Having Trouble Finding a Book You Like?
Everyone has difficulty selecting a book to read sometimes. Even the best readers find themselves re-reading books rather than exploring new ones. When librarians or teachers recommend books, they often start by asking about the last book that you read that you really liked (or movie or TV show). Unfortunately, that's not an easy question for most. So, what can we do about it?
The websites below use many different systems for finding a book you might like. Try one that may help you find your next favorite book. If the first one doesn't work for you - try another one! You'll be glad you did!

Shrewsbury Public Librarian's Recommendations
Shrewsbury Public Library has an enthusiastic staff. Check out their recommendations page to find books for all kinds of readers!

Goodreads is a social networking site by and for readers, but you do not have to join to use it. It focuses on reader recommendations. If you type the name of a book you like into the search bar, which is part way down the page on the left, you'll go to a web page featuring that book. Scroll down a bit and you'll see the heading "Readers also Enjoyed" with pictures of books that you are likely to enjoy. Click on the images of the book covers to learn more about each one. Then you can look for them in the library or on SORA!

Gnooks uses AI to predict what authors you will like. All you have to do is add the names writers you like and you'll get recommendations of other authors. You can then search the author's name in the OMS Media Center Catalog, or in SORA to find their books. It's very easy to use, and it might be my favorite for finding something new. (Gnooks also makes music recommendations.)

Whichbook recommends books by what you're in the mood for. You can look for books by Mood & Emotion, Character & Plot, where the book takes place, and other things that interest you!
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