Early Childhood Education
2020-2021 Course Offerings
Child Development I
Semester Grades: 10-11 A Level Prerequisite: None
The course presents a fundamental knowledge of human growth and development to help one understand oneself and others. The focus is on gaining an understanding of children and the role that family plays in their lives. Emphasis is on skills essential to establishing a positive environment for maximizing a child's development physically, intellectually, emotionally and socially. Participation with the children in our Little Colonials Preschool supports our classroom learning.
Child Development II
Semester Grades: 10-11 A Level Prerequisite: Child Development I
This course focuses on the early stages of development from conception through early childhood. An in-depth study of the four areas of development helps students understand what needs to be considered to maximize a child's potential. Consideration is also given to the responsibilities of caregivers, issues related to health and safety of the young child, and special challenges that may be faced. Participation in both the Little Colonials' Preschool and Baby Think It Over Project offer experiences that help to connect academic and life skills.
Child Development II Honors
Semester Grades: 10-12 Honors Prerequisite: Child Development I
Students will be expected to incorporate service credits to their Child Development II course work. The service credits are assignments with programs in our elementary schools and in our preschools involving after school time. Four experiences of approximately 2 hours each are required. Two must be completed each quarter. Students will write a reflection about their experience including where they did their service, how many children were present, the ages of the children and a description of the activities that took place. Reflections must be passed in with a signed service verification sheet. Students will also complete one research project. Honors placement will be based on the teacher’s recommendation and past academic performance.
Early Childhood Education
Full Year Grades: 11-12 A Level Prerequisite: Child Development I and II
Students will coordinate their study of Early Childhood Education by participating in an on-site preschool lab. The students will focus on the entire operation of the preschool, including such topics as developing an appropriate environment, safety, health, routines and nutrition for children. The course will offer in-depth information on planning and implementing activities for children along with providing students with foundational work skills, techniques for guiding the behavior of children and guidelines for developing effective observation skills.
Early Childhood Education Honors
Full Year Grades: 11-12 Honors Prerequisite: Child Development I and II
Students will coordinate their study of early childhood education by participating in an onsite preschool lab. Students will be required to complete four service experiences in our elementary schools. Honors students will also submit three research projects. The students will assist with the facilitation of the entire operation of the preschool. The course will require in-depth planning and implementing activities for children along with providing students with foundational work skills, techniques for guiding the behavior of children and guidelines for developing effective observation skills. For honors credit, the student must execute a written agreement with the instructor for additional independent outside work. Honors placement will be based on the teacher’s recommendation and the student’s past academic performance.
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