CHILD FIND Notification
This notice is provided in compliance with State and Federal regulations for conducting Child Find activities in order to identify students who may be in need of an evaluation to determine eligibility for special education services.
It is the responsibility of the Shrewsbury Public Schools to identify any child who may have a disability who is either a resident of Shrewsbury or who attends a private school within the geographic boundaries of Shrewsbury even if the student is not a resident of Shrewsbury. This also includes students who are homeschooled.
Shrewsbury Public Schools is also responsible for the evaluation of those students to determine if they are eligible for special education or related services under Federal law, IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) or, Massachusetts State Law, 603 CMR 28 (Massachusetts Special Education Regulations).
Shrewsbury Public Schools is also committed to identifying children before their third birthday in order to provide early intervention services for three and four year-olds with disabilities. If you have questions or concerns regarding your child's development and would like to have him/her screened, please call Parker Road Preschool at 508-841-8646 to set up an appointment.
If you suspect that your child may need an evaluation to determine eligibility for special education services, you may request an evaluation, at no cost, through the Shrewsbury Public Schools Special Education and Pupil Personnel Department.
Please contact the Assistant Superintendent for Student Services, Margaret Belsito, at the following:
Additional Resources
- District and Building Contact Information
- Information and Resources
- RISE Program
- Child Find Notification
- DESE Special Education
- Occupational Therapy
- Section 504 Resources
- Speech & Language Therapy
- Supporting Students with Social and Emotional Challenges
- Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC)
- Translate a Document or Website Page
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