High School Visual Arts

The mural above was a gift from the Class of 2013 and painted by artists, David Fichter and Joshua Winer.
Shrewsbury High School's Visual Arts program provides students with extensive opportunities that develop their skills, knowledge, and perceptions through both creating and responding to art. Each course designed allows students to explore a variety of materials and techniques, but more importantly challenge students to solve various artistic problems. In doing so, students are encouraged to take risks in developing their work as an artist on a personal level, or as it relates to the world around them. Students will further develop their 21st Century Skills of learning with the use of technology, communication, collaboration and critical thinking. All courses are aligned to the Massachusetts Arts Curriculum Framework, as well as the National Standards for Visual Art.
The Visual Art program continues to be recognized for its outstanding student performance though local and state-wide exhibits, such as Art and Writing Scholastic Arts. In addition, SHS is a member NAEA - National Art Honor Society, where students have been an active Chapter for over 30 years.
Mrs. Blenkhorn
Mrs. Fox
Mrs. LeBlanc
Mr. Martucci
Mrs. Williams
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