accordance with General Laws Chapter 71, Section 32A, the Shrewsbury School Committee has adopted this policy on the rights of parents and guardians of our students in relation to curriculum that primarily involves human sexual education or human sexuality issues.
At the beginning of each school year, all parents/guardians of students in our schools will be notified in writing of the courses and curriculum we offer that primarily involves human sexual education or human sexuality issues. The building principal will be responsible for such notification. Parents/guardians of students who enroll in school after the start of the school year will be given the written notice at the time of enrollment. If the planned curriculum changes during the school year, to the extent practicable, parents/guardians will be notified of this fact in a timely manner before implementation.
Each such notice to parents/guardians will include a brief description of the curriculum covered by this policy, and will inform parents/guardians that they may:
- Exempt their child from any portion of the curriculum that primarily involves human sexual education or human sexuality issues, without penalty to the student, by sending a letter to the school principal requesting an exemption. Any student who is exempted by request of the parent/guardian under this policy may be given an alternative assignment that will be clearly stated on the permission slip.
- Inspect and review program instruction materials for these curricula, which will be made reasonably accessible to parents/guardians and others to the extent practicable at the time of notification.
Parents/guardians may arrange with the principal to review the materials at the school, and may also review them at other locations that may be determined by the Superintendent of Schools.
A parent/guardian who is dissatisfied with a decision of the principal concerning notice, access to instructional materials, or exemption for the student under this policy may send a written request to the Superintendent for review of the issue.
The Superintendent or designee will review the issue and give the parent/guardian a timely written decision, preferably within two weeks of the request. A parent/guardian who is dissatisfied with the Superintendent’s decision may send a written request to the School Committee for review of the issue. The School Committee will review the issue and give the parent/guardian a timely written decision, preferably within four weeks of the request. A parent/guardian who is still dissatisfied after this process may send a written request to the Commissioner of Education for review of the issue in dispute.
The possession of drugs, alcohol or tobacco in school or at a school-related event will result in an automatic suspension with an Administrative/Team/Counselor Review and parent involvement and may lead to expulsion (if the student is in possession of drugs). The School Resource Officer will work with the administrative team to oversee this disciplinary action.
The Substance Abuse Policy covers any material that is considered by the administration to be drug, alcohol or tobacco-related. This may include: vaping products, pipes, matches, lighters, drug pouches or baggies, and rolling papers, among other things.
A student in possession of drugs (or related paraphernalia) in school or at a school-related event can and may be excluded from school for up to 180 days, or he/she/they may be expelled.
Dress Code
Students and families should exercise good judgment regarding appropriate school clothing. Sherwood Middle School Administrators will determine what constitutes appropriate attire in order to maintain an appropriate school environment. SMS prohibits any attire, garments, or accessories that cause issues of health, safety, cleanliness, and disruption or disorder within the school.
- Hats and hoods may be worn to school and on the bus, but must be removed when students enter the building. Hats/hoods are allowed to be worn outside at recess, but must be removed when reentering the building.
- All outerwear (coats/hats/gloves) should be stored in lockers, to be used for recess, but must be removed when re-entering the building.
- Items that are offensive, racist, vulgar, obscene, or perceived to discriminate or harass others, or otherwise disrupt the school environment are prohibited.
- Items that promote or endorse the use of alcohol, tobacco or illegal or prescription drugs are not appropriate for school.
- Exposed undergarments are not appropriate. Undergarments and pajamas are not appropriate for school unless approved on a “spirit day.”
- Shorts and/or skirts that are too short/revealing may be considered inappropriate for school. Administrators will use reasonable discretion.
- The following should not be exposed: buttocks, bellies, chest, boxers, briefs, bras.
Dress Code Procedures
- Students are expected to arrive at school dressed appropriately.
- Students who are not dressed appropriately will be spoken to by a staff member or sent to the Main Office to discuss the issue with the appropriate administrator.
- Students will be given the opportunity to change into appropriate school attire if it is available. They may be asked to remove the article in question.
- Students who do not have appropriate clothing will be asked to call a parent or guardian to provide appropriate clothing. The school will attempt to reach parents and/or guardians by phone. If a student is unable to obtain the appropriate clothing, the school will provide a pair of sweatpants and/or a t-shirt for the child to wear.
It is the expectation of the School Department that all students will be in attendance for all scheduled school days unless the child is ill or there is an unexpected emergency. If a family chooses to go on vacation during the school year, homework will not be provided ahead of time.
A folder of class work will be saved for the student to complete when he/she returns to school. Extended vacations have a detrimental effect on a child’s educational program and negatively impact the environment for the other students in the class. Parents must discuss any possible extended absences with the school principal.
Please see the Shrewsbury Extended Absence Policy for more information.
Extended Absences
In the event that your child is injured or seriously ill and will be absent for an extended length of time you should notify the school nurse, who will verify the absences and assist parents with the process for support and/or homework. A student must be absent for three consecutive days before parents can request homework.
If a student has at least five (5) days in which the student missed two (2) or more periods unexcused in a school year or has missed 5 or more school days unexcused in a school year, the school shall notify the parent or guardian of such.
If a student has at least five (5) or more unexcused absences, the principal will make a reasonable effort to meet with the student’s parent/guardian to develop action steps for student attendance.
Shrewsbury Public Schools provide special education services in accordance with State and Federal regulations. Students may be referred for a special education evaluation under two conditions: 1) when a parent/guardian requests an evaluation and there has been an identified suspected disability; 2) under “child find” the district has followed the Early Intervening Team (EIT) process and provided interventions in the general education classroom to remediate any concerns and they have not proven successful. If a student is found eligible for special education services the TEAM will propose an Individualized Educational Program, which defines the type and frequency of services.
Shrewsbury provides special education services in the Least Restrictive Setting. This includes working with students in their general education classroom whenever possible. There are a variety of supports and services available at each elementary school to meet the unique learning needs of the students to help them make effective progress towards their goals. Specific questions about the special education programs should be directed to the Team Chair in each middle school or to the Director of Special Education. She can be reached by phone at 508-841-8684. The Student Services Department is located at 15 Parker Road.
Guidelines for Classroom/Program Observation
The purpose of An Act to Provide Access to Information for Parents and Evaluators is to protect the rights of parents/guardians in participating fully and effectively with school personnel in the development of appropriate educational programs for their children.
To that end, the Shrewsbury Public Schools has established guidelines regarding parents’/guardians' observations of their child or child’s program conducted by themselves, their educational advocate, or an evaluator. The cooperation of school and parent/guardians is essential to ensure the safety of children and the integrity of the program while under observation. The district’s guidelines for observations of students and programs are listed below.
Requesting an Observation
- In order for the school district to have verbal or written contact with an educational advocate or evaluator, a “Release of Information” form must be signed by the parent for requests for an advocate or evaluator to observe the student in the classroom.
- A request for an observation shall be made to the school principal either through email, letter, or telephone minimally 3 days in advance of the requested observation date. Principals will immediately notify the teachers involved and determine the appropriateness of the specific date requested. Requests for an observation shall include the purpose and desired outcome of the observation.
- Principals should inform parents that their presence might influence the performance of their child that day, as well as the performance of other children.
- The building principal shall notify the Assistant Superintendent of Student Services of the request to observe.
- Different observation requests may require more planning and observation time than others depending on the complexity of the student's whose needs are being evaluated or observed. For example, timely access following a request to observe a specific classroom, which the parties agree, can be achieved in an hour. In other instances, such as when a designee needs to observe the current and proposed programs, including periods of unstructured time to observe student’s interactions and responses the observation may take longer to schedule.
- For evaluators, observations may occur at greater frequency to complete an assessment. An evaluator must be credentialed/licensed in the area being evaluated. This will also be scheduled with the principal or designee.
- There will be periods of time when observations will not be scheduled, such as during MCAS or other district wide testing and during the first two weeks of school and the last two weeks of school.
- The duration and extent of the observation will be determined on an individual basis.
Expectations During Observations
- For evaluators, the length of the observation shall be a reasonable time to address the purpose of the observation and desired outcome and shall be limited to an amount of time agreed upon by the evaluator and school principal or designee.
- The number of people scheduled to observe a child or program at one time shall be limited to 2 people and no children may accompany a parent, advocate, or evaluator.
- A staff member will accompany a parent, advocate, or evaluator for the duration of the observation.
- Those observing will be seated in an area that will not disrupt instruction.
- Staff members involved in a classroom observation will welcome observers to the class but will not interact with observers before, during, or immediately after the observation period. Discussion of the observation may take place at subsequent conference. Discussions should last no more than 20-minutes unless a TEAM meeting is being scheduled.
- Those observing shall respect student confidentiality and shall not share any impressions of other students with anyone. Observers will be asked to sign a statement that in the event that they obtain personally identifiable or confidential information during the course of an evaluation/observation, they will not disclose it.
- School safety procedures shall be adhered to at all times.
- Principals retain the authority to exercise their discretion at any time to reschedule or terminate an observation in the event of a building emergency or a disruption that impacts the physical or emotional well-being of the children in the school or the program being observed or when necessary to protect;
- The safety of the children in the program during the observation;
- The integrity of the program during the observation; and
- Children in the program from disclosure by an observer of confidential or personally identifiable information he or she may obtain while observing the program.
Follow Up
- Depending on the purpose of the observation, staff will schedule a meeting or make telephone contact to follow up on the observation.
- If the parent requests a TEAM meeting and an evaluation was conducted as part of the observation, the evaluator shall provide a written evaluation report to the school district at least 10 days prior to a scheduled team meeting.

