Snack Program
Snack time is an important activity in the Preschool Program. Teachers use this time to model and talk with the children about healthy eating habits and good table manners. The Parker Road Preschool offers a nutritious snack program. If your child needs a special diet or has food allergies and accommodations need to be made for snack, please see the Preschool Director. Free snack is available for those in need. Please contact the Program Director for more information. School snack fee varies according to session and is approximately. 60 cents per day.

Toys from Home
Generally, toys from home interfere with children's ability to share, therefore, we ask that all toys be left at home. Shrewsbury Public Schools has a policy prohibiting weapons and toys that resemble weapons on school property. If a child brings a weapon or a toy that resembles a weapon to preschool, parents will be called to take the child home for the rest of the session.

Children still learning to use the toilet will be encouraged to do so in a supportive and positive manner. Training will be done in conjunction with parents in a manner that is consistent with the child's physical and emotional abilities. All children will be allowed to use the toilet. Children who are learning to be self-sufficient in the bathroom will have an easier time if they wear clothing that they can pull on and off themselves.

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