Hours of Operations
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday
Morning Session 8:15 AM - 10:45 AM
Afternoon Session 11:40 AM - 2:10 PM
Sarah Monica, 508 841 8300 x2052
Classroom Teacher
508 841 8300 x2052
Afsheen Rao, 508 841 8835
Teacher Assistant
Philosophy Statement
Our philosophy of teaching young children in our preschool program is based on developmental ideals. We embrace the notion that all children have a natural curiosity to learn about and discover the world around them. We understand that young children develop at different rates and deserve a variety of opportunities and encouragement to feel successful in their endeavors.
Our daily routine includes both small and large group activities. The majority of the learning centers require children to make decisions about their learning. Throughout the day the activities vary from being active and exciting learning opportunities to reflective and discovery based activities where the goal is to establish a calm and reassuring atmosphere. At group meeting time we foster a sense of community and belonging. Children have the opportunity to share their thoughts and ideas and build confidence in their abilities in a large group setting. For others, meeting time is a chance to listen and begin to understand the meaning of togetherness and belonging.
Children are provided with a reassuring environment in which problem solving, risk taking, resolving conflicts, socializing, cooperating, expressing ideas, and creating a sense of community are fostered. Limits are set in supportive and clear ways to insure safety and respect for all individuals.
Our program has an additional component, which engages the assistance of high school students as volunteers in the classroom. The preschool classroom serves as the laboratory practicum experience for the high school students who are enrolled in the Child Development classes of the Family and Consumer Science department of Shrewsbury High School. The high school students study the theories of how young children learn and gain practical experience assisting in the preschool on a weekly basis.
Program Goals: Little Colonials Preschool
Our primary goal is to create a nurturing environment in which a child's emotional and social needs are met. We view these as the most essential areas in ensuring a child's sense of well being and belonging. It is important to us that we provide a positive first school experience for each child. It is from this foundation that life long learners are motivated to discover and achieve. Helping children to take the first steps in becoming friends, learners, problem solvers, and self confident individuals are valued achievements. Students are presented with a wide variety of learning opportunities both teacher structured and child directed. The emphasis is on building independence and the fundamental skills needed for a strong learning style to insure success as they continue their educational journey. Children leave our program having discovered and accepted the active challenge of learning.
We work closely with parents to bridge the transition from home to school. We value conversations and input form parents and realize that a partnership is needed to provide each child with the insight and understanding to meet their individual needs. Acceptance of others and respect for differences is valued on all levels of our populations including parents, preschoolers, teachers and high school students. Our sense of community is important to us and provides the arena in which we all learn from each other.

Connection to the High School Curriculum
The Little Colonials Preschool has been in operation since 1989 as part of the public school system in Shrewsbury. Students who are selected through the lottery process are required to pay tuition. Monthly payment plans are available. All fees including snacks are determined in the spring for the following academic year. Our preschool classroom consists of a multi-aged grouping up to 15 students ranging in age from 3-5 years in age. It consists of one classroom that runs a morning and an afternoon session. Little Colonials is part of the public school system and placement in the program is determined by lottery. Children must be 3 years of age by March 1st to be entered into the lottery. The Little Colonials preschool is run by the Family and Consumer Science Department of Shrewsbury High School. Weekly participation in the preschool by our high school students serves as a practicum experience for those students who are enrolled in the Child Development program.
Little Colonials preschool is staffed primarily by one Early Childhood Teacher and one Teacher Assistant. High School students who are enrolled in the Child Development and Early Childhood Education classes of the Family and Consumer Science Department of Shrewsbury High School function in the classroom as volunteers. On average there are five students in the classroom at one time to assist and learn.

Daily Schedule: Approximate Times Provided
Free Play: (45 minutes) Informal Child Directed Play
Meeting: (30 minutes) Music and Movement - Sharing and Conversation -Large Group Direct Curriculum Instruction
Small Group Activity: (15 minutes) Children engaged in activity designed to target specific learning goal. Preschoolers are in groups of 3-4 with two high school students leading the instruction
Snack Time: (15 minutes) Children seated with their small group activity peers.
Story: (15 minutes) Large group story and connected process activity.
Outside Time: (20 minutes) Children participate in outdoor play on our adjacent playground and bike path.
Dismissal: Parents of children in the Morning Group park at the side entrance door and meet us there for dismissal. Parents of children in the Afternoon Group enter the classroom to dismiss their child.
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