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 is a federal statue which states, in part, "No otherwise qualified individual, shall solely on the basis of handicap, be excluded from participation in, be denied benefits of, or be subject to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance."
This requirement not to discriminate in educational programs and activities also extends to employment. Each school has a designated Section 504 Coordinator. Initial inquires relating to Section 504 should be directed to the building-based Section 504 Coordinator who can be contacted through the principal’s office. Further information may be requested by contacting the Assistant Superintendent of Student Services at (508) 841-8660.
The following grievance procedure should be used to report discrimination under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Acts of 1973:
To fulfill its obligation under Section 504, the Shrewsbury Public Schools recognizes a responsibility to avoid discrimination in policies and practices regarding personnel and students. No discrimination against a person with a disability will knowingly be permitted in any of the programs or activities of the Shrewsbury Public Schools.
The school district has a specific requirement under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, which includes the responsibility to identify, evaluate and if the child is determined to be eligible under Section 504, to afford access to free and appropriate educational services. Questions about eligibility or services should be first directed to the building-based coordinator. Parents or guardians will be notified of the evaluation and placement decisions regarding their child, of their right to review the child's student records, and of their right to appeal and discuss the determination as outlined below.
If a parent or guardian disagrees with the determination made by the professional staff of the school, he/she/they have a right to a hearing, first with the district’s Section 504 Coordinator, and secondly with an impartial hearing officer. The district’s Section 504 Coordinator can be reached at 15 Parker Road, Shrewsbury, MA 01545 or by phone at (508) 841- 8660.
The Assistand Superintendent of Student Services serves as the district's 504 Coordinator and will hear all grievances in a timely manner. The district 504 Coordinator shall provide a written report to the parent or guardian. If a parent or guardian is unsatisfied with the results of the review they may appeal to the Superintendent of Schools.
For grievances not resolved at the Superintendent’s level, a review by an impartial hearing officer may be scheduled. Individuals with grievances are not required to use the Shrewsbury Public School’s grievance procedure. Written complaints may be filed with the following agencies:
- Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 75 Pleasant Street Malden, MA 02148-4906 (781) 338-3000
- United States Department of Education Region 1 – Office of Civil Rights John W. McCormack Post Office and Courthouse – Room 222 Boston, MA 02109-4557 (617) 223-9662
- Equal Employment Opportunity Commission One Congress Street Boston, MA 02114 (617) 565-3200
- Mass. Commission Against Discrimination One Ashburton Place, Room 601 Boston, MA 02108 (617) 727-3990
Shrewsbury Public Schools provides English language instruction and support for students whose native language is not English. Instruction is provided outside the regular classroom in a small group setting or on an individual basis. English language learners (ELL students) study language appropriate materials to increase their English language reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills. The English Language Education (ELE) teacher collaborates with the classroom teacher and sends home quarterly reports. If your family speaks a language other than English and you believe your child needs English language support, please contact your child’s classroom teacher or building principal. They will notify the ELE teacher so that an assessment can be scheduled.
Interpretation and Translation Services
Two-way communication is an important component of our partnership with Shrewsbury Public School families. Please let the school know if you need communication in another language. You can do this as you complete the Home Language Survey when you register your child/children in the public schools. 

At any time during the school year, you can also request an interpreter or a document to be translated by sending an email to your child’s teacher and/or grade administrator. Please follow this link to access to Home Language Survey
Families that wish to homeschool their child(ren) must complete the following steps:
- Parents/guardians should complete the Home School Application
- If you need more information or have trouble completing the application, please contact the registrar at: 508-841-8320
- Please send the application to both the registrar and the Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
Once the application is reviewed, an acknowledgement letter is sent to the parent(s)/guardian(s), outlining homeschooling expectations and responsibilities over the course of the year.
See School Committee Policy #581 for more information
Principals, in consultation with the Instructional Support Team, may retain students in their current grade for the subsequent school year. Retention will be considered only after other alternatives (based on IST recommendations) have been attempted. Staff will provide regular communications with the parents/guardians during the course of the school year as issues relating to a student’s success begin to surface. The recommendation to retain a student shall be made, in writing to the child’s parents, by May 1st. Parents/guardians who wish their child to advance to the next grade level may appeal to principal’s decision to the Superintendent of schools. The appeal to the superintendent should be made within ten days of the principal’s letter. (The special education team will make the recommendation to the principal for promotion/retention of special education students.)
Code of Conduct Mission Statement
- Everyone has the right to be free of distraction, fear and discomfort, so that safe, purposeful learning can take place.
- Every member of the school community has the right to:

- Work in a pleasant, safe, and orderly environment.
- Be encouraged and supported to learn.
- Be free from insulting or abusive treatment from others.
- Everyone must follow the rules, realize why they exist, and understand the consequences of not following the rules.
- In a positive environment, discipline means having rules with logical consequences.
Students that do not follow these expectations will be subject to disciplinary consequences which could include the following:
- notifying parent/guardian
- meeting with grade level administrator
- time in office during lunch/recess
- after school detention
- loss of privilege (bus, attending extracurricular events, etc)
- suspension
The following Code of Conduct applies to all school activities both during the school day and after regular school hours.
At Arrival
Expectations for Students:
- Enter the building quietly, remove hoods/hats and wipe feet if wet.
- Ensure that cell phones/smart watches or other personal devices are not visible and in a backpack or placed in a student locker.
- Walk in hallways, stay to the right.
- Report directly to your homeroom and check in with your teacher.
- After checking in, students stay in homeroom to get settled, connect with peers, or get help from teachers. Students can ask permission to go to: cafeteria, Media Center, or restroom.
- Check with the teacher for permission on how and when to access lockers.
- Be seated in homeroom at 8:30 warning bell/announcement.
Expectations for Staff and Administrators:
- Starting at 8:05 a.m., monitor students at lockers and hallways.
- Greet students.
- Teachers should take attendance by 8:45 am.
In the Hallway/Restrooms/Common Areas
Expectations for Students:
- Stay to the right side of the hallway.
- Leave space in the hall so that others can pass.
- Use a quiet voice and appropriate, positive language at all times.
- Retrieve items from lockers quickly and quietly.
- Keep your hands to yourself, off other people and other peoples’ property.
- If you drop trash or see trash, pick it up.
- Use the restroom or water fountain appropriately and return to class quickly and quietly.
- Use common learning spaces appropriately and be mindful of your behavior and the volume of your voice.
- Use furniture and materials appropriately and return them when finished.
- Report any inappropriate language/behavior to staff immediately.
Expectations for Staff and Administrators:
- Model appropriate behavior.
- Periodically review rules.
- Be visible and monitor student behavior.
- Report and intervene on issues that arise between students.
- Treat infractions with consistency.
- Periodically check restrooms • Use a quiet voice in the hallway.
- Report repeated, or major behaviors to grade level administrator.
In the Classroom
Expectations for Students:
- Arrive to class on time.
- Follow the team rules.
- Be prepared - and have all the necessary materials (iPad, pen/pencil, notebook).
- Be respectful to all students, adults and property.
- Use classroom/learning materials (including your iPad) appropriately.
- Try your best each day.
- Ask for help or clarification if you are unsure of what is expected.
- Treat others the way you wish to be treated.
- Report any inappropriate language/behavior to staff immediately.
Expectations for Staff:
- Arrive to class on time and release students on time.
- Stand at your door when students are entering and exiting.
- Create clear expectations for classroom behavior and model the behavior that you want students to exhibit.
- Post/enforce rules/expectations in the classroom.
Expectations for Administrators:
- Visit classrooms.
- Support staff and students by helping build a respectful school community.
- Follow the same expectations as the staff.
In the Cafeteria
Expectations for Students:
- Wait quietly in a single-file line in the foyer until a staff member signals you to enter the cafeteria.
- Walk in an orderly manner through the appropriate doors. Line up in a single file line at the kitchen area.
- Keep hands to self when waiting in food lines.
- Be courteous and respectful at all times to all students and staff on duty (including cafeteria staff, custodians, and support staff).
- Report any inappropriate language/behavior to staff immediately.
- Sit in your designated area. When given the choice to sit at a table of your choice, choose one location, and invite others to sit with you.
- It is all students’ responsibility to keep their area clean; the floor should remain clean of food, papers, etc.
- If/when using the restroom, ask an adult for permission and take a school issued restroom pass.
- Students assigned to cleanup duty will be required to sit at the designated table, clean the cafeteria at the end of each lunch, and remain in the cafeteria until dismissed by staff on duty.
Expectations for Staff and Administrators:
- Arrive on time to lunch duty.
- Monitor students by walking around the cafeteria.
- Reinforce cafeteria rules.
At Recess
Expectations for Students:
- Bring appropriate clothing with you to the cafeteria depending on weather.
- Keep food or drink inside.
- Walk out of the cafeteria and use the proper exits depending on the side you sit on.
- Stay in the main playground area (on the blacktop and field) so that the staff on duty can see you.
- Keep away from classrooms on the first floor.
- Stay off the hill. Do not sit on the stairs or hang onto railings.
- During the wintertime, or when the ground is wet or snow-covered, stay on the blacktop.
- Share space, equipment, be respectful of each other, and use appropriate language.
- Do not engage in any type of pushing, pulling, or grabbing clothing.
- Report any inappropriate language/behavior to staff immediately.
- Use the school sponsored equipment in designated areas. Students are not allowed to bring in/use their own sports equipment.
- When whistle blows, return equipment, and line up quietly and orderly.
Expectations for Staff and Administrators:
- Position yourself so that you are able to scan the whole playground area.
- Reinforce recess rules. Use a whistle to direct students.
- Address any inappropriate play/language and follow up with the classroom teacher or grade level administrator.
- Arrive on time to escort students back from lunch.
- Ensure that students are lined up in the proper location and quiet/calm before re-entering the building.
At Dismissal
Expectations for Students:
- Return to homeroom (if off team).
- Check with the teacher for permission on how and when to access lockers.
- At 2:55 p.m, all students should be in their homerooms, sitting quietly.
- Students should listen to the announcements and remain silent while the entire set of buses is called.
- When exiting the building, students will WALK out of the building on the right side of the hallway and stay on the sidewalk.
- Students are to exit the building through either Main Doors or Parent Pick Up side of the building only. No other exits should be used.
- Students that are Parent Pick Up should sit quietly in the Second Floor East Neighborhood and wait to be called out by the staff member on duty.
Expectations for Staff:
- Make sure that all students are sitting quietly in their homerooms by 2:55 p.m.
- Discourage use of the bathrooms after 3:00 p.m.
- Monitor classrooms and the hallways from 3:00 p.m. to 3:15 p.m.
- Designate a student to write the bus numbers on the board while they are being called
- Hold students in homeroom until all the buses in that set have been called.
- If on duty, please be on time.
- Staff should review the Bus Code of Conduct with students.
Expectations for Staff and Administrators:
- Facilitate bus/walker/parent pickup outside.
- Assure that students WALK out of the building and to their buses.
- Help walkers cross in the appropriate path.
- Enforce the Bus Code of Conduct.
Suspensions and or exclusions from school are used when all other disciplinary consequences have been utilized, or if the behavior (verbal/physical) is extremely hurtful, violent, or threatening in nature.
Suspension from school is regulated under Massachusetts General Law Sec. 71 Chapter 37H ¾. and was amended by St.2022, c.177, § 29, effective November 8, 2022
This section shall govern the suspension and expulsion of students enrolled in a public school in the commonwealth who are not charged with a violation of subsections (a) or (b) of section 37H or with a felony under section 37H.5.
Any principal, superintendent or person acting as a decision-maker at a student meeting or hearing, when deciding the consequences for the student, shall consider ways to re-engage the student in the learning process; and shall not suspend or expel a student until alternative remedies have been employed and their use and results documented, following and in direct response to, a specific incident or incidents, unless specific reasons are documented as to why such alternative remedies are unsuitable or counter-productive, and in cases where the student’s continued presence in school would pose a specific, documentable concern about the infliction of serious bodily injury or other serious harm upon another person while in school.
Alternative remedies may include, but shall not be limited to: (i) mediation; (ii) conflict resolution; (iii) restorative justice; and (iv) collaborative problem solving.
The principal, superintendent, or person acting as a decision-maker shall also implement school- or district-wide models to re-engage students in the learning process which shall include but not be limited to: (i) positive behavioral interventions and supports models and (ii) trauma sensitive learning models; provided, however, that school- or district-wide models shall not be considered a direct response to a specific incident.
In-School Suspension
At the discretion of the principal, an In-School suspension may also be imposed where a student is determined to have committed a suspendable offense. The principal will inform the student of the disciplinary offense and the basis for the charge, and provide the student an opportunity to dispute the charges and explain the circumstances surrounding the alleged incident. If the principal determines that the student committed the offense, the principal shall inform the student of the length of the In-school suspension. On the same day as the In-school suspension, the principal will make reasonable efforts to notify the parent orally as soon as possible of the disciplinary offense, the reasons for concluding that the student committed the infraction and the length of the suspension. The principal shall also invite the parent to a meeting to discuss the student's academic performance and behavior, strategies for student engagement, and possible responses to the behavior. Such meeting shall be scheduled on the day of the suspension if possible, and if not, as soon thereafter as possible. On the first day of the in-school suspension, the principal will also send written notice to the student and parent about the in-school suspension, including the reason and the length of the in-school suspension. Thereafter, the principal or designee will invite the parent/guardian to a meeting with the principal for the purpose to discuss the student's academic performance and behavior, strategies for student engagement, and possible responses to the behavior.
In-School suspension means the student is removed from regular classroom activities, but not from the school premises, for no more than ten (10) consecutive days or no more than ten school days cumulatively for multiple infractions during the school year. In-School suspension for less than ten (10) days shall not be considered a short-term suspension. An In-School suspension of more than ten (10) days or fewer shall be deemed a long-term suspension for due process, appeal, and reporting purposes. Students will be subject to limitations on their activities as determined by the principal, including the privilege of field trip participation.

