United Sound Musicians


Student services

15 Parker Road, Shrewsbury, MA 01545
Phone: 508-841-8660, Fax: 508-841-8661
Office Hours: Monday-Friday; 7:30 AM - 3:30 PM


The mission of the Special Education and Pupil Personnel Department is to identify students who meet the federal and state criteria for a disability requiring specialized instruction and/or accommodations through an Individualized Educational Plan or 504 Accommodation Plan. It is Shrewsbury’s mission to provide services in the least restrictive environment that will empower access to our students to become active members of society based on their individual strengths and abilities. As a district, we are committed to providing an inclusive setting of dedicated multi-disciplinary teams while involving parents and community members to help meet the academic, emotional and social needs of all our students in a respectful and positive environment.


Our vision is to afford all students the opportunity to succeed through high quality evidence based practices and we will do so by connecting and communicating with families, students, school teams, and the greater community. Together, we will focus on the positive attributes and recognize the individual strengths and achievements of our students while promoting their future successes.

Parent's Guide to Special Education

A Parent’s Guide to Special Education: in collaboration with the Federation for Children with Special Needs, DESE previously created "A Parent's Guide to Special Education", a resource for parents and organizations that serve them. Now, DESE’s Office of Special Education Planning and Policy is excited to share the newly developed, online, interactive guide to complement the original. The interactive guide is in the form of an e-learning module. Both the original Parent Guide and the e-learning module highlight Massachusetts' special education systems, and both were designed for families who have children with disabilities. The e-learning module is accessible through DESE’s Special Education homepage or directly at https://www.doe.mass.edu/rlo/sped/parents-guide/index.html#/.

Special Education Processes and procedure manual

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