Welcome to Spring Street School!

I look forward to working with all of you to make this a happy and healthy year for your children. Please make sure your child's health information is up to date with our office and that you are aware of our guidelines for safe bus transportation if your child will be riding our buses.

Health Information - Emergency Contacts, Immunization Records, Physical Exam Records, Medication Policy, Absence Due to Illness, Vision & Hearing Screening

Bus Safety - What to Do When Riding the Bus

The entire Medical and School Nursing Information for the elementary handbook can be reviewed by selecting the Policies and Procedures tab on the left side of the school's main page.

Rebecca Carle, BS, RN
Phone (508) 841-8706  Fax (508) 841-1595

Please see the Nursing Department Main Webpage for additional information, including links to resources, policies, procedures and health office forms.

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