Opportunity for Academic Progress During Suspension/Expulsion
Any student receiving in-house suspension, short-term suspension, or long-term suspension shall have the opportunity to make up assignments, tests, papers, and other school work as needed to make academic progress during the period of removal from the classroom or school. Any student who is expelled or suspended from school for more than 10 consecutive days shall have an opportunity to receive educational services that will enable the student to make academic progress toward meeting state and local requirements through the school-wide educational services plan.
Student Due Process Rights
In administering discipline, school officials will be careful to observe the right to due process under the law for each student. The nature of the violation determines the due process that school officials follow: 

- (a) Any student who is found on school premises or at school-sponsored or school-related events, including athletic games, in possession of a dangerous weapon, including, but not limited to, a gun or a knife; or a controlled substance as defined in chapter ninety-four C, including, but not limited to, marijuana, cocaine, and heroin, may be subject to expulsion from the school or school district by the principal.
- (b) Any student who assaults a principal, assistant principal, teacher, teacher's aide or other educational staff on school premises or at school-sponsored or school-related events, including athletic games, may be subject to expulsion from the school or school district by the principal.
- Any student who is charged with a violation of either paragraph (a) or (b) shall be notified in writing of an opportunity for a hearing; provided, however, that the student may have representation, along with the opportunity to present evidence and witnesses at said hearing before the principal. After said hearing, a principal may, in their discretion, decide to suspend rather than expel a student who has been determined by the principal to have violated either paragraph (a) or (b).
- Any student who has been expelled from a school district pursuant to these provisions shall have the right to appeal to the superintendent. The expelled student shall have ten days from the date of the expulsion in which to notify the superintendent of their appeal. The student has the right to counsel at a hearing before the superintendent. The subject matter of the appeal shall not be limited solely to a factual determination of whether the student has violated any provisions of this section.
- Any school district that suspends or expels a student under this section will continue to provide educational services to the student during the period of suspension or expulsion, under Massachusetts General Laws c. 76 section 21. If the student moves to another district during the period of suspension or expulsion, the new district of residence shall either admit the student to its schools or provide educational services to the student in an education service plan, under Massachusetts General Laws c. 76 section 21.
- Districts shall report to the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) the specific reasons for all suspensions and expulsions, regardless of duration or type, in a manner and form established by the commissioner. The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education will use its existing data collection tools to obtain this information from districts and shall modify those tools, as necessary, to obtain the information. On an annual basis, the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education will make district level de-identified data and analysis, including the total number of days each student is excluded during the school year, available to the public online in a machine readable format. This report shall include district level data disaggregated by student status and categories established by the commissioner.
- Under the regulations promulgated by the department, for each school that suspends or expels a significant number of students for more than 10 cumulative days in a school year, the commissioner will investigate and, as appropriate, shall recommend models that incorporate intermediary steps prior to the use of suspension or expulsion. The results of the analysis are publicly reported at the school district level.
A copy of this law may be obtained in the main office.

Upon the issuance of a criminal complaint charging a student with a felony or upon the issuance of a felony delinquency complaint against a student, the principal of a school may suspend a student for a period of time determined appropriate by the principal if the principal determines that the student’s continued presence in school would have a substantial detrimental effect on the general welfare of the school. The student shall receive written notification of the charges and the reasons for such suspension prior to such suspension taking effect.
The student shall also receive written notification of their right to appeal and the process for appealing such suspension; provided, however, that such suspension shall remain in effect prior to any appeal hearing conducted by the superintendent. The student shall have the right to appeal the suspension to the superintendent. The student shall notify the superintendent in writing of their request for an appeal no later than five calendar days following the effective date of the suspension. The superintendent shall hold a hearing with the student and the student’s parent or guardian within three calendar days of the student’s request for an appeal. At the hearing, the student shall have the right to present oral and written testimony on their behalf, and shall have the right to counsel. The superintendent shall have the authority to overturn or alter the decision of the principal or headmaster, including recommending an alternate educational program for the student. The superintendent shall render a decision on the appeal within five calendar days of the hearing. Such decision shall be the final decision of the city, town or regional school district with regard to the suspension.
The principal may expel a student who has been convicted, adjudicated, or admitted guilt with respect to a felony or felony delinquency, if the principal determines that the student’s continued presence in school would have a substantial detrimental effect on the general welfare of the school. If that is the case, the student shall receive written notification of the charges and reasons for such expulsion prior to such expulsion taking effect. The student shall also receive written notification of their right to appeal and the process for appealing such expulsion; provided, however, that the expulsion shall remain in effect prior to any appeal hearing conducted by the superintendent.
The student shall have the right to appeal the expulsion to the superintendent. The student shall notify the superintendent, in writing, of their request for an appeal no later than five calendar days following the effective date of the expulsion. The superintendent shall hold a hearing with the student and the student’s parent or guardian within three calendar days of the expulsion. At the hearing, the student shall have the right to present oral and written testimony on their behalf, and shall have the right to counsel. The superintendent shall have the authority to overturn or alter the decision of the principal or headmaster, including recommending an alternate educational program for the student. The superintendent shall render a decision on the appeal within five calendar days of the hearing. Such decision shall be the final decision of the city, town or regional school district with regard to the expulsion.
A copy of this law may be obtained in the main office.

Notice and Principal’s Meeting
For any suspension under this section, the principal or a designee shall provide notice of the charges and the reason for the suspension or expulsion to the parent(s)/guardian(s) in English and the primary language spoken in the student’s home. This notice shall include:
- The disciplinary offense;
- The basis for the charge;
- The potential consequences, including the potential length of the suspension;
- The opportunity to have a hearing with the principal and the parent concerning the proposed suspension, including the opportunity to dispute the charges and to present the student’s explanation of the alleged incident;
- The date, time, and location of the hearing;
- The right of the parent and student to interpreter services at the hearing;
- If the student may be placed on a long-term suspension following the hearing with the principal:
- The rights set forth under the “Procedures for Long-Term Suspension”; and
- The right to appeal the principal’s decision to the superintendent.
The student shall receive written notice of the charges and the opportunity to meet with the principal or designee to discuss charges and reasons for the suspension and/or exclusion prior to suspension/exclusion taking effect. The principal or designee shall make reasonable efforts to notify the parent orally of the opportunity to attend the hearing. The meeting may take place without the student’s parent(s)/guardian(s) so long as the principal has sent written notice and has documented at least two (2) attempts to contact the parent in the manner specified by the parent for emergency notification. The purpose of the principal’s hearing is to hear and consider information regarding the alleged incident for which the student may be suspended, provide the student an opportunity to dispute the charges and explain the circumstances surrounding the alleged incident, determine if the student committed the disciplinary offense, and if so, the consequences for the infraction. The principal shall determine the extent of the rights to be afforded the student at a disciplinary hearing based on the anticipated consequences for the disciplinary offense. 

Short-term Suspension 
(period of 10 school days or fewer)
The principal shall discuss the disciplinary offense, the basis for the charge, and any other pertinent information as stated above. The student also shall have an opportunity to present information, including mitigating facts, that the principal should consider in determining whether other remedies and consequences may be appropriate. The principal shall provide the parent, if present, an opportunity to discuss the student's conduct and offer information, including mitigating circumstances, that the principal should consider in determining consequences for the student. Based on the available information, including mitigating circumstances, the principal shall determine whether the student committed the disciplinary offense, and, if so, what remedy or consequence will be imposed. The principal shall notify the student and parent of the determination and the reasons for it, and, if the student is suspended, the type and duration of suspension and the opportunity to make up assignments and such other school work as needed to make academic progress during the period of removal. The determination shall be in writing and may be in the form of an update to the original written notice. 

