Director: Dr. Erica Pratt

Physical Education, Health Education, and Family Consumer Science collectively form a triad of essential subjects crucial for nurturing well-rounded individuals. Together, these subjects form the foundation for a comprehensive education that prepares students not only for academic success but also for thriving in all aspects of their personal and social lives. The relationship among these three interdependent disciplines is dynamic, interactive, and mutually supportive and each contributes specific content, perspective and expertise to the curriculum.

Physical Education:

  • Develops motor skills, physical fitness knowledge, sportsmanship, self-efficacy, and social and emotional intelligence
  • Includes planned, structured, and repetitive activities for improving or maintaining the components of health related fitness 
  • Addresses cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains of learning
  • Structured and standards-based approach
  • Promotes the development of physically literate individuals

Health Education:

  • Equips students with tools to make informed decisions about their health
  • Provides vital knowledge and skills to access information to maintain and improve health
  • Covers a wide range of topics including goal setting, nutrition, disease prevention, substance abuse prevention, mental health, and sexual education etc.
  • Equips students with tools to take responsibility for their own health and well-being that leads to healthy lifestyles
  • Teaches interpersonal skills such as communication, conflict resolution, and decision-making within relationships

Family Consumer Science:

  • Focuses on practical life skills related to home management and family well-being
  • Provides education on parenting skills, child development, and family dynamics
  • Prepares students for responsibilities and challenges they may encounter in adulthood 
  • Covers a broad spectrum of topics including meal planning, food preparation and interior design
  • Promotes self-sufficiency and independence in managing household affairs and to confidently navigate modern life


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