Lunch Times
Coolidge School welcomes parents to come and have lunch with their students. All parents need to do is come into the office, sign in on the Visitors' Log, take a red visitor's badge and enjoy your lunch!
Here are the lunch times according to grade:
Kindergarten 11:00-11:20/ Lunch Recess 11:20-11:35
Grade 1 - 11:25-11:45/ Lunch Recess 11:45-12:00
Grade 2 - 11:50-12:10/ Lunch Recess 12:10-12:25
Grade 3 - 12:15-12:35/ Lunch Recess 12:35-12:40
Grade 4 - 12:40-1:00/ Lunch Recess 1:00-1:15
- About Us
- Forms & Information
- Calendars
- School Lunch (opens in new window)
- Bus Registration
- Supply Lists
- Parent Drop-off and Pick-up
- Mental Health & Wellness Resources
- Communications
- Faculty & Staff
- Resources for Families
Policies & Procedures
- Elementary Student Handbook (opens in new window)
- Bullying Pledge for Elementary Students (opens in new window)
- Prevention Education Regarding the Use of Alcohol, Tobacco/Nicotine, and Drugs by Students (opens in new window)
- Prohibition of the Use of Alcohol, Tobacco/Nicotine, and Drugs by Students (opens in new window)
- Report Card
- Activities
- Summer Resources (opens in new window)
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