Long-term Suspension 
(period of more than 10 school days)
If the student is suspended for more than ten (10) days for a single infraction or for more than ten (10) days cumulatively for multiple infractions in any school year, the notice will include: 

- The disciplinary offense, the date on which the hearing took place, and the participants in the hearing;
- The key facts and conclusions reached by the principal;
- The length and effective date of the suspension and the date of return to school;
- The notice the student’s opportunity to receive education services to make academic progress during the suspension;
- The student’s right to appeal the principal’s decision to the superintendent or their designee if a long-term suspension has been imposed.
In addition to the rights afforded a student in a short-term suspension hearing, the student shall also have the opportunity to review the student's record and the documents upon which the principal may rely in making a determination to suspend the student or not; the right to be represented by counsel or a lay person of the student's choice, at the student's/parent's expense; the right to produce witnesses on their behalf and to present the student's explanation of the alleged incident, but the student may not be compelled to do so; the right to cross-examine witnesses presented by the school district; the right to request that the hearing be recorded by the principal, and to receive a copy of the audio recording upon request. If the student or parent requests an audio recording, the principal shall inform all participants before the hearing that an audio record will be made and a copy will be provided to the student and parent upon request. The Parent, if present, shall have an opportunity to discuss the student's conduct and offer information, including mitigating circumstances that the principal should consider in determining consequences for the student.
Based on the evidence, the principal shall determine whether the student committed the disciplinary offense, and, if so, after considering mitigating circumstances and alternatives to suspension, what remedy or consequence will be imposed, in place of or in addition to a long-term suspension. The principal shall send the written determination to the student and parent by hand-delivery, certified mail, first-class mail, email to an address provided by the parent for school communications, or any other method of delivery agreed to by the principal and the parent.
*If the student is in a public preschool program or in grades K through 3, the principal shall send a copy of the written determination to the superintendent and explain the reasons for imposing an out-of-school suspension, whether short-term or long-term, before the suspension takes effect.
Superintendent’s Hearing

For long-term suspensions, the parent(s)/guardian(s) shall have five (5) calendar days following the effective date of the suspension or expulsion to submit a written request for an appeal to the Superintendent but may be granted an extension of time of up to seven (7) calendar days. If the appeal is not timely filed, the superintendent may deny the appeal, or may allow the appeal in their discretion, for good cause. The Superintendent will hold a hearing with the student and the parent(s)/guardian(s) within three (3) school days or the student’s request for an appeal. The time may be extended up to seven(7) calendar days if requested by the parent(s)/guardian(s). The Superintendent’s hearing may proceed without the parent(s)/guardian(s) if a good faith effort was made to include parent(s)/guardian(s).
The superintendent shall be presumed to have made a good faith effort if he or she has made efforts to find a day and time for the hearing that would allow the parent and superintendent to participate. The superintendent shall send written notice to the parent of the date, time, and location of the hearing. At the hearing, the superintendent shall determine whether the student committed the disciplinary offense of which the student is accused, and if so, what the consequence shall be.
The hearing shall be audio recorded and a copy of the recording shall be provided to the student or parent upon request.
Students shall have all of the rights afforded to students at the principal’s hearing for long-term suspension. The Superintendent will issue a written decision within five (5) calendar days of the hearing. If the superintendent determines that the student committed the disciplinary offense, the superintendent may impose the same or a lesser consequence than the principal, but shall not impose a suspension greater than that imposed by the principal's decision. The Superintendent’s decision is the final decision of the district.

If the student is suspended for more than ten (10) days for a single infraction or for more than ten (10) days cumulatively for multiple infractions in any school year, the notice will include: 

- The disciplinary offense, the date on which the hearing took place, and the participants in the hearing;
- The key facts and conclusions reached by the principal;
- The length and effective date of the suspension and the date of return to school;
- The notice the student’s opportunity to receive education services to make academic progress during the suspension;
The student’s right to appeal the principal’s decision to the superintendent or their designee if a long-term suspension has been imposed. This notice of appeal shall include the process for appealing the decision, which requires the parent or student to file a written notice of appeal with the superintendent within five (5) calendar days of the effective date of the long-term suspension.
The superintendent shall hold the hearing within three (3) school days of the student’s request, unless an extension is mutually agreed to. The superintendent shall make a good-faith effort to include the parent in the hearing.
The hearing shall be conducted to determine whether the student committed the disciplinary offense and, if so, what the consequence shall be. The hearing shall be audio recorded and a copy of the recording shall be provided to the student or parent upon request.
All the same rights as are afforded in the above long-term suspension principal’s hearing shall apply to the student in a superintendent’s hearing.
The superintendent shall issue a written decision within five (5) calendar days of the hearing. If the superintendent determines that the student committed the disciplinary offense, the superintendent may impose the same or lesser consequence than the principal.
The decision of the superintendent shall be the final decision of the school district.
No student will be suspended for greater than ninety (90) days, beginning on the first day the student is removed from the building.

Emergency Removal 

The principal may remove a student from school temporarily when a student is charged with a disciplinary offense and the continued presence of the student poses a danger to persons or property, or materially and substantially disrupts the order of the school, and, in the principal's judgment, there is no alternative available to alleviate the danger or disruption. The temporary removal shall not exceed two (2) school days following the day of the emergency removal. In the event of an emergency removal, the principal shall make immediate and reasonable efforts to orally notify the student and the student's parent of the emergency removal, the reason for the need for emergency removal. The principal shall provide written notice to the student and parent as provided above, and provide the student an opportunity for a hearing with the principal as provided above, and the parent an opportunity to attend the hearing, before the expiration of the two (2) school days, unless an extension of time for hearing is otherwise agreed to by the principal, student, and parent. The principal shall render a decision orally on the same day as the hearing, and in writing no later than the following school day, which meets the requirements as described above. In the event of an emergency removal from school, the principal will not release the student until adequate provisions have been made for the student's safety and transportation. 

Discipline for Students with Disabilities
All students are expected to meet the requirements for behavior as set forth in this handbook. In addition to those due process protections afforded to all students, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and related regulations require that additional provisions be made for students who have been found eligible for special education services or who the school district knows or has reason to know might be eligible for such services. Students who have been found to have a disability that impacts upon a major life activity, as defined under §504 of the Rehabilitation Act, are, generally, also entitled to increased procedural protections prior to imposing discipline that will result in the student’s removal for more than ten (10) consecutive school days or where there is a pattern of short-term removals exceeding ten (10) school days cumulatively in a given year.
The following additional requirements apply to the discipline of students with disabilities:
- The IEP for every student eligible for special education or related services shall indicate whether the student can be expected to meet the regular discipline code of the school or whether the code should be modified to address the student’s individual needs.
- Students with disabilities may be excluded from their programs for up to ten (10) school days to the extent that such sanctions would be applied to all students. Before a student with a disability can be excluded from their program for more than ten (10) consecutive school days in a given school year or ten (10) cumulative school days in a given school year, building administrators, the parents/guardians and relevant members of the student’s IEP or 504 team will meet to determine the relationship between the student’s disability and behavior (Manifestation Determination). The team will determine whether the student’s behavior was caused by, or was directly and substantially related to their disability or whether the conduct in question was the direct result of the district’s failure to implement the student’s IEP or 504 plan.
- If building administrators, the parents/guardians and relevant members of the student’s IEP or 504 Team determine that the student’s conduct was not caused by, or directly and substantially related to the student’s disability or failure to implement the IEP or 504 Plan, the school may discipline the student in accordance with the procedures and penalties applicable to all students but will continue to provide a free appropriate public education to those students with IEPs. There is no entitlement to provide a free appropriate public education to those students on 504 Plans. The student’s IEP team will identify the services necessary to provide a free appropriate public education during the period of exclusion, review any existing behavior intervention plan or where appropriate, conduct a functional behavioral assessment.
- If building administrators, the parents/guardians, and relevant members of the student’s IEP or 504 Team determine that the conduct giving rise to disciplinary action was caused by, or directly and substantially related to the student’s disability or failure to implement the IEP or 504 Plan, the student will not be subjected to further removal or exclusion from the student’s current educational program based on that conduct (except for conduct involving weapons, drugs, or resulting in serious bodily injury to others) until the IEP or 504 Team develops, and the parent/ guardian's consent to, a new placement, or unless the district obtains an order form a court or from the Bureau of Special Education Appeals (BSEA) authorizing a change in the student’s placement. The Student’s Team shall also review the student’s IEP, and modify as appropriate, any existing behavioral intervention plan and arrange for a functional behavioral assessment.
- If a student with a disability possesses or uses illegal drugs, sells or solicits a controlled substance, possesses a weapon, or causes serious bodily injury to another on school grounds or at a school function, the district may place the student in an interim alternative educational placement (IAES) for up to forty-five (45) school days. A court or BSEA hearing officer may also order the placement of a student who presents a substantial likelihood of injury to self or others in an appropriate interim setting for up to forty-five (45) school days.

