Parent Drop-off and Pick-up

Parent pick up and drop off loop


Parents may drop children off beginning at 8:45 AM. The morning drop off window is from 8:45 to 9:15AM.  Student arriving after 9:15 AM will be marked tardy and must be signed in by an adult


Dismissal begins at 3:30 PM with all students picked up by 3:45 PM.  For each group of students there is a gathering location to ensure a safe dismissal.  Dismissal begins with walkers and parent pick up students being release to the gym.  Bus riders remain in their classroom until bus is called.  Buses are called 1 or 2 at a time.  Extended Day students are dismissed to the cafeteria.  

DISMISSAL CHANGES: If your students dismisal plan changes you must notify the teacher and/or Mrs. Turnblom ( in the office by phone or email.  


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