Parent Drop-off and Pick-up by Car
Managing the arrival and dismissal of over approximately 700 young students can be a significant challenge. Please review and follow the procedures for driving or walking your child to school to help us manage this safely.
All students attending Floral Street should come in one of three ways:
- On the bus
- As a front door or rear path walker (procedure outlined in a separate document)
- By using the car drop-off and pick-up procedure described below
Morning Parent Drop-Off:
From 8:45-9:15, auto traffic may not enter the main driveway from Floral Street. Cars must enter from the side driveway off of Whippoorwill Drive and then leave by the main driveway. Only those who need handicapped parking may enter, take a left at the first driveway, and park in the main lot.
Because there are many parents who have reasons for parking and entering school during the 8:45-9:15 arrival time (volunteering, meetings, helping students carry special projects, etc.), there is a special parking area for parents in the center of the blacktop area where parent drop-offs occur. All parents except those with disabilities or children with disabilities will be required to use the blacktop parking area in the mornings, and must enter it via the side driveway along with the rest of the morning auto traffic. Beginning at 8:45, a staff member will provide direction. Parents who park in the blacktop area will need to move their cars by 9:45 so that students can use the space for recess.
Please do not drop children off anywhere other than at the doors of the school; dropping them off on the street, in the driveway, or the parking lot creates a hazardous situation for your child(ren). Please do not pull out of the car line and cut in front of other cars after your child exits your vehicle in the morning.
Afternoon Parent Pick-Up:
Auto traffic must get in line starting at Whippoorwill Drive, turning left onto Bumblebee Circle, then left onto Honeysuckle Lane to the Floral Street Side entrance. Please see the map below. While waiting, please be respectful of neighborhood driveways and do not block them; please also refrain from turning around in neighborhood driveways. Cars may then leave by the main driveway.
Waiting for and picking up students in the main lobby is not permitted. This creates a significant safety concern for us as far as knowing with confidence that all students are dismissed properly, especially because the office is very busy near dismissal time. It is also an issue of fairness towards all families – we cannot have some wait in the pickup line while others use a quicker method. Dismissing students through the office in order to avoid waiting in line violates our school community’s value of “working together” and teaches children that following procedures is for others. We ask that you remain patient and take it slow in order to make arrival and dismissal as safe as possible for everyone.

Directions for Afternoon Pick-up:
- From Floral Street, take Whippoorwill Drive to the 4-way STOP sign.
- Continue STRAIGHT through intersection on Whippoorwill Drive
- Take next LEFT onto Bumblebee Circle
- Take first LEFT onto Honeysuckle Lane
- Take RIGHT into Floral Street School Driveway
To ensure safety in the neighborhood, please observe all stop signs and speed limits, and do not block driveways or intersections.
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