Procedures for suspension of students with disabilities when suspensions exceed 10 consecutive school days or a pattern has developed for suspensions exceeding 10 cumulative days; responsibilities of the Team; responsibilities of the district
- A suspension of longer than 10 consecutive days or a series of suspensions that are shorter than 10 consecutive days but constitute a pattern are considered to represent a change in placement.
- When a suspension constitutes a change in placement of a student with disabilities, district personnel, the parent, and other relevant members of the Team, as determined by the parent and the district, convene within 10 days of the decision to suspend to review all relevant information in the student's file, including the IEP, any teacher observations, and any relevant information from the parents, to determine whether the behavior was caused by or had a direct and substantial relationship to the disability or was the direct result of the district's failure to implement the IEP-“a manifestation determination.”
- If district personnel, the parent, and other relevant members of the Team determine that the behavior is NOT a manifestation of the disability, then the suspension or expulsion may go forward consistent with policies applied to any student without disabilities, except that the district must still offer:
- services to enable the student, although in another setting, to continue to participate in the general education curriculum and to progress toward IEP goals; and
- as appropriate, a functional behavioral assessment and behavioral intervention services and modifications, to address the behavior so that it does not recur.
- Interim alternative educational setting. Regardless of the manifestation determination, the district may place the student in an interim alternative educational setting (as determined by the Team) for up to 45 school days.
Characteristics. In either case, the interim alternative education setting enables the student to continue in the general curriculum and to continue receiving services identified on the IEP, and provides services to address the problem behavior.
- on its own authority if the behavior involves weapons or illegal drugs or another controlled substance or the infliction of serious bodily injury on another person while at school or a school function or, considered case by case, unique circumstances; or
- on the authority of a hearing officer if the officer orders the alternative placement after the district provides evidence that the student is “substantially likely” to injure him/herself or others.
5. If district personnel, the parent, and other relevant members of the Team determine that the behavior IS a manifestation of the disability, then the Team completes a functional behavioral assessment and behavioral intervention plan if it has not already done so. If a behavioral intervention plan is already in place, the Team reviews it and modifies it, as necessary, to address the behavior. Except when he or she has been placed in an interim alternative educational setting in accordance with part 4, the student returns to the original placement unless the parents and district agree otherwise or the hearing officer orders a new placement.
6. Not later than the date of the decision to take disciplinary action, the school district notifies the parents of that decision and provides them with the written notice of procedural safeguards. If the parent chooses to appeal or the school district requests a hearing because it believes that maintaining the student's current placement is substantially likely to result in injury to the student or others, the student remains in the disciplinary placement, if any, until the decision of the hearing officer or the end of the time period for the disciplinary action, whichever comes first, unless the parent and the school district agree otherwise.
Procedural requirements applied to students not yet determined to be eligible for special education
- If, prior to the disciplinary action, a district had knowledge that the student may be a student with a disability, then the district makes all protections available to the student until and unless the student is subsequently determined not to be eligible. The district may be considered to have prior knowledge if:
- The parent had expressed concern in writing; or
- The parent had requested an evaluation; or
- District staff had expressed directly to the special education director or other supervisory personnel specific concerns about a pattern of behavior demonstrated by the student.
The district may not be considered to have had prior knowledge if the parent has not consented to evaluation of the student or has refused special education services, or if an evaluation of the student has resulted in a determination of ineligibility.
2. If the district had no reason to consider the student disabled, and the parent requests an evaluation subsequent to the disciplinary action, the district must have procedures consistent with federal requirements to conduct an expedited evaluation to determine eligibility.
3. If the student is found eligible, then he/she receives all procedural protections subsequent to the finding of eligibility.
The Shrewsbury School Committee provides transportation for eligible students according to School Committee Policy #671. Complete information on the school committee Transportation Services Policy, Discipline Procedures, and Transportation Procedures and Regulations can be found on our District web- site at:
The code below classifies unacceptable behavior into three levels. The examples are not exhaustive but illustrative. Additionally, all consequences are dependent upon the severity and frequency of the misbehavior.
All students should:
- Respect the driver and bus property.
- Enter the bus quietly and in an orderly fashion.
- Choose a seat quickly and remain seated throughout the bus ride.
- Refrain from eating and drinking on the bus.
- Use quiet voices
- Keep hands, feet and all belongings to themselves.
- Use acceptable language.
It is highly encouraged and recommended that parents notify the bus company if their child has a medical condition that could impact the ride back and forth to school.
Procedures for Reporting Passenger Misconduct
- The bus driver will report misconduct occurring on the school bus to the appropriate personnel.
- A School Bus Conduct Report will be completed and submitted to the bus company operations manager, who will then forward it to the appropriate school principal for action.
- The principal or designee and the bus company will retain copies of the signed report.
In some cases, students may report passenger misconduct. If so, the student would report the misconduct to his/her/their teacher.
Possession of dangerous weapons or drugs may lead to expulsion.
In School Buildings [Interior] and on School Grounds [Exterior]
Electronic video [not audio] surveillance is used to deter crime and enforce the district’s rules and policies, as well as the laws of the State of Massachusetts and the United States. Shrewsbury Public Schools recognizes the value of electronic surveillance for monitoring activity in school buildings and on school property to assist school officials and/or law enforcement with investigating alleged violations of school policy or illegal activity. A video recording may be subject to the provisions of the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and Massachusetts student record law.
Access to the video surveillance system is limited to designated Central Office staff involved in school security, building principals, assistant principals, and other district personnel as approved by the superintendent or his designee.
On School Buses:
The transportation contractor for Shrewsbury Public Schools operates a video and audio surveillance system on all of its buses for the safety of its students and monitoring of all driver and student activity while the bus is in operation. Recordings may be subject to the provisions of the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and Massachusetts student record law. School bus ridership is optional and all riders who register for service accept the condition of being recorded by video and audio devices.
Sherwood Discipline Protocols
Sherwood Middle School’s disciplinary procedures are in accordance with Massachusetts General Laws M.G.L. c. 71,37H M.G.L. c. 71,37H 1⁄2 M.G.L. c. 71,37H 3⁄4 M.G.L. c. 76,21 603 CMR 53.00 Disciplinary procedures range from an informal conference to expulsion from school.
- The procedure to be used in a particular instance depends upon the infraction, specific circumstances, and the individual’s overall pattern of behavior.
- The principal, or his/her/their designee, may also remove a student from privileges, such as extracurricular activities and attendance at school-sponsored events, based on a student’s misconduct. This type of removal is not subject to the procedures for suspension and expulsion outlined below.
- The purpose of this procedure is to produce school-wide consistency in handling discipline matters, to assist students in changing behaviors, and to assist teachers in dealing with parents and students in a proactive manner.
Key Understandings
- Students will make mistakes. They need adult support to fix their mistakes.
- Expectations at home and school may be different. Students need adult support to understand how to change their behavior based on their environment.
- Initial conversations to families about student behavior should come from their teacher(s). This fosters a relationship and trust between parents/caregivers and teachers.
- These are meant to be next steps after a teacher has employed typical classroom management strategies (general redirection, naming, proximity, etc.)
- The examples provided are not meant to be an exhaustive list. There are times when a student’s behavior will follow the levels below and other times when it might rise to a higher level.
Level 1
Examples: disruption to learning, unkind behavior/comments to peer(s), minor non-compliance, running in the classroom or hall, inappropriate language, cheating, forgery, cell phone/smart watch use, dress code violation*
- 1st Offense: Teacher conversation with student; student completes Fix It Plan to be sent home for parent signature
- 2nd Offense: Conversation with admin and teacher calls home and submits a log entry in PowerSchool
- 3rd Offense: Lunch detention and admin calls home; referral to adjustment counselor
- 4th Offense: After school detention and team-initiated parent conference
* student may be sent to the office for administrator to discuss a dress code violation
Level 2
Example: swearing, repeated unkind comments, disrespect to staff
- 1st offense: teacher calls home, student completes and implements Fix It Plan, lunch detention; teacher completes log entry in PowerSchool
- 2nd offense- after school detention and admin calls home
- 3rd offense – in school suspension, full or half day
Level 3
Consequences for physical altercation or extremely inappropriate language/comments: threats/racism/bullying/etc.
- All Level 3 offenses are logged into PowerSchool, either by the teacher or the administrator.
- Consequences for a physical altercation could vary depending on the severity and intent (Example: pushing in line is different than a fight). But will always include a notification to admin, adjustment counselor and teachers calling home. It usually includes a lunch detention or after school detention. It sometimes includes an in-school suspension.
Suspension from school is regulated under Massachusetts General Law Sec. 71 Chapter 37H 3⁄4. The principal, or his/her/their designee, may suspend students on a short-term (including in-school) or long-term basis.
Unless a student poses a danger to persons or property, substantially and materially disrupts the order of school, possesses a firearm, controlled substance, or assaults a school staff member, the student will receive the following prior to a short-term suspention in a manner specified by the parent/guardian for emergency notification.
Suspension or Long-term Suspension
Short-term suspension (period of 10 school days or fewer)
Oral and written notice of the charges in English and the primary language of the home if other than English. This notice shall include:
- The disciplinary offense;
- The basis for the charge;
- The potential consequences, including the potential length of the suspension;
- The opportunity to have a hearing with the principal/designee and the parent concerning the proposed suspension, including the opportunity to dispute the charges and to present the student’s explanation of the alleged incident;
- The date, time, and location of the hearing;
- The right of the parent/guardian and student to interpreter services at the hearing;
- If the student may be placed on a long-term suspension following the hearing with the principal:
- The rights set forth under the “Long-Term Suspension”; and
- The right to appeal the principal’s decision to the Superintendent.
At the hearing, if the student and/or parent/guardian elects to attend, the student shall have the opportunity to present his/her version of the relevant facts and any mitigating circumstances.
The principal/designee shall make reasonable efforts to notify the parent orally of the opportunity to attend the hearing.
To conduct the hearing without the parent, the principal/designee must be able to document reasonable efforts to include the parent/guardian. The principal/designee is presumed to have made reasonable efforts if the principal/designee sent written notice and has documented at least two (2) attempts to contact the parent in the manner specified by the parent/guardian for the emergency notification.
Based on the available information, the principal/designee shall make a determination as to whether the student committed the disciplinary offenses and what remedy shall be imposed. The principal/designee shall notify the student and parent/guardian in writing of his/her decision, the reasons for it, and, if applicable, the type and duration of the suspension and the opportunity to make up assignments and other academic work.
