Managing the arrival and dismissal of over approximately 700 young students can be a significant challenge. Please review and follow the procedures for driving or walking your child to school to help us manage this safely.
All students attending Floral Street should come in one of three ways:
- On the bus
- As a front door or rear path walker using the procedure described below
- By using the car drop-off and pick-up procedure (outlined in a separate document)
Front Door Walkers:
Students are considered to be Front Door Walkers if they walk the entire way back and forth from home to school and reside in neighborhoods closest to the front entrance of the building (such as Floral Street, Bumblebee Circle, Whippoorwill Dr, The Commons at Haynes Farms, etc). Crossing guards are stationed on Honeysuckle Lane and Fruit Street between 8:30-8:55 to cross students on their way to school. Floral staff members will cross students at those same locations at dismissal.
Students should not be picked up or dropped off at the crosswalks by car. This presents a significant safety issue, as it obstructs the view of the walking students from car traffic. It also is impossible for crossing guards/staff to monitor students if they get into cars; as all cars will be unfamiliar to the adult on duty. Parents who are picking their children up in a car need to use the parent pick-up and drop-off line. Students who walk to and from school should be walking the entire way.
On days of inclement weather, parents are asked to call the school office anytime before 2:30pm to change their child’s dismissal routine from Walkers to Parent Pick-Up for that day.
Rear Path Walkers:
Students are considered to be Rear Path Walkers if they walk the entire way back and forth from home to school and reside in neighborhoods closest to the paved path that runs from the rear entrance to the school to Hillside Avenue. A Floral staff member will be stationed at the crosswalk between 8:35-8:55 am to greet students. A staff member will cross students at the crosswalk in the afternoon following school dismissal.
Students should not be picked up or dropped off at the crosswalks by car. This presents a significant safety issue, as it obstructs the view of the walking students from car traffic coming down the hill and around the corner. It also is impossible for staff to monitor students if they get into cars; as all cars will be unfamiliar to the adult on duty. Parents who are picking their children up in a car need to use the parent pick-up and drop-off line. Students who walk to and from school should be walking the entire way.
On days of inclement weather, parents are asked to call the school office anytime before 2:30pm to change their child’s dismissal routine from Walkers to Parent Pick-Up for that day.
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