Important Information for Families of Students in Cohort D

March 5, 2021

Dear Families of Students in Cohort D,

This is a reminder that all Cohort D families need to make a selection by Monday, March 8 to let us know if your child will continue to participate in all-remote learning at such time that your child’s grade level returns to full, in-person learning.  This choice will be for the remainder of the school year. 

Please go to the PowerSchool Parent Portal as soon as possible, log in, and click on the “Mode of Learning Selection for Cohort D” on your student’s page and select one of the two options: 

1. Change to full in-person learning when available

2. Continue all-remote learning (Cohort D) for the remainder of the school year

In order to assist you with this decision, please note the following answers to frequently asked questions.

Will students in Cohort D in grades PreK through 8 who currently have Shrewsbury Public Schools teachers be moved to a third-party, online education program?

No.  Cohort D students in Grades PreK-8 will continue to have SPS teachers if they remain in the remote program.

Will students who remain in Cohort D keep the same teachers they currently have in the remote program?

Our intent is to keep Cohort D students with their same teachers to the greatest extent possible.  However, some remote teacher changes may be necessary, depending on how many students move from the remote program to the in-person program.  For example, if there are two classes in the same grade where a large number of students in each class choose to return to school in person, one of those teachers would need to teach those students and the other teacher would teach the remaining remote students.  We want to minimize change and keep as many remote students with the same teacher as possible, but we cannot yet determine if that will be possible in all cases.

If I have my child return to in-person school, will I know who their teachers will be?

No.  We need to do extensive logistical work to determine where to assign students who are returning, and we cannot know at this time what teachers a student would be assigned to.

If I choose for my child to return to in-person school, can I change my mind once I find out their class assignment, or after they try it out for a while?

No.  Once we make class assignments, staffing assignments and schedule changes, we will not be able to accommodate further changes.  The decision you make now is for the rest of the school year. 

Will the Extended School Care program reopen in grades K-6?

No, there will not be extended day programming for the remainder of this year.

Will students still be distanced 6 feet apart in school?

In order to bring more students back in person, there will need to be less than 6 foot distancing in classrooms.  We will continue to follow other public health guidance for other settings, such as the guidance for 6 foot distancing in cafeterias when children are eating with masks off.

Will students be distanced 6 feet apart on the bus?

No.  New guidance from the state does not require distancing for elementary students, and allows 2 students per bench seat for middle and high school.  Masks and open windows are required.   

Will my child’s special education program remain the same if they return to in-person school?  

If your child receives special education services, your child’s program will need to be updated if you make a change in learning program from remote to in-person, and your child’s team will work with you on this over the coming weeks if that is your choice.

Will quarantine rules change when schools move to full, in-person learning? 

There has been no indication that the rules for close contacts and quarantining will be changed by public health officials (i.e., within 6 feet for 15 minutes or more).  

Again, it is important that you inform us of your determination for your child’s learning program for the remainder of this year by Monday, March 8.  

Thank you very much for your assistance.


Joe Sawyer

Superintendent of Schools

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