Written notice may be made by hand delivery, first-class mail, certified mail, email, or other delivery method agreed upon by the principal/designee and the parent/guardian.
In-School Suspension
In-school suspensions may be used as an alternative to short-term suspensions.
The principal shall make reasonable efforts to orally notify the parent/guardian on the same day as the in-school suspension decision as soon as possible of the disciplinary offense, the reasons for concluding the student committed the offense, and the length of the in-school suspension. The principal shall offer the parent/guardian an opportunity to meet to discuss the student's academic performance and behavior, strategies for student engagement, and possible responses to the behavior. If possible, such a meeting shall be scheduled on the day of the suspension, or otherwise as soon as possible thereafter. If the principal, after two documented attempts to reach the parent/guardian, is unable to reach the parents/guardians, such attempts will be considered reasonable efforts for purposes of orally notifying the parents/guardians.
The principal shall provide written notification to the student and the parent/guardian about the in-school suspension, the reason and length of the suspension, and offer the parent/guardian an opportunity to meet to discuss the student's academic performance and behavior, strategies for student engagement, and possible responses to the behavior.
Written notice may be made by hand delivery, first-class mail, certified mail, email, or other delivery method agreed upon by the principal/designee and the parent/guardian.
Long-term Suspension (period of more than 10 school days):
All of the same procedures as outlined in short term suspensions including the following:
- In advance of the hearing, the student shall have the right to review the student’s record and the documents upon which the principal/designee may rely in making a determination to suspend the student.
- The student shall also have the right to be represented by counsel or a lay person at the choice and expense of the student/parent/guardian.
- At the hearing, if the student and/or parent/guardian elects to attend, the student shall have the opportunity to present his/her version of the relevant facts and any mitigating circumstances.
- The student shall also have the right to produce witnesses and the right to cross-examine witnesses presented by the school. The student may request that the hearing be audio recorded by the principal and may request a copy of the recording. All parties must be made aware that the hearing is recorded in advance of the hearing.
- The parent/guardian, if present, shall have the opportunity to discuss the student’s conduct and other information, including mitigating circumstances, that the principal/designee should consider in determining consequences for the student.
The principal/designee shall make a determination as to whether the student committed the disciplinary offenses and what consequences shall be imposed. The principal shall notify the student and parent/guardian in writing of his/her/their decision, including the following information:
- The disciplinary offense, the date on which the hearing took place, and the participants in the hearing;
- The key facts and conclusions reached by the principal;
- The length and effective date of the suspension and the date of return to school;
- The notice the student’s opportunity to receive education services to make academic progress during the suspension;
- The student’s right to appeal the principal’s decision to the Superintendent or his/her/their designee if a long-term suspension has been imposed. This notice of appeal shall include the process outlined below.
To appeal, the parent/guardian or student must file a written notice of appeal with the Superintendent within five (5) calendar days of the effective date of the long-term suspension. The Superintendent shall hold the hearing within three (3) school days of the student’s request, unless an extension is mutually agreed upon. The Superintendent shall make a good-faith effort to include the parent/guardian in the hearing.
Academic Progress During Suspension
Any student who is serving a short-term suspension, long-term suspension, or expulsion shall have the opportunity to make up assignments, test, papers, and other school work as needed to make academic progress during the period of his/her/their removal from the classroom.
Procedures For Emergency Removal
If the student’s continued presence poses a danger to persons or property, or materially and substantially disrupts the order of the school and, in the principal/designee’s judgment, there is no alternative available to alleviate the danger or disruption, the principal/designee shall temporarily remove the student from the school.
This temporary removal shall not exceed two (2) school days following the day of the emergency removal and the Superintendent shall be immediately notified of the removal. Additionally, during the removal, the principal/designee shall make immediate and reasonable efforts to orally notify the student and student’s parent/guardian of the emergency removal, the reason for the emergency removal, and the other information required in a short-term suspension notification.
The short-term suspension notice shall be provided in writing to the student and parent/guardian. The opportunity for a hearing with the principal/designee shall occur within two (2) school days, unless otherwise extended by the principal, student, and parent/guardian.
A decision regarding the student’s continued suspension or other removal shall be rendered the same day as the hearing and written notice shall be provided no later than the following school day.
This written notice shall include all the information required based on the type of discipline imposed (short-term suspension, long-term suspension, or expulsion).
Additional Procedural Protections for Students with Disabilities
In general, students with disabilities may be excluded from their programs for up to ten (10) school days per school year just as any other student. However, when the district seeks to exclude a student with a disability from his/her/their program for more than ten (10) school days in the school year, the student’s special education Team must first determine whether the student’s behavior was caused by, or was directly and substantially related to his/her/their disability or whether the conduct in question was the direct result of the district’s failure to implement the student’s IEP (a “manifestation determination”).
If the Team determines that the behavior was a manifestation of his/her/their disability or was caused by a failure to implement the IEP, it must conduct a functional behavioral assessment and develop a behavior plan (or review and modify an existing plan, if necessary), and return the student to his/her/their current program, unless the student’s parents and the district agree to a change in placement.
If the Team determines the behavior was not caused by, or directly and substantially related to the student’s disability or failure to implement the IEP, the school may discipline the student according to the school’s code of student conduct, except that during the period of suspension or expulsion, the district must continue to provide the student with a free appropriate public education (FAPE) and, if appropriate, conduct a functional behavior assessment and provide intervention services and modifications to prevent the conduct from recurring.
If the conduct involves weapons, drugs, or serious bodily injury, a special education student may be re- moved to an interim alternative educational placement for up to 45 school days regardless of the behavior’s relationship to his/her/their disability.
Additional information regarding the procedural protections for students with disabilities can be obtained from the Assistant Superintendent for Student Services at 508-841-8660.
Repeated Misconduct
School administrators reserve the right to administer disciplinary actions as deemed necessary.
- In cases of repeated misconduct, the school may file a CRA (Child Requiring Assistance) with the Worcester Juvenile Court. Students who fall into this category, in the opinion of the school administration, will be identified as a “habitual school offender” and will be assigned a Probation Officer. The school may attend the court hearing to provide documentation for the repeated offenses.
- This code takes into consideration state guidelines for appropriate disciplinary action for all students.
The following offenses, detailed in Mass. General Laws (MGL), Chapter 71, Section 37H, may be cause for expulsion from school:
- Any student who is found on school premises or at school sponsored or school related events, including athletic games, in possession of a dangerous weapon, including, but not limited to, a gun or a knife; or a controlled substance, as defined in MGL, Chapter 94C, including, but not limited to marijuana, cocaine, and heroin, may be subject to expulsion from the school or school district by the principal.
- Any student who assaults a principal, assistant principal, teacher, teacher’s aide or other educational staff on school premises or at school sponsored or school related events, including athletic games, may be subject to expulsion from the school or school district by the principal.
Any student who is charged with a violation of either paragraph (1) or (2) shall be notified in writing of an opportunity for a hearing; provided, however, that the student may have representation, along with the opportunity to present evidence and witnesses at said hearing before the principal. After said hearing, the principal may, in his/her/their discretion, decide to suspend rather than expel a student who has been determined by the principal to have violated either paragraph (1) or (2).
Any student who has been expelled from a school district pursuant to these provisions shall have the right to appeal to the superintendent. The expelled student shall have ten (10) days from the date of the expulsion in which to notify the superintendent of his appeal. The student has the right to counsel at a hearing before the superintendent.
When a student is expelled under the provisions of this section, no school or school district within the Commonwealth shall be required to admit such student or to provide educational services to said student.
If the student does apply for admission to another school or school district, the superintendent of school district to which the application is made, may request, and shall receive, from the superintendent of the school expelling said student, a written statement of the reasons for said expulsion. The school will not be responsible for providing educational services for the period of suspension/expulsion.
Suspending Students with Disabilities
- Suspension shall be defined as any action which results in the removal of a student from the program presented in his/her/their Educational Plan.
- The Special Education Department Director will receive a copy of the discipline notice when a special needs student is suspended.
- The Individualized Education Plan (IEP) for every student with a disability will indicate whether the student can be expected to meet the regular discipline code or if a modification is required. If a modified discipline code is required, it will be written into the IEP.
- If an Administrator determines an out-of-school suspension is appropriate, the student will be so informed and written notification will be sent by mail to the student’s parents/guardians. A copy of the special education “Notice of Procedural Safeguards” will be included in the mailing. Students may not return to school until the date specified. A parent/guardian meeting may be required. Suspended students must not be on school grounds or in the building during the period of suspension. A student has the right to appeal the suspension to the principal.
- A student with a disability may be suspended up to ten (10) days in any school year without implementation of procedural requirements outlined below.
- During suspension, the student will continue to complete work from the general curriculum and progress toward IEP goals.
Procedures for suspension of students with disabilities when suspensions exceed ten (10) consecutive school days or when a pattern of suspension exceeding ten (10) cumulative days has developed:
- A suspension of ten (10) consecutive school days or longer or a pattern of a series of suspensions must result in the reconvening of the Team. The Team, including school district personnel and the parent/guardian, will review the IEP, teacher observations, parent/guardian information and other relevant information to determine if the behavior was caused directly by the student’s disability or the district’s failure to implement the IEP. A “manifestation determination” will be completed as a result of this review and Team meeting.
- When a behavior is not a manifestation of the disability, the suspension may be implemented.
- If the behavior is a manifestation of the student’s disability, the Team will review the behavioral plan or conduct a functional behavioral assessment and develop an appropriate behavioral plan for the student.
Search and Seizure
Searches and seizures of students and student property will be conducted only when such search and/or seizure is deemed necessary by the school administrator (e.g. a school administrator has a reasonable suspicion that a student possesses an illegal substance and/or weapons and to preserve order and safety in the school).
School lockers/cubbies are school property assigned to students for use during the school year. Lockers and cubbies are subject to searches by the school’s administration and staff.
On occasion, the police department and school administration may have trained, drug-sniffing dogs check school property and lockers/cubbies for contraband. When violations of the law are suspected, the School Resource Officer and police officials will be contacted.

