Route/Bus Stop Communication and Changes
Parent/Guardian of SPS students can obtain bus route information in late August by accessing PowerSchool Parent Portal. A notification will be sent through email to families when the route and stop information is available.
Parent/Guardian of private/vocational school students will also receive an email in late August.
The district buses students to and from pre-established bus stops. Whenever possible, centralized neighborhood bus stops have been established. Making additional stops, even if the bus is passing your residence, will not be allowed. Do not request that the bus driver pick your student up in front of your residence if a centralized neighborhood bus stop has been indicated in your PowerSchool Parent Portal. We receive many phone calls about this. Having centralized bus stop locations is equitable, safe and saves both time and money. The Transportation Team has given AA Transportation strict instructions to maintain stop locations and notify the Transportation Team if changes are requested. If you feel there is an extraordinary safety circumstance that would justify a reevaluation of the bus stop location, a Bus Issue/Change Request Form must be submitted. This form is available on the Transportation main page under “Forms and Applications”. All non-urgent issues will be evaluated and addressed in the order that they come in. Once the evaluation is complete, a communication will be sent as to the outcome.
The school district may make modifications to bus assignments, routes and bus stops during the course of the year. These changes are made to improve efficiency or enhance safety. Parents and students will be notified in advance of the change start date.
Bus Privilege Registration
- Payment
- Refunds
- Free/Reduced Lunch Privileges
- Route/Bus Stop Communication and Changes
- Parental Responsibility
- Student Discipline
- Before/After School Care Alternate Location
- Route Planning
- Snow/Emergency Cancellations
- Emergency Evacuation Drills/Cancellations
- Video/Audio Recording
- Early Dismissals
- Missing Child
- Policies and Procedures (opens in new window)
- Private & Vocational School Transportation Registration
- Late Bus Information
- Dismissal Information For Early Release Days Due To Professional Development
- Bus Discipline Procedures and Consequences (opens in new window)
- Transportation FAQ's
- AA Transportation, Inc. (opens in new window)
- Bus Safety
- Change of Address
- Find Your Elementary School
- Safe Routes To School
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