The possession of weapons in school or at a school-related event will result in an automatic suspension with building Administrators/Team/Counselor Review and parent/guardian involvement. The School Resource Officer will work with building Administrators to oversee this disciplinary action.
A student in possession of a weapon in school or at a school related event can and may be expelled from school for up to one full year.
Definition of a weapon:
A weapon is defined as any loaded or unloaded firearm, any knife, any martial arts device, any defensive weapon, or any tool or instrument which school administration could reasonably conclude as begin capable of inflicting bodily harm or which by virtue of its shape or design gives the appearance of a weapon.
Students who choose to skateboard or ride a bike to school must use the crosswalks on the school grounds. Students must be wearing a proper helmet.
Students must be off their wheels at the entrance of the school. Bikes are left in the rack at the front of the school and skateboards in the main office. Rollerblades and Heelies are not permitted anywhere on school grounds.

Cell Phones, Headphones/Earbuds, and Any Other Electronic Devices
Personal items such as these brought to school are the sole responsibility of the student. All electronic devices should be turned off upon entering the school and remain stored in the student’s backpack. The school is not responsible if these items are lost, damaged or stolen.
SchoolPulse: Helping Schools Reach Every Student
SchoolPulse will provide our schools with the blend of technology and human interaction so that no student gets left behind. The proactive wellness platform reaches every student through text, educating, and providing one-on-one support.
SchoolPulse is engaged by SPS to provide automated text messages, access to a weekly podcast, weekly wellness surveys, personalized responses and discussion with SchoolPulse representatives. SchoolPulse will not provide any personally identifiable information or protected health information disclosed in confidence by users unless it is reasonably determined by SchoolPulse that the disclosure of such information is necessary to prevent a potential emergency. SchoolPulse intends to provide any and all data to SPS. SchoolPulse services include a hybrid of automated responses and personal correspondence with students. As an emotional learning and wellness platform, SchoolPulse is not a suicide hot line or help line, but rather, an educational platform that helps educational settings in an effort to deal with the mental health as a resource for students and families.
Each elementary and midde school is staffed with a licensed school psychologist and certified adjustment counselor(s) who provide support to students who are experiencing challenges which affect their educational performance. Students may be referred for counseling by their teacher, the building principal, or the school nurse. Parents/guardians who believe their child should meet with a counselor should call the school psychologist and discuss their issues and concerns. The school psychologist works with both students receiving special education services and students in the general education classrooms.
The Shrewsbury School Committee has adopted a formal Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan. This plan, which can be found it its entirety on the district website, is fully compliant with state laws and regulations. Shrewsbury Public Schools will not tolerate any form of bullying and/or harassment, or retaliation for reporting incidents of bullying and/or harassment.
Reporting Bullying or Retaliation
Reports of bullying or retaliation may be made by staff, students, parents or guardians, or others, and may be oral or written. Oral reports made by or to a staff member shall be recorded in writing. A school or district staff member is required to report promptly to the principal or designee any instance of bullying or retaliation the staff member becomes aware of or witnesses. Each school will establish a procedure for staff to provide such reports by use of a written form and/or an online tool. In accordance with the law, reports made by students, parents or guardians, or other individuals who are not school or district staff members, may be made anonymously through the district website, with the understanding that no student shall be subject to discipline based solely on an anonymous report.
There are three options promoted by the Shrewsbury Public Schools for students, parents/guardian and community members who wish to report an incident that may be considered bullying.
- Reporting Option #1: The Shrewsbury Public School administration strongly encourages anyone who sees or hears of a suspected bullying incident to report the incident to a school administrator personally.
- Reporting Option #2: If for whatever reason, an individual does not wish to discuss a suspected incident in person, a link on the school district’s website will provide you access to a reporting form that can be filled out by the reporter, printed and given to the respective school administrator(s). If you are not sure of the school the student(s) attend, the form can be delivered to the School Department Office in Town Hall.
- Reporting Option #3: If a student, parent/guardian, or community member does not feel comfortable utilizing options #1 and #2 and would prefer to file a report anonymously, he/she/they can submit an anonymous report using a link on the district’s website. The submitted form will be sent to district and school administrators to be investigated.
Bullying Pledge for Students
All students and their parents/guardians are asked to review the Bullying Prevention Pledge. This pledge provides students with age-appropriate language to identify bullying, proactive ways to prevent bullying, and steps to take if they find themselves bullied.
We agree to join together with others in our school community to prevent bullying.
Bullying is:
- Acting in an unkind way that hurts someone: their feelings, body, or belongings
- Is done over and over again
- Causes the target of the bullying to be fearful about being in school
I will:
- Treat others with respect and kindness
- Help others if they are being bullied
- Include others who are left out
I can respond to being bullied by:
- Telling them to stop
- Seeking help from a friend, getting away, and getting help from an adult
Statement Prohibiting Bullying, Cyberbullying, and Retaliation
The Shrewsbury Public School district holds a core value of “respect and responsibility” and, as such, is committed to the continuous improvement of learning environments. In order to achieve these aspirations, the Shrewsbury Public Schools is committed to providing school environments where students are not subject to bullying and cyberbullying and the effects of such actions. Acts of bullying and cyberbullying are prohibited:
- On school grounds; on property immediately adjacent to school grounds; at a school sponsored or school-related activity, function or program whether on or off school grounds; at a school bus stop; on a school bus or other vehicle owned, leased or used by the school district; or through the use of technology, including use of the school district’s network for World Wide Web/Internet/intranet access; use of a personal electronic device when present at the locations cited above; or use of an electronic device owned, leased or used by the school district, and
- At a location, activity, function or program that is not school-related, or through the use of technology, including through the World Wide Web/Internet or use of an electronic device that is not owned, leased or used by the school district, if the acts create a hostile environment at school for the target, infringes on the rights of the target at school or materially and substantially disrupts the education process or the orderly operation of a school. Retaliation against a person who reports bullying, or who provides information during an investigation of bullying, or who witnesses or has reliable information about bullying, also is prohibited. As stated in M.G.L. c. 71, § 37O, nothing in the Bullying Intervention and Prevention Plan requires the district or school to staff any non-school activities, functions, or programs.
Retaliation against a person who reports bullying, or who provides information during an investigation of bullying, or who witnesses or has reliable information about bullying, also is prohibited.
As stated in M.G.L. c. 71, § 37O, nothing in the Bullying Intervention and Prevention Plan requires the district or school to staff any non-school activities, functions, or programs.
The Shrewsbury Public Schools complies with the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) restraint regulations, 603 CMR 46.00 et seq.(“Regulations”), to the extent required by law. According to their terms, the Regulations apply not only at school but also at school-sponsored events and activities, whether or not on school property. A brief overview of the Regulations is provided below.
Physical restraint, including prone restraint where permitted, shall be considered an emergency procedure of last resort except when a student’s behavior poses a threat of assault, or imminent, serious, physical harm to self or others and the student is not responsive to verbal directives or other lawful and less intrusive behavior interventions, or such interventions are deemed to be inappropriate under the circumstances.
The district shall have procedures for restraint prevention and behavior supports regarding appropriate responses to student behavior that may require immediate intervention. These procedures will be reviewed annually and provided to program staff and made available to parents of enrolled students.
Physical restraint shall not be used:
- As a means of discipline or punishment;
- When the student cannot be safely restrained because it is medically contraindicated for reasons including but not limited to asthma, seizures, cardiac condition, obesity, bronchitis, communication-related disabilities, or risk of vomiting;
- As a response to property destruction, disruption of school order, a student's refusal to comply with a program rule or staff directive, or verbal threats when those actions do not constitute a threat of assault, or imminent, serious, physical harm; or
- As a standard response for any individual student. No written individual behavior plan or individualized education program (IEP) will include use of physical restraint as a standard response to any behavior. Physical restraint is an emergency procedure of last resort.
Prone restraint is prohibited in Shrewsbury programs except on an individual student basis. Prone restraint is prohibited in Shrewsbury programs except on an individual student basis, and only when (1) the student has a documented history of repeatedly causing serious injuries to self or other students or staff; (2) all other forms of physical restraints to ensure the safety of the student and/or others have been attempted but failed; (3) there are no medical contraindications documented by a licensed physician instructing against such restraint; (4) there is psychological or behavioral contraindications as documented by a licensed mental health professional; (5) the program has consent to use such restraint in emergency situations as set out here and the Principal has approved such use in writing; and (6) the program documented steps 1-5 in advance of using such restraint, and maintains said documentation.Mechanical restraint and medication restraint is prohibited. Seclusion means the involuntary confinement of a student alone in a room or area from which the student is physically prevented from leaving. Seclusion does include time-out.
Time-out is not prohibited. Time-out means a behavioral support strategy developed pursuant to 603 CMR 46.04(1) in which a student temporarily separates from the learning activity or the classroom, either by choice or by direction from staff, for the purpose of calming. During time-out, a student will be continuously observed by a staff member. Staff will be with the student or immediately available to the student at all times. The space used for time-out will be clean, safe, sanitary, and appropriate for the purpose of calming. Time-out will cease as soon as the student has calmed. If a student has not calmed and the time-out may need to exceed 30 minutes, the principal or designee must be contacted in order to approve extending the time-out beyond this timeframe.
The Regulations do not prevent a teacher, employee or agent of the District from using reasonable force to protect students, other persons or themselves from assault or imminent serious harm or from restraining students as otherwise provided in the Regulations.
At the beginning of each school year, the principal of each building or his or her designee will identify program staff who are authorized to serve as a school-wide resource to assist in ensuring proper administration of physical restraint. These staff must have participated or will participate in in-depth training in the use of physical restraint. Such training shall be competency-based and at least 16 hours in length, with refresher training occurring annually thereafter.
Reporting Requirements
1) Informing the principal
The school staff member who administered the restraint shall verbally inform the principal of the restraint as soon as possible, and by written report no later than the next school working day. If the principal administered the restraint, the principal shall prepare the report and submit it to an individual or team designated by the superintendent for review.
2) Informing parents
The principal will make reasonable efforts to verbally inform the student's parents/guardians as soon as possible of the restraint, and no more 24 hours following the event, and will also notify the parent/guardian by written report sent either within three school working days of the restraint to an email address provided by the parent for communications about the student, or by regular mail postmarked no later than three school working days of the restraint. If the parent/guardian of a student receives report cards and other necessary school-related information in a language other than English, the written restraint report will be provided to the parent or guardian in that language. The principal will provide the student and the parent/guardian an opportunity to comment orally and in writing on the use of the restraint and on information in the written report.
3) Contents of the Report
The written report will include the information required in the Regulations, 603 CMR 46.06(4)
4) Individual student review
The principal of the program will conduct a weekly review of restraint data in order to identify students who have been restrained multiple times during the week. For students identified from this review, the principal shall convene one or more review teams to assess the student's progress and needs. If the principal participated in the restraint, an individual designated by the Superintendent shall lead the review team's discussion.
5) Administrative review
The principal will conduct a monthly review of school-wide restraint data. Based on that review, the principal will determine whether it is necessary to modify the school's restrain policy, conduct any additional staff training, or take other action as necessary to reduce or eliminate such restraints.
6) Report all restraint-related injuries to the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE)
When a physical restraint has resulted in an injury to a student or staff member, the principal will send a copy of the written report to the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) postmarked no later than three (3) school working days of the administration of the restraint. The principal will also send the DESE a copy of the record of physical restraints maintained by the principal for the 30-day period prior to the date of the reported restraint.
7) Report all physical restraints to the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE)
Every school will collect and annually report data to DESE regarding use of physical restraints in a manner and form directed by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) Complaints. Complaints and investigations regarding restraint practices are covered by District Policy 132, Steps for Handling Complaints.
Additional Information
The above procedures and guidelines will be reviewed annually with school personnel and shared with students and parents. A copy of the Regulations can be obtained from the Director of Special Education/ Pupil Personnel Services, who can be reached at (508) 841-8660. A copy of the Regulations of Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) may also be obtained at the following website:
Unless a copy of the order is given to the school, a non-custodial parent/guardian or anyone listed on the student’s emergency contact list will be allowed to dismiss/pick up a student from school.
The Shrewsbury School Committee has formulated Policy 316, which defines sexual harassment, establishes appropriate standards of conduct and sets guidelines for recognizing and dealing with sexual harassment. The text below is from policy 316; a complete copy of the policy is available in the main office of each school or at the Superintendent's Office at 100 Maple Avenue.
The Shrewsbury Public Schools strive to meet the intellectual, emotional, cultural, physical and social needs of the entire school community. Students are encouraged to develop to their maximum potential and acquire the skills necessary to become mature, responsible and productive citizens. Faculty and staff members work in a professional environment to help students fulfill these goals. Sexual harassment is an unlawful and destructive behavior that interferes with education and teaching and therefore will not be tolerated. The Shrewsbury Public Schools does not discriminate on the basis of sex and prohibits sex discrimination in any educational program or activity that it operates, as required by Title IX, including in employment.
The term "sexual harassment" means any sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other verbal or physical contact of a sexual nature when submission to or rejection of such advances is made a term or condition of benefits, privileges, or the basis of academic achievement; or such requests or advances create an intimidating, hostile, humiliating or sexually offensive educational environment.
- Sexual harassment includes verbal and physical behavior related to gender or sexual preference that creates an intimidating or controlling environment.
- Sexual harassment may include but is not limited to: unwelcome sexual advances or requests for sexual favors inappropriate touching or verbal comments inappropriate written messages of a sexual nature or intimidation based on gender or sexual preference leering or voyeurism displaying sexually suggestive pictures or objects in school.
- No form of sexual harassment will be tolerated by Shrewsbury Public Schools. Anyone found to have committed any form of sexual harassment would be disciplined.
- Retaliation against any individual for reporting sexual harassment is unlawful and will not be tolerated.
- Students should report the incident to a teacher, school guidance personnel, SRO or school administration. The school will inform parents and a meeting will take place.
- Individuals may also report concerns or questions to the Title IX Coordinator. Further information may be obtained by contacting Ms. Barbara Malone, Executive Director of Human Resources at (508) 841-8400
Reporting Sexual Harassment
Every report of sexual harassment will be taken seriously and investigated in a timely manner. Investigations will be conducted in confidence in such a way as to maintain confidentiality in the extent practicable under the circumstances.
To report information about conduct that may constitute sex discrimination or to make a complaint of sex discrimination under Title IX, please refer to the Shrewsbury Harassment Policy section of this document.
Whenever possible and/or if appropriate, any individual who believes that he/she has been harassed, should meet the harasser personally in order to resolve the issue on an informal basis. Students will be assisted and supported in this process by an adult in the school.
If the individual reporting the harassment does not want to meet directly with the harasser they must report the incident to the building administrator, the guidance/ adjustment counselor or the school psychologist. All cases of sexual harassment must be reported to the building principal. The Shrewsbury Public School district supports the right of parents and guardians to act on behalf of their Elementary and secondary (minor) children, including when seeking assistance under Title IX and participating in related grievance procedures.
Federal regulations prohibit schools from disclosing personally identifiable information they obtain through complying with the law, with limited exceptions, such as when they have prior written consent or when the information is disclosed to the parent of a minor child.
If a complaint is filed, the Title IX coordinator will provide copies of all relevant policies and procedures to all parties, including parents, guardians and other caregivers to ensure a thorough understanding of the district’s process. The parties are entitled to an equal opportunity to access relevant and not otherwise impermissible evidence or an accurate description of the evidence.
State and Federal Remedies
Grievance procedures for addressing harassment or discrimination are outlined in detail in the Shrewsbury Harassment Policy section of this document. In addition to the above, students and staff may file a formal complaint with either or both of the government agencies set forth below. Using our complaint process does not prohibit students or staff from filing a complaint with these agencies. Each of the agencies has a short time period for filing a claim (EEOC - 300 days; MCAD - 300 days).
The United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission ("EEOC")
The Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination ("MCAD").
The Shrewsbury School Committee’s Policies #316 and #645 deal directly with the issues of harassment. Copies of these policies are available in the Principal’s Office at each school or through the Superintendent’s Office, located at 100 Maple Avenue, Shrewsbury, MA 01545. Further information may be obtained by contacting Ms. Barbara Malone, Executive Director of Human Resources at (508) 841-8400.
The following grievance procedure, which was approved by the Shrewsbury School Committee, is to be used for all issues relating to harassment or discrimination involving student and/or staff:
1. The Shrewsbury Public Schools does not and will not knowingly discriminate against any student or employee on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, gender identity, sexual orientation or disability and prohibits discrimination in any education program or activity that it operates, as required by law, including in employment. All reports of harassment or discrimination will be taken seriously and investigated in a timely and equitable fashion. Reports will be addressed in such a way as to maintain confidentiality to the extent practicable under the circumstances.
2. Any individual who believes he/she has been the subject of harassment or discrimination should immediately report the incident, either verbally or in writing to an administrator, adjustment counselor, guidance counselor, or teacher. The Shrewsbury Public School district supports the right of parents and guardians to act on behalf of their elementary and secondary (minor) children, including when seeking assistance under Title IX and participating in related grievance procedures. The principal must be notified in all cases of harassment or discrimination. All cases of harassment involving a staff member will be reported to the Executive Director of Human Resources.
3. An administrator will first meet with the parties involved in an attempt to resolve the issue informally.
4. If the complainant is unable or prefers not to meet with the alleged harasser, the administrator, teacher, or counselor may assist the complainant in drafting a letter clearly describing the incident (behavior, where and when it occurred), how the complainant felt, and a request that the behavior stop immediately.
5. Any letter should be signed by the complainant, sent to the alleged harasser and be kept on file by the school administrator.
6. The alleged harasser may be encouraged to apologize, personally or by letter or to write a letter refuting the allegations.
7. In cases of alleged harassment requiring formal investigations, the following shall be implemented:
- The complainant shall have the support of a staff member of their choice and the alleged harasser will also have the opportunity to select representation (union representative, attorney, teacher, etc.).
- An administrator from the appropriate level will complete an investigation promptly and make a decision regarding the allegations.
- In serious cases, where alleged harassment does not stop following a warning, appropriate disciplinary sanction may be imposed, up to and including suspension or dismissal.
8. If the conduct violates the law, the incident will be reported to the appropriate authorities by the school administration. Retaliation or threats of retaliation are unlawful and will not be tolerated.
9. In all cases of harassment or discrimination, the investigating administrator will make a final disposition and issue a written report, which will be maintained in the school files.
10. The district will notify the complainant that a dismissal of a complaint may be appealed and will provide the complainant an opportunity to appeal the dismissal of a complaint. If the dismissal occurs after the respondent has been notified of the allegations, then the district will also notify the respondent that the dismissal may be appealed.
If the complainant cannot utilize the procedure detailed above because the alleged harasser is involved in the procedure, the complainant should contact the Superintendent of Schools. Complaints about the Superintendent of Schools should be made to the Chairperson of the School Committee.
Shrewsbury Public Schools is required by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) to publish an annual statement of non-discrimination. This notice serves to meet that requirement.
The Massachusetts Equal Educational Opportunity statute, General Laws Chapter 76, § 5, ensures that all students have the right to equal educational opportunities in the public schools. It is the policy of the Shrewsbury Public Schools not to discriminate on the basis of race, gender, religion, national origin, color, homelessness, sexual orientation, gender identity, age or disability in its education programs, services, activities, or employment practices. Further information may be obtained by contacting Ms. Barbara Malone, District Equity Coordinator, at 508 841-8400.
The Shrewsbury Public Schools are in compliance with state and federal laws prohibiting discrimination and harassment. The following laws apply:
- Massachusetts General Law Chapter 76, § 5, which states, “No person shall be excluded from or discriminated against in the admission to a public school or in obtaining the advantages, privileges, and course of study of such public school on account of race, color, sex, gender identity, religion, national origin or sexual orientation.”
- Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 is a Federal statue which states, in part, “No person in the United States shall on the basis of sex be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subject to discrimination under any educational program receiving federal assistance.” This requirement not to discriminate in educational programs and activities also extends to employment. The Executive Director of Human Resources is the Title IX Coordinator and can be reached at (508) 841-8400.
- Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, provides that no person in the United States shall, on the grounds of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance. Title VI provided for equal access and prohibits discrimination in the assignment of students to classes. It also prohibits discrimination in ability grouping or tracking students. The Executive Director of Human Resources is the Title IX Coordinator and can be reached at (508) 841-8400.
WHAT IF. . . are late for school?
If you are late to school, you should have a signed note from a parent or guardian explaining the reason for being late. You must check in at the main office before going to class and will be given a tardy slip that will admit you to class. Excessive tardiness is not acceptable. Please refer to the Sherwood Middle School attendance policy. have to get dismissed early from school?
You must bring in a signed note to the main office in the morning. You will receive a dismissal slip. When it is time to be dismissed, you will show this slip to your teacher, and then bring the slip to the main office where you will be dismissed. get sick or injured during school time?
The school nurse will decide if there is a need to leave school or seek further medical attention. In such cases, parents or guardians will be notified. Students are not to call home to ask a parent/guardian to come to pick them up unless explicitly authorized. The nurse will handle this. Please keep emergency contact information up to date. must contact your parents?
A telephone is available to students and is located in the main office. Your teacher may allow you to use the phone in the classroom with his or her assistance as long as it is not disruptive to learning. The best time to make calls is at lunchtime. You may not make calls at the end of the day. forget your lunch money?
The school does not want any student to go without eating lunch. Should you forget your lunch money and cannot make arrangements with home, the cafeteria manager will have a lunch available. This lunch must be paid for the next day. lose money or personal items?
If you lose money or personal items, your teachers and/or someone in the main office should be notified as soon as possible. You should also check the lost and found box in the main office. You should not bring large sums of money or any valuable item to school. lose or damage a textbook or a library book?
You are responsible for all books given to you during the year. Cover your texts and keep them covered to protect them from damage. You must pay for any book that is lost or damaged during the time that you have it signed out to you. The replacement costs of many of our school books can be as high as $60. have to stay after school for Homework Academy?
Homework Academy can be assigned by a teacher or an administrator. The school must be sure that any student who stays after school has made arrangements to get home safely. For that reason, an assigned Homework Academy usually means that you have the responsibility to make your parent or guardian aware so you can be picked up at the end of the day. If this cannot be done, the parent/guardian must get in touch with the teacher or administrator to work out an alternate solution. are not sure whether or not there is school because of a bad storm?
When it becomes necessary to cancel school or delay the opening of school because of poor weather, there will be announcements on several radio and TV stations and through our emergency call system. Please listen for these announcements and do not call the school.
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